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Sharing Personal Information

After signing up to the SQUIZZ.com platform you are able to set a range of personal information about yourself. You can then choose how much personal data you wish to share with groups of people and organisations that you are connected with on the platform. For example you could choose to share your birth date with family and friends that you are connected with, but not share your birth date with business contacts, acquaintances, or the general public.

The platform allows you control the personal information that you share with others through the use of "Data Sharing Policies". Each data sharing policy contains a number of permissions on the pieces of personal data that you allow to share. Data sharing policies are then assigned to each of your contact groups and organisation groups, allowing you to set the same permissions across a group of people and organisations on who can see your data.


  1. Prerequisites
  2. Setting Personal Data
  3. Data Sharing Policies
  4. Create A Data Sharing Policy
  5. Modify A Data Sharing Policy
  6. Deleting A Data Sharing Policy
  7. Set The Default Data Sharing Policy
  8. Next Steps


Before reading on please ensure that you have understood the following topics:

Setting Personal Data

After signing up to the SQUIZZ.com platform you have the ability to set the following information about yourself.

  • Title
    Set the title or honorific that you are known by, for example Mrs., Mr., Dr., Pr.
  • First Name
    Set the first name that you are known by. Your first name will appear anywhere within the platform where your name is displayed.
  • Middle Name(s)
    Set any middle names that were given to you. You may choose who gets to see your middle names using data sharing policies.
  • Last Name
    Set the last or family name given to you. Your last name will appear with your first name anywhere within the platform where your name is displayed.
  • Personal Email Address
    The Email address that you use personally to receive and send emails. You may choose who gets to see your personal email address through the use of data sharing policies. It is recommended that you do not set an Email address issued to you from work or education organisations since these organisations may cancel your Email address, or you may move on from these organisations in the future. If you lose access to your Email account then you will no longer be able to use the Forgot Password feature in the platform and may not be able to login to the platform if you forget your password.
  • Phone Number
    Set the phone number that people can personally contact you on. You may choose who gets to see your phone number through the use of data sharing policies.
  • Gender
    Set the gender that you identify with. You may choose who gets to see your phone number through the use of data sharing policies.
  • Birth Year
    Set the year that you born in. Your birth year may be used to determine if you are able to access features and products within the platform that have age restrictions. Additionally you may choose who gets to see your birth year through the use of data sharing policies.
  • Birth Date
    Set the month and date that you were born on. Your birth date may be used to determine if you are able to access features and products within the platform that have age restrictions. Additionally you may choose who gets to see your birth date through the use of data sharing policies.
  • State/Region/Province
    Set the state, region or province of the country that you are currently residing in. This may be used to localise content and marketplaces that you get access to within the platform. Additionally you may choose who gets to see your state/region/province through the use of data sharing policies.
  • Country
    Set the country that you are currently residing in. This may be used to localise content and marketplaces that you get access to within the platform. Additionally you may choose who gets to see your country if residence through the use of data sharing policies.
  • Timezone
    Set the timezone that is most applicable to where you are currently located within the world. The timezone controls the time you will see anywhere within the platform where date-time is shown. You can either set a fixed time zone, or set the time zone that matches the device you are using (called the Operating System Default) to access to the platform. Additionally you may choose who gets to see your timezone through the use of data sharing policies.
  • Language
    Set the language that you prefer to see text displayed within the platform. Additionally you may choose who gets to see your preferred language through the use of data sharing policies.
  • Personal Website
    Set a link to a personal website that may content personally relevant to you. You may choose who gets to see your personal website link through the use of data sharing policies.

People within the platform may be able to see one or more pieces of your personal data after they have clicked on your name anywhere where your name appears, such as within conversations, organisation feed posts, or submitted issues.

Data Sharing Policies

You can control the personal data that you share with other people and organisations within the SQUIZZ.com platform through the use of Data Sharing Policies. Each data sharing policy controls which pieces of your personal data you are allowing to be seen by others. Data sharing policies are then assigned to each of your contact and organisation groups. All contacts or organisations within a group will then be able see your personal data based on the data sharing policy assigned to the group. By assigning a data sharing policy to one or more groups it allows the same set of permissions to cover a range of similar people and organisations without having to set permissions on a one-by-one basis.

When you first sign up to the SQUIZZ.com platform a number of data sharing policies are already created for you. These initial data sharing policies are assigned to your contact and organisation groups to make it easier for you to get started using the platform. You may wish to change or alter these initial 

Default (Public) Data Sharing Policy

One data sharing policy must be assigned as the default. The default data sharing policy will be used when a person or organisation is not assigned to any of your contact or organisation groups. This could occur because the person viewing your personal data is not connected with you yet. We would recommend that the default data sharing policy only shares limited information about yourself since this policy controls the personal data that you are giving out to the general public. You cannot delete a sharing policy that set as the default.

Data Sharing Policy Permissions

For each data sharing policy the following permissions may be set that control what can be shared about you:

  • Share Personal Email
    Controls if your personal email address can be seen by others
  • Share Title
    Controls if your formal title can be seen by others
  • Share Middle Name(s)
    Controls if your middle names can be seen by others
  • Share Phone Number
    Controls if your personal phone number can be seen by others
  • Share Gender
    Controls if your gender can be seen by others
  • Share Birth Date
    Controls if your birth date can be seen by others
  • Share Age
    Controls if your age can be seen by others
  • Share Time Zone
    Controls if your designated time zone can be seen by others
  • Share Country
    Controls if your country of residence can be seen by others
  • Share Region
    Controls if your region/state/province of residence can be seen by others
  • Share Website
    Controls if the link to your personal website can be seen by others
  • Share Current Employment
    Controls if your current employment can be seen by others
  • Share Past Employment
    Controls if your past employment can be seen by others
  • Share Current Education
    Controls if your current educational studies can be seen by others
  • Share Past Education
    Controls of your past educational studies can be seen by others
  • Allow Contract Introductions
    Controls if people are allowed to send you introductions to their own contacts

Create A Data Sharing Policy

To create a new data sharing policy follow these steps:

  1. Login to the SQUIZZ.com platform from the Home page or mobile app.
  2. Click on your profile image or name within the top header bar to open the Personal Options menu.
  3. Click on the Data Sharing Policies menu item.
  4. Within the Data Sharing Policies page click on the Add Data Sharing Policy button.
  5. In the Policy Name text box type in a name for the data sharing policy.
  6. For each of the data sharing policy permission drop downs select the Yes option if you allow the piece of data to be shared, or else the No option if you do not allow the piece of data to be shared.
  7. Click on the Save button.

The new data sharing policy will be added to the list of Data Sharing Policies. Additionally the data sharing policy will show in any dialogs where data sharing policies display in drop downs, such as Contact Group Detail dialogs, and Organisation group Detail dialogs.

Modify A Data Sharing Policy

To modify an existing data sharing policy follow these steps:

  1. Login to the SQUIZZ.com platform from the Home page or mobile app.
  2. Click on your profile image or name within the top header bar to open the Personal Options menu.
  3. Click on the Data Sharing Policies menu item.
  4. Within the Data Sharing Policies page click on the Modify button of the data sharing policy that you wish to modify.
  5. [optional] In the Policy Name text box change the name of the data sharing policy.
  6. For each of the data sharing policy permission drop downs select the Yes option if you allow the piece of data to be shared, or else the No option if you do not allow the piece of data to be shared.
  7. Click on the Save button.

The existing data sharing policy will be updated in the Data Sharing Policies page. Additionally the new permissions of the data sharing policy will apply to any applicable people viewing your personal data.

Deleting A Data Sharing Policy

To permanently delete an existing data sharing policy follow these steps:

  1. Login to the SQUIZZ.com platform from the Home page or mobile app.
  2. Click on your profile image or name within the top header bar to open the Personal Options menu.
  3. Click on the Data Sharing Policies menu item.
  4. Within the Data Sharing Policies page click the Delete button on the data sharing policy that you wish to permanently delete.
  5. In the Delete Data Sharing Policy dialog's drop down select the data sharing policy that you wish to reassign your contact groups and organisation groups to.
  6. Click on the Delete button.

The data sharing policy will be permanently deleted with existing contact and organisation groups assigned to the policy being reassigned to the chosen policy. The deleted data sharing policy will also be removed from the Data Sharing Policies page.

Note that you cannot delete a data sharing policy if it is set as the default policy. If you wish to delete a data sharing policy that is the default then you must assign another policy as being the default.

Set The Default Data Sharing Policy

To set the default data sharing policy follow these steps:

  1. Login to the SQUIZZ.com platform from the Home page or mobile app.
  2. Click on your profile image or name within the top header bar to open the Personal Options menu.
  3. Click on the Data Sharing Policies menu item.
  4. Within the Data Sharing Policies page click on the Modify button of the data sharing policy that you wish to set as the default.
  5. In the Set As Default Policy switch select the Yes option.
  6. Click on the Save button.

The selected data sharing policy is now set as the default. Any people not connected to you when viewing your personal data will now be able to see the allowed information based on this new data sharing policy.

Next Steps

Assign data sharing policies to your contact groups and organisation groups.