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Organisational Data

Learn about all the different types of data that can be imported, stored, managed and shared for each organisation registered on the SQUIZZ.com platform

Once an organisation has been registered within the SQUIZZ.com platform, there is the ability to import and store a number of different pieces of data against the organisation. This data can be used by the organisation to buy and sell within the platform, or for marketing, human resources, customer relationship management or other purposes.

Many of these data types can only be set against the organisation in the platform by importing the data from an external business system or data source, either by using the SQUIZZ.com Connector software, or via a business system directly integrating with the platform's API. Once imported the different kinds of data can be found within the Admin area on the organisation's profile page.

Organisational data such as sales orders, purchase orders, and issues can be directly created within the platform, as customers and suppliers connect and interact with the organisation.


  1. Prerequisites
  2. Products
  3. Customer Accounts
  4. Supplier Accounts
  5. Sales Representatives
  6. Purchasers
  7. Taxcodes
  8. Price Levels
  9. Sell Units
  10. Product Prices
  11. Locations
  12. Surcharges
  13. Product Alternate Codes
  14. Categories
  15. Category Trees
  16. Attributes
  17. Product Combinations
  18. Product Images
  19. Makers
  20. Maker Models
  21. General Ledger Accounts
  22. Sales Orders
  23. Purchase Orders
  24. Supplier Invoices
  25. Freight Providers
  26. Security Certificates
  27. Selling Regions
  28. Issues/Enquiries/Forms/Reports
  29. Data Sharing Policies
  30. Payment Types
  31. Payment Gateways
  32. Customer Account Payments Received


Before reading on please ensure that you have understood the following topics:


Each organisation can buy and sell products within the SQUIZZ.com platform. A product may be physical object such as a chair, or a non-physical product such as a ticket to an event. Each product can have the following fields set.

Product Details

  • Product Code
    Code that allows the product to be identified. Typically this code is unique to each product that the organisation sells. The product code may also be known as a Stock Keeping Unit (SKU), item number, product ID, or item code in other systems.
  • Product Name
    Name of the product. The name typically contains natural words that allow it easily understood by people on what the product is, or does.
  • Search Code
    Code that may be used by people to search for the product and appears within web page URLs. The search code would have keywords that people would typically use to find the product. The code may be made of several key words each split with a hyphen character. 
  • Synchronisation Key (Key Product ID)
    Unique identifier of the product that allows the platform to find the product and update its details, when a product is being imported from a connected business system or other data source. The synchronisation key is also known as the keyProductID within the Data API. The synchronisation key may be the same as the product code, or may be based on an internal unique identifier created in a business system's database (preferred option). 
  • Description1
    First description of the product. May contain any information about the product, such as how the product can be used, specifications, and any other detail.
  • Description2
    Second description of the product. May contain any information about the product, such as how the product can be used, specifications, and any other detail.
  • Description3
    Third description of the product. May contain any information about the product, such as how the product can be used, specifications, and any other detail.
  • Description4
    Fourth description of the product. May contain any information about the product, such as how the product can be used, specifications, and any other detail.
  • Barcode
    Barcode that appears on the product or its packaging.
  • Inner Barcode
    Code within the barcode that appears on the product or its packaging.
  • Brand
    Name of the brand associated with the product.
  • Language
    Language that the name, description and other text associated to the product have been written in.
  • Class
    Text that allows the product to be classified with other products.
  • Weight
    The amount each unit of the product weights.
  • Width
    The width measurement of each unit of the product.
  • Height
    The height measurement of each unit of the product.
  • Depth
    The depth measurement of each unit of the product.
  • Volume
    The volume of spaces that of each unit of the product takes up.
  • Unit
    The name of the unit that each product is sold in by default.
  • Stock Amount
    The amount of units that the product is stocked and available for purchase by the organisation.
  • Stock None Level
    The amount of product units that indicates that the product is out of stock.
  • Stock Low Level
    The amount of product units that indicates that the product is low in stock.
  • Taxcode
    The taxcode assigned to the product that determines the amount of tax that is applied against the product's price.
  • Prices Inclusive Of Tax
    For any pricing set for the product, specifies if the pricing is inclusive of tax or tax has already been applied to the pricing.
  • Is Combination Parent
    Specifies if the product represents a number of products and can show combinations options that allow a specific product to be chosen.
  • Is Product Kit
    Specifies if the product is made up by a number of component products that are bundled together to form a kit.
  • Kitted Products Set Price
    If the product is marked as a product kit, then this determines if the pricing of the product should be based on pricing directly set for it, or based on summing the pricing of the component products together.
  • Calculate Stock On Kit Products
    If the product is marked as product kit, then this determines of the stock availability of the product is based totalling the stock available across the component products, or based directly on the stock amount set for the kitted product itself.

View All Details Of An Organisation's Product

For people connected to an organisation as an administrator, follow the steps below to see the list of products uploaded against an organisation and view the details of a specified product:

  1. Login to the SQUIZZ.com platform from the Home page or mobile app.
  2. For small screens click on the Navigation Menu button
  3. Within the Navigation Menu click on the Organisations menu button
  4. Scroll and locate your organisation.
  5. Click on the Profile button.
  6. Within the organisation's profile page click on the Admin button
  7. Within the Admin section, under the Data section click on the Products button
  8. Within the Products dialog first amount of product records will appear. Click the Next button to load more products, or type in the product code or name within the search textbox to locate the product you wish to view the details for.
  9. Once the product record is found click on its Details button.

The Product Detail dialog will appear displaying the details of the product imported into the platform. Additionally click on the different tab buttons in the dialog will display the records associated with the product, such as pricing, categories, attributes etc...

There are multiple ways for non administrator people to see the products of an organisation. Either within the organisation's profile page clicking on the Products button, and navigating the category tree to find products (this requires a category tree to be set up for the organisation). Alternatively people who have access with the organisation's customer accounts can see the products within the Customer Account Detail dialog, wihtin its Products tab.

Customer Accounts

Each organisation may import customer accounts within the SQUIZZ.com platform. Each customer account represents an organisation or person who buys off the organisation as a customer. Each customer accounts defines the payment terms, payment methods, and pricing that the customer is allowed to buy goods and services off the organisation. A customer account is also known as a "debtor", which is used within accounting business systems to track the money that has been transferred between the customer and the organisation. Each customer account may have a number of records associated to it, including invoices, sales orders, back orders, payments and credits.

Customer Account Details

  • Account Code
    Code that allows the customer account to be identified. Typically this code is unique to each customer that the organisation has.
  • Account Name
    Name of the account. The name could the name of the organisation or person, based on if the customer is a person or an organisation.
  • Synchronisation Key (Key Customer Account ID)
    Unique identifier of the customer account that allows the platform to find the customer account and update its details, when an account is being imported from a connected business system or other data source. The synchronisation key is also known as the keyCustomerAccountID within the Data API. The synchronisation key may be the same as the account code, or may be based on an internal unique identifier created in a business system's database (preferred option).
  • Account Type
    Either Organisation or Personal. Denotes if the customer is an organisation or an individual person.
  • Organisation Name
    Name of the organisation associated with the customer account.
  • Contact
    Name of the person who is the primary contact of the customer account.
  • Authority Number
    Number issued by a government authority to the organisation if an organisation is associated with the customer account. Typically this number would be issued by the government authority in the country where the organisation is established. For example Australia this would be the Australian Business Number (ABN).
  • Email Address
    Email address that can be used to contact the customer.
  • Class
    Text that allows the customer account to be classified and optionally grouped with other similar accounts.
  • Shipping Method
    Primary method that may be used to ship goods to the customer.
  • Territory
    The territory or region that the customer account may be located within. The territory may be based on a postal regions, or be uniquely defined by the organisation.
  • Product Discount Percent
    Percentage amount to discount all product pricing by for the customer.
  • Active
    Either Yes or No. Denotes if the account is active and is allowed to be used to create sales orders for, as well as allow people assigned to it to view account information.
  • On Hold
    Either Yes or No. Denotes if the account may not able to be used (on hold) to create sales orders and buy products since certain terms of the account are no longer met. An account may be placed on hold until invoices or the account's balance has been reduced by the customer making payments.
  • On Hold Action
    If the account is marked as being On Hold, then set what can be done with the account when it is in this state.
    Can be set to one of the follow options:
    • Allow Ordering
      Still allow sales orders and purchases to be made by the customer.
    • Warn And Allow Ordering
      Still allow sales orders and purchases to be made by the customer, but have a warning message show when an order is attempted to be created.
    • Warn And Allow Ordering With Credit Card Payment
      Still allow sales orders and purchases to be made by the customer, but have a warning message show when an order is attempted to be created, and for the customer to pay for the order with a credit card payment.
    • Block From Ordering
      Stop the customer from being able to create a sales order with the customer account.
  • Out Of Terms Action
    If the account terms have not been met, then set what can be done with the account when it is in this state.
    Can be set to one of the follow options:
    • Allow Ordering
      Still allow sales orders and purchases to be made by the customer.
    • Warn And Allow Ordering
      Still allow sales orders and purchases to be made by the customer, but have a warning message show when an order is attempted to be created.
    • Warn And Allow Ordering With Credit Card Payment
      Still allow sales orders and purchases to be made by the customer, but have a warning message show when an order is attempted to be created, and for the customer to pay for the order with a credit card payment.
    • Block From Ordering
      Stop the customer from being able to create a sales order with the customer account.
  • Out Of Credit Action
    If the account's balance is has exceeded its allowed credit limit, then set what can be done with the account when it is in this state.
    • Allow Ordering
      Still allow sales orders and purchases to be made by the customer.
    • Warn And Allow Ordering
      Still allow sales orders and purchases to be made by the customer, but have a warning message show when an order is attempted to be created.
    • Warn And Allow Ordering With Credit Card Payment
      Still allow sales orders and purchases to be made by the customer, but have a warning message show when an order is attempted to be created, and for the customer to pay for the order with a credit card payment.
    • Block From Ordering
      Stop the customer from being able to create a sales order with the customer account.
  • Balance
    Specifies the monetary amount that the customer owes to the organisation. A positive balance denotes that the customer is owed money by the organisation. A negative amount denotes that the customer owes money to the organisation.
  • Balance Limit
    Specifies the maximum monetary amount that the customer is allowed spend and buy goods and services off the organisation. A negative amount denotes that the customer is allowed to buy goods and services without paying upfront.
  • Payment Terms
    Specifies the payment terms on how the customer must pay for invoices and make payments against the customer account.
  • Payment Methods
    List of payment methods that customer can choose from to pay for sales orders created within the platform.

Supplier Accounts

Each organisation may import supplier accounts within the SQUIZZ.com platform. Each supplier account represents an organisation or person as a supplier who the organisation buys off. A supplier account is also known as a "creditor", which is used within accounting business systems to track the money that has been transferred between the supplier and the organisation. Each supplier account may have a number of records associated to it, including purchase orders, payments and credits.

Supplier Account Details

  • Account Code
    Code that allows the supplier account to be identified. Typically this code is unique to each supplier that the organisation has.
  • Account Name
    Name of the account. The name could the name of the organisation or person, based on if the supplier is a person or an organisation.
  • Synchronisation Key (Key Supplier Account ID)
    Unique identifier of the supplier account that allows the platform to find the supplier account and update its details, when an account is being imported from a connected business system or other data source. The synchronisation key is also known as the keySupplierAccountID within the Data API. The synchronisation key may be the same as the account code, or may be based on an internal unique identifier created in a business system's database (preferred option).
  • Account Type
    Either Organisation or Personal. Denotes if the supplier is an organisation or an individual person.
  • Organisation Name
    Name of the organisation associated with the supplier account.
  • Contact
    Name of the person who is the primary contact of the supplier.
  • Authority Number
    Number issued by a government authority to the organisation if an organisation is associated with the supplier account. Typically this number would be issued by the government authority in the country where the organisation is established. For example Australia this would be the Australian Business Number (ABN).
  • Email Address
    Email address that can be used to contact the supplier.
  • Class
    Text that allows the supplier account to be classified and optionally grouped with other similar accounts.
  • Shipping Method
    Primary method that may be used to ship goods from the supplier.
  • Territory
    The territory or region that the supplier account may be located within. The territory may be based on a postal regions, or be uniquely defined by the organisation.
  • Product Discount Percent
    Percentage amount that indicates all product pricing discounted by the supplier.
  • Active
    Either Yes or No. Denotes if the account is active and is allowed to be used to create purchase orders for, as well as allow people assigned to it to view account information.
  • On Hold
    Either Yes or No. Denotes if the account may not able to be used (on hold) to create purchase orders and buy products since certain terms of the account are no longer met. An account may be placed on hold until invoices or the account's balance has been reduced by making payments to supplier, or until the supplier is allowed to supplier goods or services for the organisation again.
  • Balance
    Specifies the monetary amount that the organisation owes to the supplier. A positive balance denotes that the organisation is owed money by the supplier. A negative amount denotes that the organisation owes money to the supplier.
  • Balance Limit
    Specifies the maximum monetary amount that the organisation is allowed spend and buy goods and services off the supplier. A negative amount denotes that the organisation is allowed to buy goods and services without paying upfront from the supplier.
  • Payment Terms
    Specifies the payment terms on how the organisation must pay for invoices and make payments against the supplier.

Sales Representatives

Each organisation can import sales representatives into the SQUIZZ.com platform. Each sales representative defines a person or organisation who can sell products on behalf of the organisation, or manage the relationships of a number of customers. Each sales representative record may be assigned to one or customer accounts, which indicate the customers that the sales representative is designated to manage. People connected to the organisation may be assign to one or more sales representative records, which controls the customers that specific people are able to manage and gain access to. These people may be able to create sales orders for these customers, view account details, view conversations that the customer accounts are assigned to, as well as load up records such as invoices, back orders, payments or credits.

When a sales order is created, the sales representative may be assigned to the order to denote who created the sales order. It additionally allows sales statistics and other metrics to be reported by external business systems, that can be used to determine the effectiveness of different sales representatives creating wealth for the organisation.

Sales Representative Details

  • Salesrep Code
    Code that allows the sales representative to be identified. Typically this code is unique to each sales representative that the organisation has.
  • Salesrep Label
    Label of the sales representative. The label could be the name of the person or organisation who is the sales representative.
  • Contact
    Name of the contact person associated with the sales representative.
  • Active
    Either Yes or No. If Yes then denotes that the sales representative is active and is allowed to be used to get access to customer account information the sales representative is assigned to.
  • Is A Person
    If Yes then denotes that the sales representative is associated to an individual person such as employee, otherwise the sales representative is an organisation.
  • Synchronisation Key (Key Salesrep ID)
    Unique identifier of the sales representative that allows the platform to find the record and update its details, when a sales representative is being imported from a connected business system or other data source. The synchronisation key is also known as the keySalesrepID within the Data API. The synchronisation key may be the same as the salesrep code, or may be based on an internal unique identifier created in a business system's database (preferred option).


Each organisation can import purchasers into the SQUIZZ.com platform. Each purchaser defines a person or organisation who can buy products on behalf of the organisation, or manage the relationships of a number of suppliers. Each purchaser record may be assigned to one or supplier accounts, which indicate the suppliers that the purchaser is designated to manage. People connected to the organisation may be assign to one or more purchaser records, which controls the suppliers that specific people are able to manage and gain access to. These people may be able to buy off and create purchase orders from these suppliers, view account details, as well as load up records such as purchase orders.

When a purchase order is created, the purchase order may be assigned to the order to denote who created the order. It additionally allows statistics and other metrics to be reported by external business systems, that can be used to determine the effectiveness of different purchasers spending the wealth of the organisation.

Purchaser Details

  • Purchaser Code
    Code that allows the purchaser to be identified. Typically this code is unique to each purchaser that the organisation has.
  • Purchaser Label
    Label of the purchaser. The label could be the name of the person or organisation who is the purchaser.
  • Contact
    Name of the contact person associated with the purchaser.
  • Active
    Either Yes or No. If Yes then denotes that the purchaser is active and is allowed to be used to get access to supplier account information the purchaser is assigned to.
  • Is A Person
    If Yes then denotes that the purchaser is associated to an individual person such as employee, otherwise the purchaser is an organisation.
  • Synchronisation Key (Key Purchaser ID)
    Unique identifier of the purchaser that allows the platform to find the record and update its details, when a purchaser is being imported from a connected business system or other data source. The synchronisation key is also known as the keyPurchaserID within the Data API. The synchronisation key may be the same as the purchaser code, or may be based on an internal unique identifier created in a business system's database (preferred option).


Each organisation can import taxcodes into the SQUIZZ.com platform. Each taxcode defines a kind of tax that can be applied against product prices, and the amount of tax that is to be applied when the product is purchased by a customer. Each product can be assigned to one taxcode, which determines the tax that is applied. For example in Australia most products would be assigned to a "Goods and Services Tax" taxcode that has the percentage set at 10%. This means a tax of 10% will be calculated on top of product's price when purchased within Australia.

When sales orders and purchase orders are imported into an external business system, taxcodes can then be used by accounting systems to accurately track the amount of tax that has been applied against sales and purchases. This allows organisations to generate reports and financial documents to government, as well as determine the correct amount of tax an organisation must pay to the government.

Taxcode Details

  • Taxcode
    Code that allows the taxcode to be identified. Typically this code is unique to each taxcode that the organisation has.
  • Taxcode Label
    Label of the taxcode. Allows people to understand what the taxcode is.
  • Taxcode Percentage
    Percentage amount of tax to calculate on top of a price.
  • Active
    Either Yes or No. If Yes then denotes that the taxcode is active and is allowed to be applied against prices.
  • Synchronisation Key (Key Taxcode ID)
    Unique identifier of the taxcode that allows the platform to find the record and update its details, when a taxcode is being imported from a connected business system or other data source. The synchronisation key is also known as the keyTaxcodeID within the Data API. The synchronisation key may be the same as the taxcode, or may be based on an internal unique identifier created in a business system's database (preferred option).

Price Levels

Each organisation can import price levels into the SQUIZZ.com platform. Price levels allow for multiple prices to be set against each product. Customer accounts are then designated to a price level, and this determines the pricing that the customer will see when purchasing products. Price levels allow organisations to sell a product at different prices to certain customers. For example customers who repeatedly buy in bulk may be assigned to a price level that allows them to buy products at a cheaper price than other customers who buy less and are assigned to a more expensive price level. Price levels can be also be used to set prices of products for customers within different regions of a country or international.

Organisations typically designate one price level to set the Recommended Retail Price (RRP) prices. This price level can be used to show a comparison of what a customer would pay if they were buying products at full retail prices, compared to the cheaper prices they pay because they are on a discounted price level.

Setting product prices against a chosen number price levels can be an effective way of controlling customer pricing, discounting, as well as managing customer relationships, without have to set highly customised pricing for each individual customer.

Price Level Detail

  • Price Level Label
    Label of the price level. Set a label that allows the price level to be identified by employees, sales representatives, and possibly customers.
  • Active
    Either Yes or No. If yes then the price level can be used to calculate product prices.
  • Synchronisation Key (Key Price Level ID)
    Unique identifier of the price level that allows the platform to find the record and update its details, when a price level is being imported from a connected business system or other data source. The synchronisation key is also known as the keyPriceLevelID within the Data API.

Sell Units

Each organisation can import sell units into the SQUIZZ.com platform. Sell units define how products are sold as individual units or in collections such as packs, boxes, cartons, or truck loads. Each sell unit defines how many individual units make up the whole sell unit. For example a sell unit called "Pack" could define a product having 6 individual units that make up a pack. When a person buys 2 packs of that product they will actually receive 12 individual units of that product, most likely packaged up in 2 boxes.

Each product can have one or more sell units assigned to it. This then allows people and organisations to be able to choose how much of the product they wish to purchase and in what form the product is packaged. When sell units are imported into platform against an organisation, this defines the kind of sell units that the organisation sells. Then these sell units can be assigned to each product and define the number individual units that are included in the sell unit for a given product. For example the organisation may create sell units called "Each", "Pack", and "Carton". For a product called "towel" it may be assigned to the Each, and Pack sell units, where for the pack sell unit it contains 10 individual towels. A different product called "Soap Bar" could also be assigned to the pack unit, but it could designate that 24 individual soap bars make up one pack.

Sell Unit Hierarchy

Sell units may reference another sell unit as being the parent. When done this allows the platform to calculate the amount of sell units that may make up another sell unit. For example the Soap Bar product it could be assigned to the Each, Pack, and Carton sell units. The Carton unit can have its parent unit set to Pack, and the Pack unit's parent could be the Each unit. For the product it can then be set that 1 Carton is made up of 4 Packs, and 1 Pack is made up of 24 individual (Each) Soap Bars. This then allows the platform calculate that 1 Carton would contain 96 individual soap bars, and allow that to show the person who is viewing the product.

Base Sell Unit

One sell unit may be set as the base sell unit. If no sell units have been assigned to a product then the base sell unit will be used for the product. The base sell unit defines the sell unit that a product can be individually sold as.

Sell Unit Detail

  • Sell Unit Code
    Code that allows the sell unit to be identified. Typically this code is unique to each sell unit that the organisation has.
  • Sell Unit Label
    Label of the sell unit. Set a label that allows the sell unit to be identified and understood by employees, sales representatives, and customers on how the products are packaged with it.
  • Parent Sell Unit Label
    Displays the label of the sell unit that is the parent of the sell unit.
  • Active
    Either Yes or No. If yes then the sell unit can be selected by people to buy a product with.
  • Is Base Unit
    Either Yes or No. If Yes then the sell unit is the base sell unit. Only one sell unit should be the base sell unit.
  • Synchronisation Key (Key Sell Unit ID)
    Unique identifier of the sell unit that allows the platform to find the record and update its details, when a sell unit is being imported from a connected business system or other data source. The synchronisation key is also known as the keySellUnitID within the Data API.

Product Prices

Each organisation can import product prices into the SQUIZZ.com platform. Products can have multiple prices set via the use of price levels, be applicable when certain quantities of a product is being purchased, or be set to specific customers. This allows the platform to calculate prices based on the unique relationships, agreements, and quantities ordered by an organisation's customers.

Product Price-Level Prices

Each organisation can import price-level prices for each product into the SQUIZZ.com platform. Price-level prices allow several different prices to be set for individual products units. Each price is assigned to price-level for a product, which then allows the platform to choose one of the price level prices based on a customer account's designated price level. This allows many customers to be assigned to the same price-level as see the same price for product without having to set the product price a one-by-one customer basis. It is recommended to use price-level pricing wherever possible to cut down the amount of data management that an organisation needs to do.

Product Price-Level Quantity Prices

Each organisation can import price-level quantity prices for each product into the SQUIZZ.com platform. Price-level quantity prices allow several different prices to be set when certain quantity of a product is ordered. Each price is assigned to price-level for a product, which then allows the platform to choose one of the price level prices based on a customer account's designated price level and the customer buying a certain quantity. Product price-level quantity prices may also be known as "Volume Discount Prices" or "Quantity Break Prices".

Product quantity price-level prices are used to entice customers to buy more quantities of a product since they will receive a reduced price on each unit. For each product and price level you can define multiple quantity based prices. This can allow customers to receive bigger discounts when they have ordered more than certain quantity break thresholds.

Quantity Pricing Direction

Quantity based pricing can be set to apply based on a certain direction configured in the ordering direction:

  • Equal And Above
    Prices set for a defined quantity equal to or above the quantity set by a person purchasing a product will become applicable.
    For example it can set the rule:
    Buy 5 or more products Each for $10.00
    Buy 10 or more products Each for $8.00
  • Above
    Prices for a defined quantity above the quantity set by a person purchasing a product will become applicable.
    For example it can set the rule:
    Buy more than 5 products Each for $10.00
    Buy more than 10 products Each for $8.00
  • Equal And Below
    Prices for a defined quantity equal to and below the quantity set by a person purchasing a product will become applicable.
    For example it can set the rule:
    Buy 5 or less products Each for $10.00
    Buy 10 or less products Each for $8.00
  • Below
    Prices for a defined quantity below the quantity set by a person purchasing a product will become applicable.
    For example it can set the rule:
    Buy less than 5 products Each for $10.00
    Buy less than 10 products Each for $8.00

Product Customer Account Prices

Each organisation can import customer account quantity prices for each product into the SQUIZZ.com platform. Customer account prices allow products to be sold to specific customers at a certain price. They allow selected customers to get highly customised pricing for chosen products. This allows chosen customers to get pricing based on agreed deals or contracts made with them.

Quantity Customer Account Prices

Customer account pricing may be imported that is applicable only when certain quantities are ordered. This can be used to entice customers to buy more of a product and allow them to receive discounts on individual units of a product. Quantity pricing works the same as Product Price-Level Quantity Prices based on the organisation's Quantity Price Direction setting.

Contract/Forced Customer Account Prices

Customer account prices can be set to be forced even if a customer's account is assigned to a price-level that allows the customer to get a cheaper price for the product. An organisation may wish to do this if the customer is assigned to a contract that locks in pricing for certain products for a given period of time.

Price Detail

  • Product Code
    Code of the product that the price is applied to.
  • Price Level Label
    Label of the price level that price is assigned to. This is not applicable to customer account pricing.
  • Sell Unit Code
    Code the sell unit that the price is applied to. If the sell unit has not been set then the base sell unit will be used.
  • Price
    Price set for the product. The price may be inclusive of tax or exclusive of tax, depending on if the product's Is Tax Inclusive field is set to Yes or No.
  • Quantity
    Quantity that the price is applicable to. Only applicable to quantity price-level pricing and customer account pricing.
  • Customer Account
    Customer account that the price is assigned to. Only applicable for customer account pricing.
  • Tax Rate
    Sets that tax rate that may be explicitly applied to the price. If not set then the tax rate is defined based on the tax code assigned to the product that the price is assigned. Only set a tax rate against a price if absolutely necessary.
  • Reference Type
    Defines the type of record that the price may reference off. This could be a contract, a contract that enforces pricing, or a promotion.
  • Reference ID
    ID of the record that the price may reference. This could be the ID of a contract, or promotion.


Each organisation can import locations into the SQUIZZ.com platform, as well as create locations within the organisation's profile in the platform. Locations can represent a physical geographic location such as a store, warehouse, or site at a specified address. Locations may also represent the internal area of building, or theoretical non-physical location.

Location Products

Each location may store the stock of a number of products that the organisation sells. When the organisation's location data is imported into the platform, it may included the products that are assigned to each location, and the quantity of product stock available at the location. The location product stock quantities may be used to influence certain sales representatives or customers to buy stock from the given location. It can also be used to influence purchasing people in the organisation to purchase more stock and have be delivered to a certain location.

Location Customer Accounts

When the organisation's customer accounts are imported into the platform, each account may be assigned to selected locations. This can be used to control the product stock that customers can see and purchase from.

Location Detail

  • Location Code
    Code that allows the location to be identified. Typically this code is unique to each location the organisation has.
  • Location Label
    Label of the location. Set a label that allows the location to be identified by employees, sales representatives, customers and any other people looking at the organisation's locations. The label may be a name of suburb where a store is located, or the street name and suburb, or the name of the country where the location is based.
  • Address1
    First part of the location's address, such as the unit number/apartment number/street number.
  • Address2
    Second part of the location's address, such as the street name.
  • Address3
    Third part of the location's address, such as the suburb, town or city name.
  • State/Province/Region
    Set the state, province, or region of the country where the location exists.
  • Country
    Set the country where the location exists.
  • Postcode/Zipcode
    Set the mailing post code or zipcode of the location's address.
  • Contact
    Name of the person who is the primary contact at the location.
  • Phone Number
    Primary phone number that be used to call the location.
  • Fax Number
    Fax number at the location.
  • Latitude
    The latitude geographic coordinate of the location that allows the location to be found on a map.
  • Longitude
    The longitude geographic coordinate of the location that allows the location to be found on a map.
  • Language
    Primary language that is spoken at the location.
  • Established Date
    Date that the location was established.
  • Closure Date
    Date that the location ceased operating, or closed down. Ignore if the organisation is currently operating at the location.
  • Location Type
    Specify the type of location, such as if it is an office, head office, warehouse, store or site.
  • Is Geographic
    If Yes then denotes that the location physically exists in the world.
  • Active
    Either Yes or No. If yes then the location may be displayed to people, and used to display stock quantities or levels.
  • Synchronisation Key (Key Location ID)
    Unique identifier of the price level that allows the platform to find the record and update its details, when a location is being imported from a connected business system or other data source. The synchronisation key is also known as the keyLocationID within the Data API.


Each organisation can import surcharges into the SQUIZZ.com platform. Each surcharge defines an extra charge that may applied to sales orders, based on certain rules being met by the customer when buying products. For example an organisation may define a "Credit Card" surcharge that gets applied when a customer buys products off the organisation and pays for the order with a credit card. Another typical example is that an organisation may define a "Freight" surcharge that gets calculated at different prices depending on where a customer wants ordered goods to be delivered to. Below is a list of typical surcharges that organisations may define:

  • Credit Card Surcharge
  • Freight Surcharge
  • Handling Surcharge
  • Minimum Order Surcharge
  • International Order Surcharge
  • Dangerous Goods Surcharge

Surcharges can be applied to sales orders based on highly customised rules being set up in the Sales Order Rules area of an organisation's profile. Once a sales order contains surcharges and is imported back to an external business system of the organisation, the system may be able to generate reports based on the surcharges applied to orders.

Surcharge Details

  • Surcharge Code
    Code that allows the surcharge to be identified. Typically this code is unique to each surcharge that the organisation has.
  • Surcharge Label
    Label of the surcharge. Allows people to understand what the surcharge applies to.
  • Surcharge Type
    Set the type of surcharge that the platform specifically handles, this can be a freight surcharge, credit card surcharge, or minimum order surcharge.
  • Active
    Either Yes or No. If Yes then denotes that the surcharge is active and is allowed to be applied against sales orders.
  • Synchronisation Key (Key Surcharge ID)
    Unique identifier of the surcharge that allows the platform to find the record and update its details, when a surcharge is being imported from a connected business system or other data source. The synchronisation key is also known as the keySurchargeID within the Data API. The synchronisation key may be the same as the surcharge code, or may be based on an internal unique identifier created in a business system's database (preferred option).

Product Alternate Codes

Each organisation can import product alternate codes into the SQUIZZ.com platform. Each alternate code defines different kind of code that may be used to find a product that the organisation has. A product may be assigned to several different alternate codes based on codes from different suppliers, manufacturers, industries, or other sources.

Supplier Product Codes/Customer Product Codes

When imported each alternate code can be assigned to a product as well as assigned to either a supplier account or a customer account. This indicates that the alternate code of the product specifically relates to the product within the supplier's or customer's business systems. The platform can use alternate codes to automatically find matching products of a supplier organisation, which can dramatically reduce manual data entry when going through the Order Procurement process. In external business systems alternate codes may be directly set against products, or could be found when purchase orders are created and product lines have a supplier product code set.

Product Alternate Codes Details

  • Alternate Code
    The alternate code assigned to the product. This may be a supplier's product code, customer's product code, manufacturer code, industry standardised code, or code of another product.
  • Product Code
    Code of the product that the alternate code is assigned to.
  • Customer Account Code
    Code of the customer account that is associated to the alternate code. Indicates that the code was created by or exists in the customer's system.
  • Supplier Account Code
    Code of the supplier account that is associated to the alternate code. Indicates that the code was created by or exists in the supplier's system.
  • Is Supplier Code
    Set to either the values 'Y' or 'N', if set to Y then denotes that the alternate code of the product matches the product code of the same product in the supplier's system.
  • Is Use Code
    Set to either the values 'Y' or 'N', if set to Y then denotes that the alternate code is a reference to another product's code, and that the other product should be purchased instead of the product that the alternate code is assigned. This is used when products are being deprecated in favour of another product.


Each organisation can import categories into the SQUIZZ.com platform. Each category represents a collection of goods or services that an organisation offers. Each category may have any number of products assigned to it, and each product may be assigned to several categories. Additionally each category may be assigned to one other category, called its "parent". This allows people to navigate through a series of categories to find the products that they are looking for. This structure of having products and categories assigned to other categories creates a "category tree" data structure.

Category Details

  • Category Code
    Code that allows the category to be identified. Typically this code is unique to each category that the organisation has.
  • Name
    Name of the category. The name allows people to understand the kinds of products that the category covers.
  • Description 1
    First description of the category. May contain any information about the category, such as details of the kinds of products it represents, or other child categories.
  • Description 2
    Second description of the category. May contain any information about the category, such as details of the kinds of products it represents, or other child categories.
  • Description 3
    Third description of the category. May contain any information about the category, such as details of the kinds of products it represents, or other child categories.
  • Description 4
    Fourth description of the category. May contain any information about the category, such as details of the kinds of products it represents, or other child categories.
  • Meta Title
    Meta title of the category. The meta title contains a label of the category, that may be embedded within web pages. The meta title may be used by search engine software to rank the category and its relevancy.
  • Meta Keywords
    Meta keywords of the category. The meta keywords contains words that describe the category, that may be embedded within web pages. The meta keywords may be used by search engine software to rank the category and its relevancy.
  • Meta Description
    Meta description of the category. The meta description contains text that describe the category, that may be embedded within web pages. The meta description may be used by search engine software to rank the category and its relevancy.
  • Ordering
    Number to order the category by. This may be used to order a number of categories in a hierarchical tree that are all assigned to the same parent category.
  • Synronisation Key (Key Category ID)
    Unique identifier of the category that allows the platform to find the record and update its details, when a category is being imported from a connected business system or other data source. The synchronisation key is also known as the keyCategoryID within the Data API. The synchronisation key may be the same as the category code, or may be based on an internal unique identifier created in a business system's database (preferred option).
  • Parent Category
    Indicates the category that a category is assigned to. People will be able to see this category in a list of other categories and products when viewing the parent category.
  • Category Tree
    Specifies the category tree that a category belongs to. The category will only be visible when people are navigating the category tree that the category belongs to.


Category Trees

Each organisation can import category trees into the SQUIZZ.com platform. Each category tree represents a collection of categories and products that can be navigated in a hierarchical structure. People may be able to navigate different category trees to search for the products that the organisation offers. Each category tree typically represents an overall catelogue, that may be targeting a specific season, industry, or collection of categories for brand search, or an overall product list.

Category Tree Details

  • Category Tree Code
    Code that allows the category tree to be identified. Typically this code is unique to each category tree that the organisation has.
  • Name
    Name of the category. The name allows people to understand the kinds of products and categories that can be searched through the category tree.
  • Description
    Description of the category tree. May contain any information about the category tree, such as details of the kinds of products or categories that can be searched on.
  • Category Tree Search Code
    Code of the category tree that may be placed in URLs to allow it to be found and ranked on. Place keywords within the search code, and may it unique to each category tree.
  • Ordering
    Number to order the category tree by. This may be used to order the category trees when displayed in a list.
  • Is Default Tree
    Specifies if the category tree is the default or not. If the tree is the default then categories may be assigned to it if no category tree is assigned against a category. Default trees cannot be deactivated.


Each organisation can import attributes into the SQUIZZ.com platform, as well as attribute profiles, product attribute values, and maker model attribute values. Attributes defines extra fields that can store additional data against products, downloads, labour, maker models, and maker model product mappings. Attributes allow people to see this additional data in a list way. Each attribute defines if the values stored against it are either in the STRING, or NUMBER data types. Storing the attribute's values as numbers allows the values to be sorted numerically, otherwise be sorted alphabetically. Multiple values can be assigned to each attribute.

Attribute Profiles

Attributes are grouped together through the use of "Attribute Profiles". Each attribute can be assigned to one attribute profile, and an attribute profile may have many attributes assigned to it.

  • Name
    Name of the attribute profile. Set a label that indicates the kinds of attributes that assigned against it, or the group it represents.
  • Description
    Describe in more detail the kinds of attributes that the profile represents or can be indentified by.
  • Synchronisation Key (Key Attribute Profile ID)
    Unique identifier of the attribute profile that allows the platform to find the record and update its details, when a attribute profile is being imported from a connected business system or other data source. The synchronisation key is also known as the keyAttributeProfileID within the Data API. The synchronisation key may be based on an internal unique identifier created in a business system's database (preferred option).

Attribute Details

  • Name
    Name of the attribute. Set a label that indicates the kinds of values stored against the attribute.
  • Data Type
    Set to either number or string. Storing the attribute's values as numbers allows the attribute's values to be sorted numerically, otherwise be sorted alphabetically. Multiple values can be assigned to each attribute.
  • Synchronisation Key (Key Attribute ID)
    Unique identifier of the attribute that allows the platform to find the record and update its details, when a attribute is being imported from a connected business system or other data source. The synchronisation key is also known as the keyAttributeID within the Data API. The synchronisation key may be based on an internal unique identifier created in a business system's database (preferred option).
  • Attribute Profile
    The profile that the attribute is assigned to a grouped with other attributes.

Product Combinations

Each organisation can import product combination data structure into the SQUIZZ.com platform. Product Combinations allows products to be found based on a collection of products being assigned to and represented by a parent product. The parent product is assigned to a Combination Profile, that defines fields and field values. These fields and field values are then assigned to each of the child products. When a parent product is viewed, the fields and field values can be selected, and its the combination of these selections that can allow the speciifc child products to be found, viewed, and purchased.

Product Combination data structures can very helpful to quickly find a specific product, from a collection of similar products, such as if a certain style of t-shirt was being sold, then "Size" and "Colour" fields can be defned, from where the specific sizes and colours selected can 

Combination Profile Details

  • Proifle Name
    Name of the combination profile. Set a label that indicates the kinds of fields and values that are assigned against it, or the group of fields it represents.
  • Description
    Describe in more detail the kinds of fields or details that the profile represents or can be indentified by.
  • Synchronisation Key (Key Combo Profile ID)
    Unique identifier of the combination profile that allows the platform to find the record and update its details, when a combination profile is being imported from a connected business system or other data source. The synchronisation key is also known as the keyComboProfileID within the Data API. The synchronisation key may be based on an internal unique identifier created in a business system's database (preferred option).

Combination Profile Field Details

  • Field Name
    Name of the Combination Profile's field. Set a label that indicates the kinds of values that are assigned against it, or the group of values it represents.
  • Ordering
    Set a numeric value that controls how the field is sorted when listed with other fields belonging to the same combination profile.
  • Synronisation Key (Key Combo Profile Field ID)
    Unique identifier of the combination profile field that allows the platform to find the record and update its details, when a combination profile field is being imported from a connected business system or other data source. The synchronisation key is also known as the keyComboProfileFieldID within the Data API. The synchronisation key may be based on an internal unique identifier created in a business system's database (preferred option).
  • Field Values
    Labels of the field values, that each indicate a value that can be selected from. 
  • Field Value IDs (Key Combination Profile Field Value ID)
    Key identifiers of each of the field values of the combination profile. Each identifier must be unique to the organisation, and is used to update or create the field values when being imported against an organisation.

Parent Product Combination Details

  • Parent Product
    Defines the product that represents the collection of child products assigned to it. These products cannot be purchased, and instead are abstract or virtual products when having a combination profile assigned to them.
  • Combination Profile
    Defines the combination profile that outlines all the fields and values that can be shown against the parent product and selected from.
  • Default Combination
    From each combination of fields and values assigned to each child product, this defines the child product and the field values that should be initially selected when viewing the parent product. By setting a default combination it may allow the obvious or most popular field values to be shown and the associated child product initially appearing if set.

Product Combination Details

  • Child Product
    Defines the child product assigned to the product combination that can be shown when the selection of matching field values is confirmed.
  • Field Value Combinations
    Defines each of field values that are assigned to the child product. Each child product must be assigned to a single field value for all the fields defined by the combination profile assigned to its parent product. Note that a child product may be assigned to many different parent products.

Product Images

Each organisation can import product image files into the SQUIZZ.com platform. Product images can help people to recognise and visually identify how a product looks, its appearance, purpose, usage, or key characteristics. Product images can appear in placed where a product is shown within the SQUIZZ.com platform. This can include the Product Detail page, Product Catalogue page, Organisation Profile page, product listings, as well as on the Home page, among other areas. Product images can be hosted on the SQUIZZ.com platform, then shared with other connected organisations (such as customers, suppliers, other affiliated organisations).

When multiple images are assigned to the same product, one image can be designated as the primary image, that will typically display for a product that appears in listings. Ordering can also be set for each image assigned to a product, controlling the order in which the appears when viewed as a collection, such as in an image viewer.

Currently the TOTECS platform only supports allowing JPEG, PNG, and GIF images to be uploaded and hosted. Images stored in the JPEG file type must have a RBG colour profile set. For PNG and GIF images its best not to set transparent backgrounds. Animated GIF image files are not supported. The are limitations on how large the image files can be when uploaded. Files over 2MB in size will be rejected.

Product Image Details

  • Title
    Provides an overall label of the image, that may describe what it represents, shows, it contains or indicates. The title may help visually impaired people understand more details of the image.
  • Description
    Provides a more detailed description of the image, that may provide more information associated to the image. This description may help visually impaired people understand more details of the image, or it may contain key information to aid when viewing the image.
  • Ordering
    Set a numeric value that controls how each image is ordered when viewed within an ordered list for the same product. If an image is a primary image then it always will appear before other images assigned to the same product, regardless of its ordering value.
  • Is Primary
    Either set to Yes or No, indicates if the image is the primary image of its associated product. If Yes then the image may appear as the first image to display for product. 
  • Image File Name
    Specify the name of the image's file when originally uploaded.
  • Image File Extension
    Specifies the type of file that the image is. Currently only JPEG, GIF and PNG files are supported. Images stored in the JPEG file type must have a RBG colour profile set. For PNG and GIF images its best not to set transparent backgrounds. Animated GIF image files are not supported. The are limitations on how large the image files can be when uploaded. Files over 2MB in size will be rejected.
  • Image Full File Path
    Contains the full path to download the product image. This is provided when calling the API's Organisation Retrieve Data endpoint. This can be used to download the image file. For file downloads it is highly recommended to call the API instead of obtaining image paths from the platform's user interface, since the API is greatly faster at providing 1000s of image URLs in a single request.
  • Synchronisation Key (Key Image ID)
    Unique identifier of the product image that allows the platform to find the record and update its details, when a product image is being imported from a connected business system or other data source. The synchronisation key is also known as the keyImageID within the Data API. The synchronisation key may be based on an internal unique identifier created in a business system's database (preferred option).


Each organisation can import makers, also known as manufacturers into the SQUIZZ.com platform. Each maker manufactures or assembles products, also known as models that may contain a collection of products, parts or raw materials. Makers can be used to enable people to find products that the organisation sells, based on the products associated to models that the maker constructs, also known as Make/Model searching.

Maker Details

  • Maker Code
    Code that allows the maker to be identified. Typically this code is unique to each maker that the organisation has imported.
  • Name
    Name of the maker. The name allows people to understand who the maker is or what they manufacture.
  • Maker Search Code
    Code of the maker that may be placed in URLs to allow it to be found and ranked on. Place keywords within the search code, and make it unique to each maker.
  • Organisation Name
    Name of the organisation that the maker is formally known by.
  • Authority Number
    Number issued by a government authority to the maker's organisation. Typically this number would be issued by the government authority in the country where the organisation is established. For example in Australia this would be the Australian Business Number (ABN).
  • Authority Number Type
    Specifies the type of authority number that is set in the Authority Number field.
  • Established Date
    Date that the maker first founded and established itself.
  • Group Class
    Text that allows several makers to be grouped together based on a similar class of makers.
  • Ordering
    Set a numeric value that controls how makers are ordered when viewed within an ordered list.
  • Synchronisation Key (Key Maker ID)
    Unique identifier of the maker that allows the platform to find the record and update its details, when a maker is being imported from a connected business system or other data source. The synchronisation key is also known as the keyMakerID within the Data API. The synchronisation key may be based on an internal unique identifier created in a business system's database (preferred option).

Maker Models

Each organisation can import models into the platform. Each model represents a collection of products or raw materials that are manufactured together by a maker (also known as a manufacturer) to produce a completed model. Each organisation may assign its products to different categories against each model, to indicate the products (also known as parts) that it offers to maintain the model. Many industries use models and provide interchangable products for models, some examples include vehicles, printers, computers/devices, toys, and many more.

Maker Model Attributes

For each model there's ability to assign many attribute values to it. Each attribute defines an additional field that values can be set against, that allows organisations to provide additional information about a model, depending on the type of model it is, or the specifications of a model. For example if a model was a car, then attributes may define the engine size, car type, primary paint colours, or technical details of a car such as measurements. In order for attributes to be assigned to models, an organisation must first import attribute profiles into SQUIZZ.com that define the attributes that values can be assigned to for each model. Model attribute values can either be set as STRING (text) values, or NUMBER values. Use numeric values to allow them to be ordered numerically, otherwise set STRING values to store any kinds of text characters that will be sorted alphanumerically.

Maker Model Mappings

For each model there's the ability for an organisation to assign, also known as "map" its products to the model. If a manufacturer builds a model that contains many interchangable parts, then an organisation may sell products that can be used/replaced/interchanged across many models. When an organisation maps each product to a model, it also must specify a category the a product is assigned to for the model. This allows categories of products to be assigned to each model, making it easier for people to understand the kinds of products that each model contains and making it easier to find the products. When each product is mapped to a category and model, the quantity of products can also be set. This can indicate the quantity of products required for a part of the model.

Maker Model Details

  • Model Code
    Code that allows the model to be identified. Typically this code is unique to each model that the organisation has imported.
  • Model Sub Code
    A secondary code that allows the model to be further identified, such as between a class of similar models.
  • Model Search Code
    Code of the model that may be placed in URLs to allow it to be found and ranked on. Place keywords within the search code, and make it unique to each model.
  • Name
    Name of the model. The name allows people to understand what the model is, or what it represents. Its recommended to use terms or the year of the model within its name.
  • Group Class
    Text that allows several models to be grouped together based on a similar class of models. Models may be grouped based on class to make it easier for people to find similar models.
  • Model Created Date
    Date that the model was created. This date may be considered an internal date only relevant to the maker completing production of the first model.
  • Model Released Date
    Date that the model was released by the maker/manufacturer. This date may be designated by the maker as the official date that the model was first made available and known by.
  • Maker
    The organisation or entity that created or assembled the final model.

General Ledger Accounts

Each organisation can import general ledger (GL) accounts into the platform. Each general ledger account is used to record the monetary transactions against an aspect of a business, person or other entity, recorded against the General Ledger. GL accounts are used to report the monetary state of a business, and they can be assigned against an organisation's invoices, products, assets, taxes and much more, to control how transactions are recorded within an organisation's accounting system.

General Ledger Account Details

  • GL Account Code
    Code that allows the general ledger account to be identified. Typically this code is unique to each account and may follow a numeric pattern.
  • Account Name
    Name of the general ledger account. The name allows people to understand what the account is, what it represents, or what kinds of transactions are recorded against it. It's recommended to use a name that is easily understandable to most people.
  • Description
    Describe in more detail what the account is, or the kinds of transactions it represents.
  • Balance
    The current monetary amount recorded against account, after summing all accounts's credit and debit transaction amounts .
  • Account Type
    Specifies the kind of monetary transactions that are recorded against the general ledger account.
  • Account Class
    Class or classifier of the account. The class may be used to identify the kind of account that it is, or be used to group accounts together.
  • Taxcode
    A taxcode may be assigned to an account, and it may be used to control the amount of tax that is applied when the account is used with monetary transactions.
  • Parent GL Account
    A general ledger account may be assigned to another account, its parent. This allows general ledger accounts to be set up in a hierarchical structure, where top tier accounts may represent broader monetary structures of an organisation, and nested accounts may represents a smaller specific aspect of an organisation's monetary value.
  • Synchronisation Key (Key GL Account ID)
    Unique identifier of the general ledger account that allows the platform to find the record and update its details, when a general ledger account is being imported from a connected business system or other data source. The synchronisation key is also known as the keyGLAccountID within the Data API. The synchronisation key may be based on an internal unique identifier created in a business system's database (preferred option).

Sales Orders

Within the platform there is the ability for sales orders to be created against an organisation. Each sales order contains a commitment by a customer to buy one or more products that the organisation sells. Sales orders may be created by organisations or individual people who are customers, or by sales representatives creating orders on behalf of a customer. Sales orders may be paid at the time the order was submitted, or may be paid for at a later date once the sales order has been converted into an invoice. Sales orders can be exported to an external business system that the organisation has connected to the platform, such as an accounting system, enterprise resource planning system (ERP), warehouse management system, or any other data source. Exporting sales order data into an external system can be helped through the use of the SQUIZZ.com Connector software, or can be directly sent through a system that is compatible with the platform.

When a sales order is created it must be assigned to a specific customer account. The customer account could be associated with an organisation or an individual person. Alternatively the order could be assigned to a general customer account that represents a broad number of people, such as a retail customer account.

Sales Order Status

Each sales order has status that indicates how far the sales order has progressed through the sales process. The status can be one of the following:

    The order has been created but has not been confirmed or been submitted to the organisation for processing yet.
    The order has been submitted, however it requires approval by another person before it can be confirmed and submitted to the organisation for processing.
    The order was required to be approved by another person, however a person declined approving the order and it will not be processed.
    The order has been confirmed and submitted for processing, however the SQUIZZ.com platform has not been able to send to any external business system.
  • SENT
    The order has been confirmed and submitted to the organisation for processing. The order as been sent across to an external business system to allow it to be processed.

Once a sales order has been confirmed and submitted for processing, the sales order may be sent to a business system can process the order. Processing may involve the following:

  • Convert the sales order into an invoice.
  • Send the order to a location where its ordered products can be found.
  • Find/pick the ordered products from within a warehouse location.
  • Organise a freight carrier, or other delivery method to get the ordered goods delivered.
  • Updated and decrement the ordered product stock quantities from the available stock.
  • Process and handle payments made against the sales order.
  • Raise a back order and purchase order off a supplier of the ordered products are out of stock or running low on stock.

Sending Sales Orders To A Freight Provider

Once a sales order has been submitted for processing, the platform can be set by an organisation to send sales orders through to a Freight Provider. A freight provider can then organise and choose the freight carrier who is responsible to deliver the goods purchased within the order.

Sales Order Details

  • Sales Order Code
    Code that allows the sales order to be identified. The code is unique for each sales order created for the organisation. The sales order code consists of a prefix that can be set by the organisation within the Organisation Settings. After the prefix a number to set. This number increments for each newer sales order. After the number 3 random letters or numbers are set within the code.
  • Order Number
    Number that has been incrementally assigned to the order to identify it. This number may or may not be unique and is placed into the sales order code.
  • Created Date
    Date that the order was created.
  • Last Modified Date
    Date that any data within the order was altered.
  • Sent Date
    Date that the sales order was sent from the platform to an external business system.
  • Customer Account Code
    Code of the customer account that the order is assigned to.
  • Customer Account Name
    Name of the customer account assigned to the order is assigned to.
  • Payment Status
    Status that indicates if the order has been paid for. The status can be one of the following:
    • UNPAID
      The order has not been paid for.
      A payment has been made against the order but is yet to be confirmed.
    • PAID
      A payment has been made against the order.
      A payment is not required for the order. This could be because the customer only pays for the order after it has turned into an invoice, and the amount has been applied against the customer account's balance.
      A payment was made against the order but was declined.
  • Payment Method
    Specifies the method that was used to pay for the order. The method could be one of the following:
      The order will be paid for when the customer makes a payment against their customer account, based on the payment terms of the account.
      The order has been paid by a credit card.
      The order will be paid for at the time it has been delivered.
      The order has been paid with a direct deposit bank transfer payment.
    • QUOTE
      The order does not need to be paid for since it to be treated as a quote.
    • NONE
      The order has not been paid with any payment method.
  • Receipt
    If the order was paid with a payment method that returned a payment reference number then the receipt would be set to the reference number.
  • Purchase Order ID
    ID of a purchase order created in SQUIZZ.com by the customer and referenced to the sales order.
  • Purchase Order Number
    Number of the purchase order that the customer may reference the sales order to.
  • Billing Address
    Address of the customer that that bill to pay for the sales order can be sent to.
  • Delivery Address
    Address that the customer wants to have the ordered physical products delivered to.
  • Instructions
    Any information that the supplying organisation needs to know about when processing the order. The instructions may include information on how to deliver the order, at which time, or how to process the order.
  • Dispatching
    Contains information about how ordered products are delivered by freight
    • Freight Provider Reference Code
      Code that a freight provider has generated to process the order and track it.
    • Freight Order Status
      Status of the freight. If SENT then denotes that the sales order has been sent to the freight provider. If UNSENT then the sales order has not been set to any freight provider.
    • Freight Provider Unit Code
      Code of the freight unit that indicates how the ordered products can be bundled and sent through a freight carrier.
  • Comments
    Any comments made by people within the platform about the order.

Sales Order Line Details

  • Line Number
    Number of the line within the sales order.
  • Product Code
    Code of the product that was purchased within the order line.
  • Product Name
    Name of the product was purchased within the order line.
  • Quantity
    Amount of sell units of the product that have been ordered.
  • Unit Name
    Name of the sell unit.
  • Created Date
    Date that the line was first added to the order.
  • Modified Date
    Date that data within the line was last updated.
  • Location Code
    Code the organisation's location that indicates where the product will be obtained from.
  • Location Name
    Name of the organisation's location where the product will be obtained from.
  • Product Description
    Description of the product ordered.
  • Language
    Language that text of the line has been written in.
  • Purchase Order Product Code
    Code of the product that appears in the customer's purchase order that is linked to the sales order line.
  • Purchase Order Line Code
    Code of the line that appears in the customer's purchase order that is linked to the sales order line.
  • Purchase Order Line Number
    Number of the line that appears in the customer's purchase order that is linked to the sales order line.
  • Reference Code
    Code of the record associated to the price set for the order line. This could be a record such as a contract, or promotion.
  • Reference Type
    Type of record associated to the order line. This could be a record such as a contract, or promotion.
  • Width
    Width measurement of the physical product ordered.
  • Height
    Height measurement of the physical product ordered.
  • Depth
    Depth measurement of the physical product ordered.
  • Volume
    Volume measurement of the physical product ordered.
  • Weight
    Weight measurement of the physical product ordered.
  • Entity Set Price
    Specifies the kind of person or system who set the price of the ordered product.
  • Final Pricing
    Contains the final pricing of the line after discounts were factored in.
    • Price Excluding Tax
      Unit price of the ordered product excluding any tax pricing, factoring in any discounts.
    • Price Including Tax
      Unit price of the ordered product including tax pricing, factoring in any discounts.
    • Taxes
      Price of taxes calculated for each unit of the product ordered, factoring in any discounts.
    • Price Total Excluding Tax
      Total price for all ordered product quantities excluding any tax pricing, factoring in any discounts.
    • Price Total Including Tax
      Total price for all ordered product quantities including all tax pricing, factoring in any discounts.
    • Total Taxes
      Total tax prices calculated for all ordered product quantities, factoring in any discounts.
  • Undiscounted Pricing
    Contains pricing before any discounts were applied against the line.
    • Price Excluding Tax
      Unit price of the ordered product excluding any tax pricing, before any discounts were applied.
    • Price Including Tax
      Unit price of the ordered product including tax pricing, before any discounts were applied.
    • Taxes
      Price of taxes calculated for each unit of the product ordered, before any discounts were applied.
    • Price Total Excluding Tax
      Total price for all ordered product quantities excluding any tax pricing, before any discounts were applied.
    • Price Total Including Tax
      Total price for all ordered product quantities including all tax pricing, before any discounts were applied.
    • Total Taxes
      Total tax prices calculated for all ordered product quantities, before any discounts were applied.
  • Taxes
    Specifies the taxes that have been applied against the line.
    • Tax Label
      Label of the taxcode applied to the line.
    • Language
      Language of the taxcode text.
    • Rate
      Percentage that the tax was calculated at.
    • Unit Tax
      The amount of tax applied against the unit price of the line.
    • Total Tax
      The amount of tax applied all quantities ordered in the line.
  • Attributes
    Contains any additional information that has been added to the line. This could include comments made by the customer, or any other options that the customer could set, such as colour preference for the ordered product, or configuration options. Attribute values can be grouped together by attribute profiles.
    • Profile Code
      Code of the attribute profile that the attribute is assigned to.
    • Profile Key
      Synchronisation key of the attribute profile that the attribute is assigned to.
    • Profile Name
      Name of the attribute profile that the attribute is assigned to.
    • Attribute Name
      Name of the attribute.
    • Attribute Key
      Synchronisation key of the attribute.
    • Attribute Value
      Value that has been set by the customer for the attribute.
  • Dispatching
    Any information about how the ordered product can be delivered to the customer.

Purchase Orders

Within the platform there is the ability for purchase orders to be created against an organisation. Each purchase order is a request by the organisation to buy one or more products off a supplier. Purchase orders may be created by people who are designated as purchasers of the organisation. Purchase orders can be imported into the platform through external websites that support importing purchase orders. Purchase orders can be exported to an external business that the organisation has connected to the platform, such as an accounting system, enterprise resource planning system (ERP), warehouse management system, or any other data source. Exporting purchase order data into an external system can be helped through the use of the SQUIZZ.com Connector software, or can be directly sent through a system that is compatible with the platform.

When a purchase order is created it must be assigned to a specified supplier account. The supplier account may represent an organisation or individual person who supplies for the organisation.

Purchase Order Status

Each purchase order has status that indicates how far the purchase order has progressed through the sales process. The status can be one of the following:

    The order has been created but has not been confirmed or been submitted to the organisation for processing yet.
    The order has been confirmed and submitted for processing, however the SQUIZZ.com platform has not been able to send to any external business system.
  • SENT
    The order has been confirmed and submitted to the organisation for processing. The order as been sent across to an external business system to allow to be processed.

Once a purchase order has been confirmed and submitted for processing, the purchase order may be sent to a business system to process the order. Processing may involve the following:

  • Convert the purchase order into a billing invoice.
  • Check if the ordered goods in the purchase order have been delivered.
  • Update the amount of product stock that the organisation has arriving in stock.
  • Organise a freight carrier, or other delivery method to get the ordered goods delivered.
  • Updated and decrement the ordered product stock quantities from the available stock.
  • Process and handle payments made against the purchase order.
  • Close off back orders that the ordered goods in the purchase order now fulfil.

Purchase Order Details

  • Purchase Order Code
    Code that allows the purchase order to be identified. The code is unique for each purchase order created for the organisation. The purchase order code consists of a prefix that can be set by the organisation within the Organisation Settings. After the prefix a number is set. This number increments for each newer purchase order. After the number 3 random letters or numbers are set within the code.
  • Order Number
    Number that has been incrementally assigned to the order to identify it. This number may or may not be unique and is placed into the purchase order code.
  • Created Date
    Date that the order was created.
  • Last Modified Date
    Date that any data within the order was altered.
  • Sent Date
    Date that the sales order was sent from the platform to an external business system.
  • Supplier Account Code
    Code of the supplier account that the order is assigned to.
  • Supplier Account Name
    Name of the supplier account assigned to the order is assigned to.
  • Payment Status
    Status that indicates if the order has been paid for. The status can be one of the following:
    • UNPAID
      The order has not been paid for.
      A payment has been made against the order but is yet to be confirmed.
    • PAID
      A payment has been made against the order.
      A payment is not required for the order. This could be because it only needs to be paid for after it has turned into an invoice, and the amount has been applied against the account balance in the supplier's system.
      A payment was made against the order but was declined.
  • Payment Method
    Specifies the method that was used to pay for the order. The method could be one of the following:
      The order will be paid for when the supplier requests a payment against their customer account, based on the payment terms of the account.
      The order has been paid by a credit card.
      The order will be paid for at the time it has been delivered.
      The order has been paid with a direct deposit bank transfer payment.
    • QUOTE
      The order does not need to be paid for since it to be treated as a quote.
    • NONE
      The order has not been paid with any payment method.
  • Receipt
    If the order was paid with a payment method that returned a payment reference number then the receipt would be set to the reference number.
  • Sales Order ID
    ID of a sales order created in SQUIZZ.com by the supplier and referenced to the purchase order.
  • Sales Order Number
    Number of the sales order that the supplier may reference the purchase order to.
  • Billing Address
    Address of the organisation that that bill to pay for the purchase order is sent to.
  • Delivery Address
    Address that the ordered physical products are to be delivered to.
  • Instructions
    Any information that the organisation needs to know about when processing the order. The instructions may include information on how order is being delivered, at which time, or how to process the order.
  • Comments
    Any comments made by people within the platform about the order.

Purchase Order Line Details

  • Line Number
    Number of the line within the purchase order.
  • Product Code
    Code of the product that was purchased within the order line.
  • Product Name
    Name of the product was purchased within the order line.
  • Quantity
    Amount of sell units of the product that have been ordered.
  • Unit Name
    Name of the sell unit.
  • Created Date
    Date that the line was first added to the order.
  • Modified Date
    Date that data within the line was last updated.
  • Location Code
    Code the organisation's location that indicates where the product will be obtained from.
  • Location Name
    Name of the organisation's location where the product will be obtained from.
  • Product Description
    Description of the product ordered.
  • Language
    Language that text of the line has been written in.
  • Sales Order Product Code
    Code of the product that appears in the supplier's sales order that is linked to the purchase order line.
  • Sales Order Line Code
    Code of the line that appears in the supplier's sales order that is linked to the purchase order line.
  • Sales Order Line Number
    Number of the line that appears in the supplier's sales order that is linked to the purchase order line.
  • Reference Code
    Code of the record associated to the price set for the order line. This could be a record such as a contract, or promotion.
  • Reference Type
    Type of record associated to the order line. This could be a record such as a contract, or promotion.
  • Width
    Width measurement of the physical product ordered.
  • Height
    Height measurement of the physical product ordered.
  • Depth
    Depth measurement of the physical product ordered.
  • Volume
    Volume measurement of the physical product ordered.
  • Weight
    Weight measurement of the physical product ordered.
  • Entity Set Price
    Specifies the kind of person or system who set the price of the ordered product.
  • Final Pricing
    Contains the final pricing of the line after discounts were factored in.
    • Price Excluding Tax
      Unit price of the ordered product excluding any tax pricing, factoring in any discounts.
    • Price Including Tax
      Unit price of the ordered product including tax pricing, factoring in any discounts.
    • Taxes
      Price of taxes calculated for each unit of the product ordered, factoring in any discounts.
    • Price Total Excluding Tax
      Total price for all ordered product quantities excluding any tax pricing, factoring in any discounts.
    • Price Total Including Tax
      Total price for all ordered product quantities including all tax pricing, factoring in any discounts.
    • Total Taxes
      Total tax prices calculated for all ordered product quantities, factoring in any discounts.
  • Undiscounted Pricing
    Contains pricing before any discounts were applied against the line.
    • Price Excluding Tax
      Unit price of the ordered product excluding any tax pricing, before any discounts were applied.
    • Price Including Tax
      Unit price of the ordered product including tax pricing, before any discounts were applied.
    • Taxes
      Price of taxes calculated for each unit of the product ordered, before any discounts were applied.
    • Price Total Excluding Tax
      Total price for all ordered product quantities excluding any tax pricing, before any discounts were applied.
    • Price Total Including Tax
      Total price for all ordered product quantities including all tax pricing, before any discounts were applied.
    • Total Taxes
      Total tax prices calculated for all ordered product quantities, before any discounts were applied.
  • Taxes
    Specifies the taxes that have been applied against the line.
    • Tax Label
      Label of the taxcode applied to the line.
    • Language
      Language of the taxcode text.
    • Rate
      Percentage that the tax was calculated at.
    • Unit Tax
      The amount of tax applied against the unit price of the line.
    • Total Tax
      The amount of tax applied all quantities ordered in the line.
  • Attributes
    Contains any additional information that has been added to the line. This could include comments made by the purchaser, or any other options that the purchaser could set, such as colour preference for the ordered product, or configuration options. Attribute values can be grouped together by attribute profiles.
    • Profile Code
      Code of the attribute profile that the attribute is assigned to.
    • Profile Key
      Synchronisation key of the attribute profile that the attribute is assigned to.
    • Profile Name
      Name of the attribute profile that the attribute is assigned to.
    • Attribute Name
      Name of the attribute.
    • Attribute Key
      Synchronisation key of the attribute.
    • Attribute Value
      Value that has been set by the customer for the attribute.
  • Dispatching
    Any information about how the ordered product can be delivered to the organisation.

Supplier Invoices

Within the platform there is the ability for supplier invoices to be raised against an organisation. Each supplier invoice is a confirmation by the organisation that it has purchased goods or services off a supplier. Supplier invoices can be imported into the platform by a suppling organisation and pushed onto a customer organisation, or be imported against a customer organisation by its purchasing people. Supplier invoices can be exported to an external business system that the organisation has connected to the platform, such as an accounting system, enterprise resource planning system (ERP), warehouse management system, or any other data source. Exporting supplier invoice data into an external system can be helped through the use of the SQUIZZ.com Connector software, or can be directly sent through a system that is compatible with the platform.

When a supplier invoice is created it must be assigned to a specified supplier account. The supplier account may represent an organisation or individual person who supplies for the organisation.

Supplier Invoice Status

Each supplier invoice has status that indicates how far the supplier invoice has progressed through the invoice process. The status can be one of the following:

    The invoice has been created but has not been confirmed or been submitted to the organisation for processing yet.
    The invoice has been confirmed and submitted for processing, however the SQUIZZ.com platform has not been able to send to any external business system.
  • SENT
    The invoice has been confirmed and submitted to the organisation for processing. The invoice as been sent across to an external business system to allow to be processed.

Once a supplier invoice has been confirmed and submitted for processing, the supplier invoice may be sent to a business system to process the invoice. Processing may involve the following:

  • Check if the ordered goods in the supplier invoice have been delivered.
  • Update the amount of product stock that the organisation has arriving in stock.
  • Update and increment the invoiced product stock quantities from the available stock.
  • Process and handle payments made against the supplier invoice.
  • Close off back orders that the invoiced goods in the supplier invoice now fulfil.

Supplier Invoice Details

  • Supplier Invoice Code
    Code that allows the supplier invoice to be identified. The code is unique for each supplier invoice created for the organisation. The supplier invoice code consists of a prefix that can be set by the organisation within the Organisation Settings. After the prefix a number is set. This number increments for each newer supplier invoice. After the number 3 random letters or numbers are set within the code.
  • Invoice Number
    Number that has been incrementally assigned to the invoice to identify it. This number may or may not be unique and is placed into the supplier invoice code.
  • Created Date
    Date that the invoice was created.
  • Last Modified Date
    Date that any data within the invoice was altered.
  • Sent Date
    Date that the supplier invoice was sent from the platform to an external business system.
  • Supplier Account Code
    Code of the supplier account that the invoice is assigned to.
  • Supplier Account Name
    Name of the supplier account assigned to the invoice is assigned to.
  • Payment Status
    Status that indicates if the invoice has been paid for. The status can be one of the following:
    • UNPAID
      The invoice has not been paid for.
      A payment has been made against the invoice but is yet to be confirmed.
    • PAID
      A payment has been made against the invoice.
      A payment is not required for the invoice. This could be because it only needs to be paid for after it has turned into an invoice, and the amount has been applied against the account balance in the supplier's system.
      A payment was made against the invoice but was declined.
  • Payment Method
    Specifies the method that was used to pay for the invoice. The method could be one of the following:
      The invoice will be paid for when the supplier requests a payment against their customer account, based on the payment terms of the account.
      The invoice has been paid by a credit card.
      The invoice will be paid for at the time it has been delivered.
      The invoice has been paid with a direct deposit bank transfer payment.
    • QUOTE
      The nvoice does not need to be paid for since it to be treated as a quote.
    • NONE
      The invoice has not been paid with any payment method.
  • Receipt
    If the invoice was paid with a payment method that returned a payment reference number then the receipt would be set to the reference number.
  • Sales Order ID
    ID of a sales order created in SQUIZZ.com by the supplier and referenced to the supplier invoice.
  • Sales Order Number
    Number of the sales order that the supplier may reference the supplier invoice to.
  • Billing Address
    Address of the organisation that that bill to pay for the supplier invoice is sent to.
  • Delivery Address
    Address that the invoiced physical products are to be delivered to.
  • Instructions
    Any information that the organisation needs to know about when processing the invoice. The instructions may include information on how the invoice is being delivered, at which time, or how to process the invoice.
  • Comments
    Any comments made by people within the platform about the invoice.

Supplier Invoice Line Details

  • Line Number
    Number of the line within the supplier invoice.
  • Product Code
    Code of the product that was purchased within the invoice line.
  • Product Name
    Name of the product was purchased within the invoice line.
  • Quantity
    Amount of sell units of the product that have been invoiced.
  • Unit Name
    Name of the sell unit.
  • Created Date
    Date that the line was first added to the invoice.
  • Modified Date
    Date that data within the line was last updated.
  • Location Code
    Code the organisation's location that indicates where the product will be obtained from.
  • Location Name
    Name of the organisation's location where the product will be obtained from.
  • Product Description
    Description of the product invoiced.
  • Language
    Language that text of the line has been written in.
  • Sales Order Product Code
    Code of the product that appears in the supplier's sales order that is linked to the supplier invoice line.
  • Sales Order Line Code
    Code of the line that appears in the supplier's sales order that is linked to the supplier invoice line.
  • Sales Order Line Number
    Number of the line that appears in the supplier's sales order that is linked to the supplier invoice line.
  • Reference Code
    Code of the record associated to the price set for the invoice line. This could be a record such as a contract, or promotion.
  • Reference Type
    Type of record associated to the invoice line. This could be a record such as a contract, or promotion.
  • Width
    Width measurement of the physical product invoice.
  • Height
    Height measurement of the physical product invoice.
  • Depth
    Depth measurement of the physical product invoice.
  • Volume
    Volume measurement of the physical product invoice.
  • Weight
    Weight measurement of the physical product invoice.
  • Entity Set Price
    Specifies the kind of person or system who set the price of the invoiced product.
  • Final Pricing
    Contains the final pricing of the line after discounts were factored in.
    • Price Excluding Tax
      Unit price of the invoiced product excluding any tax pricing, factoring in any discounts.
    • Price Including Tax
      Unit price of the invoiced product including tax pricing, factoring in any discounts.
    • Taxes
      Price of taxes calculated for each unit of the product invoiced, factoring in any discounts.
    • Price Total Excluding Tax
      Total price for all invoiced product quantities excluding any tax pricing, factoring in any discounts.
    • Price Total Including Tax
      Total price for all invoiced product quantities including all tax pricing, factoring in any discounts.
    • Total Taxes
      Total tax prices calculated for all invoiced product quantities, factoring in any discounts.
  • Undiscounted Pricing
    Contains pricing before any discounts were applied against the line.
    • Price Excluding Tax
      Unit price of the invoiced product excluding any tax pricing, before any discounts were applied.
    • Price Including Tax
      Unit price of the invoiced product including tax pricing, before any discounts were applied.
    • Taxes
      Price of taxes calculated for each unit of the product invoiced, before any discounts were applied.
    • Price Total Excluding Tax
      Total price for all invoiced product quantities excluding any tax pricing, before any discounts were applied.
    • Price Total Including Tax
      Total price for all invoiced product quantities including all tax pricing, before any discounts were applied.
    • Total Taxes
      Total tax prices calculated for all invoiced product quantities, before any discounts were applied.
  • Taxes
    Specifies the taxes that have been applied against the line.
    • Tax Label
      Label of the taxcode applied to the line.
    • Language
      Language of the taxcode text.
    • Rate
      Percentage that the tax was calculated at.
    • Unit Tax
      The amount of tax applied against the unit price of the line.
    • Total Tax
      The amount of tax applied all quantities ordered in the line.
  • Attributes
    Contains any additional information that has been added to the line. This could include comments made by the purchaser, or any other options that the purchaser could set, such as colour preference for the invoiced product, or configuration options. Attribute values can be grouped together by attribute profiles.
    • Profile Code
      Code of the attribute profile that the attribute is assigned to.
    • Profile Key
      Synchronisation key of the attribute profile that the attribute is assigned to.
    • Profile Name
      Name of the attribute profile that the attribute is assigned to.
    • Attribute Name
      Name of the attribute.
    • Attribute Key
      Synchronisation key of the attribute.
    • Attribute Value
      Value that has been set by the customer for the attribute.
  • Dispatching
    Any information about how the invoiced product can be delivered to the organisation.

Freight Providers

Each organisation can setup freight providers within the SQUIZZ.com platform. Each freight provider has the ability to handle organising the delivery of goods ordered by a customer with one or more freight carriers. Freight providers may have relationships with one or many freight carriers and their computer systems, or the freight provider may be a freight carrier themselves. It most cases an organisation will need to set up an account within a freight provider's system first, then once done be able to set their account details within the SQUIZZ.com platform. Once done this will allow SQUIZZ.com to send sales orders across to the freight provider, who can then raise the consignment note and tracking IDs with the freight carrier, as well as arrange for the freight carrier to pick up the goods to be delivered to the customer. 

Freight providers may also be able to be used to obtain freight cost estimates. based on being able to obtain quotes from one or more freight carriers to deliver goods listed within an unconfirmed sales order. This may then allow the customer to select the most appropriate freight carrier to deliver the goods, based on cost, or estimated time of delivery.

Freight Units

When each freight provider is set up for an organisation there is the ability to set up one or more freight units. Each freight unit are used to specify how ordered product goods are measured, packaged, and costed for shipping/delivery by the freight provider. For example a freight unit could be a box, carton, pallet, shipping container, or even a train load. When a sales order is created an organisation can set up sales order rules that determine which freight unit should be used to deliver the ordered goods. This allows for highly customised and flexible calculations to be made to determine the best freight units to get the ordered goods delivered. For an example the organisation may set up a rule that says if a product ordered is over 3 metres in length, height or depth, then the freight unit used to deliver the goods needs to be a shipping container. Other rules such as checking the total volume of goods ordered, or the weight of the products can be used to determine the freight unit assigned to the order. Using sales order rules an organisation determine the best way to package the goods so that a freight carrier is able to deliver the products the most effective way. The platform will calculate if multiple quantities of the same freight unit need to be used based on the volume of the freight unit and the total volume of the order.

Freight Provider Detail

  • Freight Provider Code
    Code that allows the freight provider to be identified. This code must be unique to each freight provider that the organisation has set up in the platform.
  • Freight Provider Label
    Label of the freight provider. The label allows the freight provider to be easy understood.
  • Set Freight Sender Address As
    Controls who the sender of the freight will be set within the consignment note, and may appear on the label that is sent with the ordered goods.
    • Supplier Billing Address
      The sender is set based on the organisation's primary billing address.
    • Order Billing Address
      The sender is set based on the details of the billing address assigned to the order.
    • Order Billing Address If Drop Ship, Else Supplier Billing Address
      If the sales order is flagged as being drop shipped then then the sender will be set as the details of the billing address assigned to the order, otherwise if it is not a dropship order then the organisation's primary billing address will be set as the sender. A "drop ship" order means that the customer who ordered the goods has designated that the goods are to be delivered from the supplying organisation directly to the end consumer.
    • Supplier Billing Address If Order Addresses Match, Else Supplier Billing Address
      If the billing and delivery addresses match in the order then set the sender as the order's billing address, otherwise if the addresses don't match then set the sender as the organisation's primary billing address.
    • Do Not Set
      Do not set the sender within freight order. This option should be chosen if the customer that the goods are being delivered to should not know who sent the goods.
  • Provider Type
    Set the kind of freight provider who will be handling the sales order.
    • Smart Freight
      Allows the SmartFreight organisation's system to receive sales orders, create consignment notes, print delivery/shipping labels, send consignments to chosen freight carriers, as well as calculate freight quotes. SmartFreight integrates into the majority of freight carriers within Australia and abroad including: Australia Post, StarTrack, TNT, Toll, DHS, FedEx, UPS, plus many more.
      See http://smartfreight.com/ for more details.
    • OneFlo
      Allows Flip Group's OneFlo freight system to receive sales orders, create consignment notes, print delivery/shipping labels, send consignments to chosen freight carriers, as well as calculate freight quotes. OneFlo integrates into several freight carriers within Australia and abroad. See https://oneflo.com.au/ for more details.
  • Active
    If Yes then the freight provider is active and is allowed to be assigned to sales orders.
  • Web Service User ID
    ID of the user that allows SQUIZZ.com to send the organisation's sales order across to the freight provider type's system. The details should be given from the freight provider type.
  • Web Service User Password
    Password of the user that allows SQUIZZ.com to send the organisation's sales order across to the freight provider type's system. The details should be given from the freight provider type.

SmartFreight Freight Provider Settings
Settings that are configurable if the Freight Provider Type is set to SmartFreight.

  • SmartFreight Order Import Mode
    Controls how SmartFreight imports the order.
    • Partial
      The order is imported into SmartFreight's software but the order is not finalised or sent to a carrier. This allows warehouse staff to complete and accept the order, convert it into a consignment note, and send it off to the carrier.
  • SmartFreight Order Reference ID
    Text that displays with the order within the SmartFreight system. Can be used to identify that the order was sent from SQUIZZ.com.
  • Smart Freight Date Format
    Format of the date that appears on the SmartFreight label.
  • Smart Freight Default Unit Code
    The freight unit code to set if the sales order has no freight unit set.
  • Smart Freight Default Volume
    The volume to calculate for the sales order's freight unit if no freight unit was assigned to the order.
  • Smart Freight Supplier Sender Name
    If the supplying organisation's primary billing address is selected as the sender of the order, then the name set within this setting will be placed with the sender data instead of the organisation's name. This can be used if the organisation wishes to conceal or use a different trading name that appears on the shipping label with the delivered goods.
  • Smart Freight Reference Order Field
    Sets which data with the sales order should be set in the reference field when the order is sent across to SmartFreight's software. This reference field may be placed on the label that is delivered with the packaged goods.

OneFlo Freight Provider Settings

Settings that are configurable if the Freight Provider Type is set to OneFlo.

  • Web Service User ID
    Set it to the ID of the Account that has been set up within the OneFlo system. Contact OneFlo or the organisation managing your organisation's OneFlo account to obtain this information. This Account ID is used to authenticate and allow orders to be raised against the correct account within OneFlo.
  • Web Service User Password
    Set it to the API Key associated to the OneFlo account that has been set up within the OneFlo system. This API Key may also be known as the "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key". This key is used to authenticate and allow orders to be raised against the correct account with OneFlo.
  • Supplier Sender Name
    If the supplying organisation's primary billing address is selected as the sender of the order, then the name set within this setting will be placed with the sender data instead of the organisation's name. This can be used if the organisation wishes to conceal or use a different trading name that appears on the shipping label with the delivered goods.
  • Default Carrier Account Number
    Sets the account number of the freight carrier who by default will be assigned to the freight order when submitted to OneFlo. This is the number of the account that the freight carrier would have created when signing up to use its service. This will be set if no other carrier account number is set against the sales order. Typically set it to match the carrier that is most used to delivery goods with.
  • Default Carrier Name
    Sets the name of the freight carrier who by default will be assigned to the freight order when submitted to OneFlo. This will be set if no other carrier name is set against the sales order. Typically set it to the carrier that is most used to delivery goods with.
  • Default Carrier Service Name
    Set the name of the service of the freight carrier who by default will be assigned to the freight order when submitted to OneFlo. The service may control the cost or time to delivery the ordered products. This will be set if no other carrier service name is set against the sales order. Typically set it to the carrier and service that is most used to delivery goods with.

Freight Unit Detail

  • Freight Unit Code
    Code that allows the freight unit to be identified. This code must be unique to each freight unit that the organisation has setup across all freight providers in the platform.
  • Freight Unit Label
    Label of the freight unit. The label allows the freight unit to be easy understood by customers and any other people associated to the organisation.
  • Volume (Metres Cubed)
    Volume that the freight unit fills up in cubic metres. For example if the freight unit is a box that is 2 metres wide, 3 metres height, 1 metre deep, then the volume is 2 x 3 x 1 = 6 metres cubed.
  • Weight (Kilograms)
    The amount of weight that the freight unit can support up to, in kilograms.
  • Depth (Metres)
    How deep the freight unit measures, from the front to the back in metres.
  • Width (Metres)
    How wide the freight unit measures, from side to side in metres.
  • Height (Metres)
    How high the freight unit measures, from top to bottom in metres.
  • Active
    If Yes then the freight unit is allowed to be assigned to a sales order.

Security Certificates

Each organisation can create security certificates for free within the SQUIZZ.com platform. The kinds of security certificates that can be created are called Transport Layer Security (TLS) certificates, also known as Secure Socket Layer (SSL) certificates 
Security certificates are used to secure incoming connections to the organisation's own computers from the SQUIZZ.com platform. This allows the platform to query data such as invoices, purchase orders, and other data securely from the organisation's business systems without any other computers being able intercept the data while it travels through the public internet. It also allows the platform to push data such as sales orders securely across the internet into the organisation's business systems.

The TLS security certificates can be used with the SQUIZZ.com Connector software to allow the platform to make secure connections to the Connector software sitting on an organisation's server, and have data read from or sent to the connected business systems. The certificates can also be used with other popular web server software such Apache HTTP ServerNginx, and many others.

The TLS security certificates created by are signed by SQUIZZ.com. This means that to use the certificate on a computer that the SQUIZZ.com CA root certificate must also be installed on the server. This root certificate can be found with the details of the certificate within the Admin area of the organisation's profile.

Security Certificate Verification

Once a TLS security certificate has been created for an organisation, before it can be downloaded and used it must first be verified. To have a security certificate verified a request must be made from the computer where the certificate is to be installed on to the SQUIZZ.com platform's servers. This can be done by using the SQUIZZ.com Connector software on the computer used to request verification. When the verification request is sent the platform will check that the public IP address of the request matches the public IP address set in the certificate, or if a domain name is set in the certificate then the platform will perform a reverse DNS lookup to check the domain name is set to the same public IP address of the incoming verification request. Only once the platform can verify that the organisation is in control of the public IP address or public domain will it verify the security certificate, update its status to ACTIVE, and allow the security certificate to be downloaded. To pass the verification process an organisation's computer network should be using a static public IP address issued from the Internet Service Provider (ISP).

Security Certificate Detail

  • Certificate ID
    Unique identifier set for the security certificate. The certificate ID needs to known by the person verifying the certificate.
  • Public Domain/Public IP Address
    Either a public IP address or public domain that specifies the internet location that the security certificate will be used to secure incoming requests. The domain or IP address will be set within the certificate itself.
  • Issue Date
    Date that the certificate was issued to the organisation and can be used from.
  • Expiry Date
    Date that the certificate expiries and will no longer be able to secure incoming connections. It is important that a persons within the organisation managing its computers and network is aware when the certificate expires, since they will need to create a new certificate and install it on the relevant servers before the previous certificate expires.
  • Certificate Status
    Specifies the status of the certificate.
      The certificate has been created but has not been verified. The security certificate is unable to be used or downloaded.

      The certificate has been verified is in active use. The certificate can be downloaded by administrators of the organisation and installed onto the organisation's computers.
      The certificate is no longer to be used and can be deleted once revocated.
  • Certificate Type
    • x509
      Indicates that the security certificate has created in the X.509 standard. This standard is used for TLS/SSL security within the HTTPS protocol used commonly across secure websites and web services.
  • Encryption Cipher
    • 256SHA
      Indicates that the certificate supports encrypting and decrypting connections using the 256bit Secure Hash Algorthm 2. As of writing in 2017 this algorthm is considered one of the most secure ways in the IT industry to ensure connections cannot be intercepted by intruders.
  • Thumbprint
    Identifier that is placed within the security certificate. The ID allows operating systems to find and install the certificate. If an organisation is using the SQUIZZ.com Connector software to accept incoming connections to its business system. The Connector will require that the thumbprint has been set within the application (as well as having the certificate installed on the same computer). 

Selling Regions

Each organisation can set up Selling Regions within the SQUIZZ.com platform. Each selling region defines the geographical location within the world where the organisation may sell its products, goods and services, to both people and organisations assigned to the same region in the SQUIZZ.com platform. Each selling region contains settings that determine the default customer account, pricing, and data sharing policy that is used, for people and organisations that are assigned to the same region and wish to buy, but have not yet connected to the organisation. This may also be known as retail trading.

Selling Region Detail

  • Country
    Specifies the country that the selling region applies to, matched up the country people and organisations assign themselves to.
  • Default Personal Customer Account Code
    Set the code of the selling organisation's customer account, that will by default be used by people assigned to the same selling region to determine product prices, determine allowed payment types/methods can use to pay for orders. This account is used when a person is within the same selling region and has not personally connected to the organisation, or have not been assigned to any customer account, or is a guest (not signed into the platform). This account may also be known as the default "retail" customer account.
  • Default Organisation Customer Account Code
    Set the code of the selling organisation's customer account, that will by default be used by organisations assigned to the same selling region to determine product prices, determine allowed payment types/methods that organisations can use to pay for orders. This account is used when an organisation is within the same selling region and has not connected to the selling organisation, or have not been assigned to any customer account. This account may also be known as the default "trade" customer account.
  • Recommended Retail Price (RRP) level
    Set the price level that is used to determine the RRP price for the selling organisation's products, allowing people and organisations to see the retail price of a product, compared to the discounted price they may be getting a product for. For product listings this price level may be used to show the "WAS" price of a product.
  • Data Sharing Policy
    The data sharing policy assigned to the selling region determines what organisation data that people and organisations can see of the selling region, when they assigned to the same region, and are not connected to the selling organisation. The data sharing policy controls several aspects in the selling process, including what subset of products are allowed to be seen and purchased. This data sharing policy may be very restrictive for the general public in the region, if an organisation only wants to allow a very limited range of products to be purchasable from a retail context.


Each organisation can create "issue profiles" within the SQUIZZ.com platform. Issue profiles are used to create forms that allow people to fill out a form and submit information to the organisation. This allows forms such as enquiries, reports, issues, bugs, human resource forms, and many others be defined. Once allowed people fill out these forms and submit it they create "issues", that can then be viewed, commented on, acted upon, work logged, and progress through a process based on defined states. This allows for highly customised processes to defined for the organisation, and can be used to cut down on paperwork and create additional efficiencies for an organisation.

To view more details of how the Issues feature works read the Organisational Issue Management document.

Data Sharing Policies

Each organisation can setup data sharing policies within the SQUIZZ.com platform. Data sharing policies control the kinds of organisation data that connected people and organisations can get access to, export, as well as restrict buying products from. Data sharing policies give an organisation great control over who can access the organisation's data, ensuring that only the allowed people and other organisations can do so based on trust and real world relationships.

Data Sharing Policy Details

Each data sharing policy contains the following settings that control what data of the organisation can be viewed, shared or exported.

  • Data Sharing Policy Label
    Label of the policy that allows it to be easily identified.
  • Policy Description
    Description of the policy that can be used to describe the way the data sharing policy has been set up, who is designed for, or other information.
  • Is Default
    Either Yes, or No. If the data sharing policy is the default then it be used by organisations or people who are not connected to the organisation, or have not been assigned explicitly to a data sharing policy, or have not be assigned to a group that has had a data sharing policy assigned. For each organisation only one data sharing policy can be the default.
  • Allow Products Data Export
    If set to Yes then organisations or people assigned to the data sharing policy are allowed to export the organisation's product data from the platform's API.
  • Amount Of Times In 24 hours Products Export Paid For
    If Allow Product Data Export is set to Yes then this setting specifies how many times in 24 hour period that the organisation defining the data will pay for each other organisation or person to export the organisation's product data. For example if this value was set to 1, then in a 24 hour period a connected organisation assigned to the data sharing policy would be allowed to retrieve the organisation's product data once at no cost to organisation retrieving the data, instead the trading tokens cost would be debited from the organisation supplying the data. If that organisation made subsequent requests to get product data in  the same 24 hour period then that organisation would pay the trading tokens costs to get the data.
  • Allow Product Stock Quantities Data Export
    If set to Yes then organisations or people assigned to the data sharing policy are allowed to export the organisation's product stock quantities data from the platform's API.
  • Amount Of Times In 24 hours Products Stock Quantities Export Paid For
    If Allow Product Stock Quantities Data Export is set to Yes then this setting specifies how many times in 24 hour period that the organisation defining the data will pay for each other organisation or person to export the organisation's product stock quantity data. For example if this value was set to 1, then in a 24 hour period a connected organisation assigned to the data sharing policy would be allowed to retrieve the organisation's product stock quantity data once at no cost to organisation retrieving the data, instead the trading tokens cost would be debited from the organisation supplying the data. If that organisation made subsequent requests to get product data in the same 24 hour period then that organisation would pay the trading tokens costs to get the data.
  • Allow Product Pricing Data Export
    If set to Yes then organisations or people assigned to the data sharing policy are allowed to export the organisation's product pricing data from the platform's API. The pricing data would be based on the product prices that an organisation or person would see based on the customer account that they are assigned to.
  • Amount Of Times In 24 hours Products Pricing Export Paid For
    If Allow Product Pricing Data Export is set to Yes then this setting specifies how many times in 24 hour period that the organisation defining the data will pay for each other organisation or person to export the organisation's product pricing data. For example if this value was set to 1, then in a 24 hour period a connected organisation assigned to the data sharing policy would be allowed to retrieve the organisation's product pricing data once at no cost to organisation retrieving the data, instead the trading tokens cost would be debited from the organisation supplying the data. If that organisation made subsequent requests to get product pricing data in the same 24 hour period then that organisation would pay the trading tokens costs to get the data.
  • View Products
    If set to Yes then organisations or people assigned to the data sharing policy are allowed to see and search for all of the organisation's products (except for products that have been assigned to exceptions in the data sharing policy).
  • View Product Name Field
    If set to Yes then organisations or people assigned to the data sharing policy are allowed to see the Name field in each of the organisation's products when the product's details are viewed.
  • View Product Code Field
    If set to Yes then organisations or people assigned to the data sharing policy are allowed to see the Product Code field in each of the organisation's products when the product's details are viewed.
  • View Product Search Code Field
    If set to Yes then organisations or people assigned to the data sharing policy are allowed to see the Product Search Code field in each of the organisation's products when the product's details are viewed.
  • View Product Description1 Field
    If set to Yes then organisations or people assigned to the data sharing policy are allowed to see the product's Description1 field in each of the organisation's products when the product's details are viewed.
  • View Product Description2 Field
    If set to Yes then organisations or people assigned to the data sharing policy are allowed to see the product's Description2 field in each of the organisation's products when the product's details are viewed.
  • View Product Description3 Field
    If set to Yes then organisations or people assigned to the data sharing policy are allowed to see the product's Description3 field in each of the organisation's products when the product's details are viewed.
  • View Product Description4 Field
    If set to Yes then organisations or people assigned to the data sharing policy are allowed to see the product's Description4 field in each of the organisation's products when the product's details are viewed.
  • View Barcode Field
    If set to Yes then organisations or people assigned to the data sharing policy are allowed to see the product's Barcode field in each of the organisation's products when the product's details are viewed.
  • View Inner Barcode Field
    If set to Yes then organisations or people assigned to the data sharing policy are allowed to see the product's Inner Barcode field in each of the organisation's products when the product's details are viewed.
  • View Brand Field
    If set to Yes then organisations or people assigned to the data sharing policy are allowed to see the product's Brand field in each of the organisation's products when the product's details are viewed.
  • View Dimensions Field
    If set to Yes then organisations or people assigned to the data sharing policy are allowed to see the product's Width, Height, Depth and Weight fields in each of the organisation's products when the product's details are viewed.
  • View Condition Field
    If set to Yes then organisations or people assigned to the data sharing policy are allowed to see the product's Condition field in each of the organisation's products when the product's details are viewed.
  • View Class Field
    If set to Yes then organisations or people assigned to the data sharing policy are allowed to see the product's Class field in each of the organisation's products when the product's details are viewed.
  • View Stock Level Field
    If set to Yes then organisations or people assigned to the data sharing policy are allowed to see the product's Stock Level field in each of the organisation's products when the product's details are viewed.
  • View Stock Quantity Field
    If set to Yes then organisations or people assigned to the data sharing policy are allowed to see the product's Stock Quantity field in each of the organisation's products when the product's details are viewed.
  • View Product Pricing Field
    If set to Yes then organisations or people assigned to the data sharing policy are allowed to see the product's Price field in each of the organisation's products when the product's details are viewed. If the price cannot be viewed then a person or organisation cannot buy the products.
  • Buy Products
    If set to Yes then organisations or people assigned to the data sharing policy are allowed to buy each of the organisation's products (as long as each product has not be individually excluded through policy exception rules).
  • Back Order Purchased Products
    If set to Yes then organisations or people assigned to the data sharing policy are allowed to buy each of the organisation's products when the product is out of stock (as long as each product has not be individually excluded through policy exception rules). If the product is bought when out of stock then the product can be placed on a back order.
  • Drop Ship Purchased Products
    If set to Yes then when the organisations or people assigned to the data sharing policy buy the organisation's products they are allowed to nominate that the products are being delivered to another person or organisation who purchased the products, without the receiver possibly being aware of the supplying organisation shipping the products.

Exception Rules

Each data sharing policy can have any number of exception rules defined that override the permissions of the data sharing policy for a selected number of products. These exception rules allow for fine grain control over what other connected organisations or people are allowed to do with the organisation's data.

  • Rule Type
    Sets the field that used to match the product's data on. It can be set to one of the following fields
    • Product Code
      Allowed products to be matched on data set within a product's code field.
    • Product Search Code
      Allowed products to be matched on data set within a product's search code field.
    • Product Barcode
      Allowed products to be matched on data set within a product's barcode field.
    • Product Inner Barcode
      Allowed products to be matched on data set within a product's inner barcode field.
    • Product Brand
      Allowed products to be matched on data set within a product's brand field.
    • Product Name
      Allowed products to be matched on data set within a product's name field.
    • Product Class
      Allowed products to be matched on data set within a product's class field.
    • Product Sell Unit Code
      Allowed products to be matched on where a product is assigned to a sell unit that contains a matching sell unit code.
    • Product Width
      Allowed products to be matched on data set within a product's width dimension field.
    • Product Height
      Allowed products to be matched on data set within a product's height dimension field.
    • Product Depth
      Allowed products to be matched on data set within a product's depth dimension field.
    • Product Volume
      Allowed products to be matched on data set within a product's physical volume field.
  • Rule Operator
    Sets how the rule should match the field set in the rule type to the value set in the Rule Value field. The operator can be set to one of the following:
    • Equals
      Tries to match where the data from the field set in the Rule Type exactly matches the value set in the Rule Valiue.
    • Not Equals
      Tries to match where the data from the field set in the Rule Type does not exactly match the value set in the Rule Value.
    • Greater Than
      Tries to match where the data from the field set in the Rule Type has a numeric value greater than the value set in the Rule Value.
    • Less Than
      Tries to match where the data from the field set in the Rule Type has a numeric value less than the value set in the Rule Value.
    • Greater Than Equal
      Tries to match where the data from the field set in the Rule Type has a numeric value greater than or equal to the value set in the Rule Value.
    • Less Than Equal
      Tries to match where the data from the field set in the Rule Type has a numeric value less than or equal to the value set in the Rule Value.
    • Is In
      Tries to match where the data from the field set in the Rule Type matches one or more values for a list of values set in the Rule Value. The Rule Value needs to contain a list of values with each separated by a comma. For example. value1,value2,value3
    • Is Not In
      Tries to match where the data from the field set in the Rule Type does not match one or more values for a list of values set in the Rule Value. The Rule Value needs to contain a list of values with each separated by a comma. For example. value1,value2,value3
    • Start With
      Tries to match where the data from the field set in the Rule Type starts with the value set in the Rule Valiue.
    • End With
      Tries to match where the data from the field set in the Rule Type ends with the value set in the Rule Valiue.
  • Rule Value
    Sets the value that is compared against with the field set in the Rule Type.
  • View Products
    If set to Yes then organisations or people assigned to the data sharing policy are allowed to see and search for all of the organisation's products that were matched in the exception's rule.
  • View Stock Level Field
    If set to Yes then organisations or people assigned to the data sharing policy are allowed to see the product's Stock Level field in each of the organisation's products that were matched in the exception's rule.
  • View Stock Quantity Field
    If set to Yes then organisations or people assigned to the data sharing policy are allowed to see the product's Stock Quantity field in each of the organisation's products that were matched in the exception's rule.
  • View Product Pricing
    If set to Yes then organisations or people assigned to the data sharing policy are allowed to see the product's Pricing in each of the organisation's products that were matched in the exception's rule.
  • Buy Products
    If set to Yes then organisations or people assigned to the data sharing policy are allowed to buy each of the organisation's products that were matched in the exception's rule.
  • Back Order Purchased Products
    If set to Yes then organisations or people assigned to the data sharing policy are allowed to buy each of the organisation's products when the product is out of stock and the products were matched in the exception's rule.
  • Drop Ship Purchased Products
    If set to Yes then when the organisations or people assigned to the data sharing policy buy the organisation's products that were matched in the exception's rule, they are allowed to nominate that the products are being delivered to another person or organisation who purchased the products, without the receiver possibly being aware of the supplying organisation shipping the products.


Payment Types

Each organisation can import "payment types" into the SQUIZZ.com platform. Each payment type defines a way that a customer can pay for goods and services. Many payment types can be assigned to a customer account, and when a person needs to pay for either a sales order or invoice linked to a customer account in the platform, the payment options available to the person will be based on the payment types assigned to the account. The same payment types can be assigned to multiple customer accounts for a organisation, allowing many customers to use the same payment types to make payments.

Payment Type Details

Each payment type can have the following details set:

  • Payment Type Code
    Code that allows the payment type to be identified. Typically this code is unique to each payment type that the organisation has.
  • Payment Type Label
    Label of the payment type. Allows people to understand what the payment type is, and the kind of payment method that payments will be applied with.
  • Payment Method
    Specifies the method of what the customer has to do to make a payment with the payment type. See below for the options that payment method can be set as.
  • Surcharge Code
    Set the code of the surcharge that is linked to the payment type. If a surcharge exists for the organisation with a matching code then an additional fee or charge may be added when the customer is making a payment. Surcharges will only be applied when the payment method is set to Credit Card. The surcharge code can only be set against a payment type within an organisation's profile within the platform when the payment method is set to Credit Card.
  • Surcharge Priced As
    If a surcharge code is set against the payment type, then this field specifies which surcharge pricing field will be used to price the surcharge. The options are:
    • Not Set
      The surcharge will not be priced.
    • Percentage
      The surcharge will be priced as a percentage of the payment and added to the payment amount.
    • Fixed Price
      The surcharge will be priced as a fixed amount and added to the payment amount.
  • Surcharge Price Percentage
    Sets the percentage rate of the payment to be added on top of the cost of payment, when a surcharge is set against the payment type.
  • Surcharge Fixed Price
    Sets the monetary amount to be added on top of the cost of payment, when a surcharge is set against the payment type.
  • Payment Gateway Code
    Set the code of the payment gateway that is linked to the payment type. If a payment gateway exists for the organisation with a matching code then the payment gateway can be used to make the payment. A payment gateway is only required to be set when the payment method is set to Credit Card. The payment gateway code can only be set against a payment type within an organisation's profile within the platform when the payment method is set to Credit Card.
  • Direct Deposit Bank Account Name
    Specifies the Name of the bank account that money is to be transferred into by the customer to make the payment, when the payment method is set to Direct Deposit. This field can only be set in the organisation's profile within the platform. when the payment method is set to Direct Deposit.
  • Direct Deposit Bank Account BSB
    Specifies the BSB (Bank State Branch) of the bank account that money is to be transferred into by the customer to make the payment, when the payment method is set to Direct Deposit. This field can only be set in the organisation's profile within the platform. when the payment method is set to Direct Deposit.
  • Direct Deposit Bank Account Number
    Specifies the bank account number of the bank account that money is to be transferred into by the customer to make the payment, when the payment method is set to Direct Deposit. This field can only be set in the organisation's profile within the platform. when the payment method is set to Direct Deposit.
  • Active
    Either Yes or No. If Yes then denotes that the payment type is active and is allowed to be used to pay for goods and services in sales orders and invoices.
  • Synchronisation Key (Key Payment Type ID)
    Unique identifier of the payment type that allows the platform to find the record and update its details, when a payment type is being imported from a connected business system or other data source. The synchronisation key is also known as the keyPaymentTypeID within the Data API.

Payment Methods

Each payment type can define one payment method associated to it. The types of payments are:

  • Unpaid
    Denotes that no specific payment method is provided and the records associated to it will be marked as unpaid.
  • Credit Card
    Denotes that the payment method requires a credit card payment, based on obtaining credit card details, and having a Payment Gateway verify the credit card details with the payee's bank account, and transfer the funds to the merchants bank account. The payment may be required upfront before any goods and services are confirmed or delivered. A payment gateway must be set up and the payment gateway code must be set against the payment type to allow credit card payment to be made.
  • Cash On Delivery
    Denotes that the payment for goods and services will be asked for at the time that the goods or services have been delivered, through the exchange of cash. This method does not require any upfront payment.
  • Direct Deposit
    Denotes that the payment for goods and services with be made with a direct bank transfer from the customers bank account, direct into the seller's bank account. This payment method may or may not require payment upfront before goods or services are delivered. The bank account details associated with the direct deposit payment type will be shown to the customer at the time when goods and services are confirmed in the platform. The Direct Deposit fields need to be set against the payment type to specify the bank account details to be shown to the customer account.
  • Quote
    Denotes that the customer requests to find out the cost of goods or services, without having any goods or services confirmed. This payment method requires no payment and is used only as a indication of interest in goods and services.
  • None
    Denotes that no payment is required when requesting goods and services.
  • Proprietary
    Denotes that the payment will be made through using a proprietary payment system, such as PayPal or ApplePay. These payment systems may be run exclusively by one or more organisations.
  • Account
    Denotes that the payment of goods and services is to be made based on terms associated with the customer account being used to make the payment. The account's payment terms may not require upfront payment before goods and services can be confirmed.

Payment Gateways

Each organisation can setup payment gateways within the SQUIZZ.com platform. Payment gateways allow credit card payments to be made against an organisation's sales orders and invoices. It is the payment gateways that receive and validate the credit card details, then manage organising the money transfer from the payee's bank account, across to the merchant bank account set up with the organisation.

Merchant Bank Accounts For Payment Gateways

Before a payment gateway can be set up for an organisation in the platform the organisation must first set up a merchant bank account with a selected bank. A merchant bank account allows an organisation to receive debit/credit card payments associated with goods and services they sell. Only once an organisation has a merchant bank account can they then sign up a payment gateway provider. It is important to set up a merchant bank account that can be supported by a chosen payment gateway provider.

Payment Gateway Providers

Payment gateway providers are businesses that provide a payment gateway service to allow credit/debit card payments to be handled and money transferred into an organisation's merchant bank account. Before a payment gateway can be used by an organisation in the SQUIZZ.com platform an organisation must first set up a profile/account with a payment gateway provider. There are several payment gateway providers that the SQUIZZ.com platform currently supports, these are:

For an organisation to support credit card payments being received in the SQUIZZ.com platform an organisation must sign up with one of the supported payment gateways listed above. To choose the best payment gateway provider it is worth checking for the following:

  • The provider support your bank's merchant account
  • The provider supports the types of credit cards the organisation wishes to accept
  • The provider supports the currency that the organisation prices its products in
  • The provider supports the country/region that the organisation sells within
  • The cost to use the provider

Payment gateway providers typically charge a fee per credit/debit card transaction, so its worth negotiating with a payment gateway provider on the cost based on the amount of credit card transactions a business expects to receive.

Payment Gateway Details

Within the platform the following details can be set for each payment gateway:

  • Payment Gateway Code
    Code that allows the payment gateway to be identified. This code must be unique to each payment gateway that the organisation has set up.
  • Gateway/Customer ID
    ID of the profile/customer/account that the payment gateway provider set up for the organisation. This identifier is used to allow the provider to authenticate payments being made to the organisation.
  • Payment Gateway Password
    Password that the payment gateway provider may require to accept credit card payments for the organisation's payment gateway set up. Some payment gateways may not require a password to be set.
  • Payment Gateway Type
    The type of payment gateway being set up with a payment gateway provider. See above for the payment gateway providers that can be chosen from.
  • Accepted Card Types
    The list of credit/debit cards that a payee can choose from to make a credit card payment with. The following card types can be set:
    • Visa
    • Mastercard
    • American Express

Testing Payment Gateways

Once a payment gateway has been set up for an organisation there is the ability to test if the payment gateway can accept payments based on the profile/account set up by the payment gateway provider. The SQUIZZ.com platform already stores test credit card details that can be used to check that the payment gateway can accept payments.

Unsupported Payment Gateways

If you wish to use a payment gateway that is not listed within the payment gateway providers listed above, please talk to the payment gateway provider about your interest is the SQUIZZ.com supporting their gateway. Additionally post within the feeds on the SQUIZZ.com organisation's profile your interest of a payment gateway not yet supported.

Customer Account Payments Received

Within the platform there is the ability for customers of an organisation to pay for their invoices. Customers can make credit/debit card payments against invoices once they have been assigned one of the organisation's customer accounts, and have found one or more invoices to pay for. Once a payment has successfully been made then the payment will be assigned to the organisation's customer account and applied to the selected invoices. These payments can be exported out of the platform and back into the connected accounting/business system that tracks the transactions of the customer account. This allows organisations to use the platform to receive payments, and have the payments recorded back in their own system.

For an organisation to be able to allow customers to make payments in the platform, they must first set up a payment gateway, assign a payment type to the customer accounts, and have that payment type set to the "Credit Card" payment method.

Customer Account Payment Details

Each customer account payment can have the following details set:

  • Payment Code
    Code that allows the customer account payment to be identified. The code is unique for each payment created for the organisation. The payment code consists of a prefix that can be set by the organisation within the Organisation Settings. After the prefix a number to set. This number increments for each new customer account payment. After that the number 3 random letters or numbers are set within the code.
  • Payment Number
    Number that has been incrementally assigned to the order to identify it. This number may or may not be unique and is placed into the payment code.
  • Payment Date
    Date that they payment was successfully made.
  • Payment Method
    The method used to make the payment.
  • Payment Amount
    The total monetary amount that was paid.
  • Currency ISO Code
    Code of the currency that the payment amount was paid in.
  • Payment Receipt
    The number that was returned by the payment gateway provider to confirm that the payment was successfully made, and can be traced back to the transaction.
  • Payment Status
    The status of if the payment has been successfully made or not.
  • Payment Submission Status
    The status of if the payment has been sent to the organisation's connected accounting/business system or not.
  • Total Surcharge Amount
    Total monetary amount of surcharges that are included in the paid total.
  • Payer Entity
    Either the person or organisation who made the payment.
  • Surcharge
    The type of surcharge that was applied to the payment.