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Connecting Organisations

Learn how to connect one organisation to another, and manage the relationship details between the two organisations.


Before reading on please ensure that you have understood the following topics:


Within the SQUIZZ.com platform the is the ability for your organisation to connect with other organisations registered in the platform. After a connection request has been sent by either organisation to connect with the other, upon the connection being accepted both organisations will then be connected within the platform. After a connection has been established then the organisations will be listed in each other's profile, allowing selected people to see that the organisations are connected together. Additionally once a connection has been established it can allow customer organisations to start buying off your organisation, as well as allow the purchasing people within your organisation to start buying off the supplier organisations. To enable this trading to occur both orgnisations need to assign each other to customer accounts and supplier accounts, which is used to control the pricing that customer organisations buy products at, and record purchases against.

Organisation Groups

Once an organiation is connected to your organisation you can assign it to an "Organisation Group". Grouping organisations makes it easier for people to see and find organisations connected to your organisation. Note that you can limit the connected organisations that people can see based on permissions associated with the "People Group" that they are assigned to. For example if a person is assigned to a "People Group" called "Retail Customers", and that group could restricted to only allow connected organisations assigned to the "Affiliated Organisations" organisaion group to show.  If your organisation is a sporting club then this may be a good way to set it up so that people who buy merchandise off the club can only see the associations, governing bodies or other clubs in the same league where the sporting club plays. These retail customers could be set to not see the organisations that the supply the supporting club with equipment or other materials that they do not need to know of.

Default Organisation Groups

When an organisation is first registered the following organisation groups are created by default, these are:

  • Customers
    Connected organisations who buy off your organisation.
  • Suppliers
    Connected organisations who sell to your organisation.
  • Trading Partners
    Connected organisations that both buy and sell to your organisation.
  • Affiliated Organisations
    Connected organisations that are associated in some way to your organisation.
  • Unassigned Organisations
    Connected organisations that have not been assigned to any other organisation group.

For your organisation you may change or remove these default groups, as well as add more organisation groups based on the kind of relationships that your organisation has with a number of other organisations.

Organisation Group Detail

For each organisation group you can set the following:

  • Organisation Group Label
    Set a label that allows the organisation group to be easily recognisable.
  • Organisation Group Description
    Set text that describes the kinds of organisations that would be assigned to the group.
  • Data Sharing Policy
    Set the data sharing policy that controls what kinds of data all organisations assigned to the group can see and use (unless the organisation has been explicitly assigned to another data sharing policy). The assigned data sharing policy controls the product data that a connected organisations in the group can view, as well as the products the organisations are allowed to buy, and export data. If the group's data sharing policy is set the the default policy then the Data Sharing Policy marked as the default for the organisation will be used to control the data that the organisations assigned to the group can see and use.

Organisation Relationship With Your Organisation

Data Sharing Policy

For each organisation they can be assigned to a data sharing policy that controls what kinds of data that the organisation can see and use. The assigned data sharing policy controls the product data that a connected organisation can view, as well as the products they are allowed to buy, and export data. If the Data Sharing Policy is set to the default policy, then the data sharing policy assigned the Organisation Group that the connected organisation is assigned to will control the data the organisation uses. If the Organisation Group's data sharing policy is set the the default policy then the Data Sharing Policy marked as the default for the organisation will be used to control the organisation data the organisation can see and use.

Customer Accounts

Once an organisation is connected to your organisation you can assign it to one more more of your organisation's customer accounts (also known as a "Debtor" in accounting terms, or "Customer", "Business Partner" in some business systems). This is required to allow the organisation to start buying off your organisation since the customer account is used to determine the products that can be purchased and the price that products are sold at for that customer.

Supplier Accounts

Once an organisation is connected to your organisation you can assign it to one more more of your organisation's supplier accounts (also known as a "creditor" in accounting terms, or "Supplier", "Business Partner" in some business systems). Then is done so that you can set the account that the purchasing people of your organisation will create purchase orders and invoice bills against for the given supplier.

Customer Account Linked Codes

Once an organisation is connected to your organisation and has been assigned to one or more of your organisation's customer accounts, then for each customer account there is the ability to link the connected organisation's codes stored in their system, to your organisation's customer account. The following types of codes can be linked:

  • Location Codes
    This is the code of the location that a connected organisation has set up in their own system. This may define a physical location (such as a store, warehouse, site, building level, or area) that they either manage, own, or reference against. By linking their Location Code to your organisation's customer account, it can allow the customer account to be found, such as for ordering processes. This is particularly important if the connected organisation has been assigned to multiple customer accounts of your organisation, and their system sends purchase orders with only their location code, and not your organisation's customer account code. By linking their location code the SQUIZZ.com platform can know which customer account to raise sales orders against.
  • Supplier Account Codes
    This is the code of the supplier account that a connected organisation has set up in their own system, to represent your organisation as a supplier. This code may also be known as the "Creditor Code", "Creditor ID", "Creditor Number", "Business Partner Number" or "Supplier Number". By linking their Supplier Account Code to your organisation's customer account, it can allow the customer account to be found, such as for ordering processes. This is particularly important if the connected organisation has been assigned to multiple customer accounts of your organisation, and their system sends purchase orders with only their supplier account code, and not your organisation's customer account code. By linking their supplier account code the SQUIZZ.com platform can know which customer account to raise sales orders against.

Make A Connection From Your Organisation To Another Organisation

To connect your organisation to another organisation you must first be connected to your organisation and be assigned to a People Group that has the "Connect Organisations" permission set to Yes, or be an marked as an administrator of the organisation. Once you have these credentials set then follow the steps below to make a connection:

  1. Login to the SQUIZZ.com platform from the Home page or mobile app.
  2. Within the Find A Organisation/Supplier search textbox type the name of the organisation that you wish to connect to. Alternatively the organisation search can be found anywhere within the platform by clicking on the Search button (magnifying glass icon) in the top right of the header bar.
  3. If the organisation displays within the search results click on either the Connect button or Connect Organisation button. The Connect button will display if you are not personally connected to the organisation. The Connect Organisation button will display if you are already personally connected to the organisation.
  4. Within the Connect Organisation dialog click on the Connect An Organisation button.
  5. In the Connect With Organisation drop down select your organisation that you want to make the connection on behalf of, or type the name of the organisaction you wish to connect with. If your organisation does not display then you may not have permission to make the connection on behalf of the organisation.
  6. For the "Request a customer account for the organisation" switch, set to Yes if you wish for your organisation to have a customer account created for it. This indicates that you wish to trade with the organisation based on agreed terms and pricing. If you are unsure then you can also request to have a customer account after a connection has been made.
  7. Optionally within the Message text area type in a message that will be seen by the other organisation's people. which may help or influence them to accept the connection request of your organisation.
  8. Click on the Connect button.

A connection request will be sent to the other organisation. The allowed people within that organisation will see that your organisation has sent a connection request and once they have accepted the connection then both organisations will be connected. The organisations will appear on each organisation profiles, and allow admins to assign them to "Organisation Groups" as well assign the organisation to customer and supplier accounts.

Accept Or Decline An Organisation Connection Request For Your Organisation

A person from another organisation may send a request for their organisation to connect to your organisation. In your organisation if you are assigned to a People Group that has the "Connect Organisations" permission set to Yes, then you will receive a notiification advising of the connect request, additionally connection request will also show within the Organisations menu. To accept or decline the request follow these steps:

  1. Login to the SQUIZZ.com platform from the Home page or mobile app.
  2. Click on the Organisations menu button, alternatively click on the Organisation Notification menu button.
  3. .Click on the Accept button if you wish to allow your organisation to connect with the other organisation. Otherwise click on the Decline button if you don't want your organisation to connect with the other organisation.

If you had accepted the connection request then the organisation will be added to the organisations list within the profile of your organisation. Additionally a notification will be sent to all people of the other organisation who are allowed receive such notifications advising that the organisations are now connected. If you had declined the connect request then a notification will be sent to the other organisation's allowed people advising that the connection request was declined.

Before accepting a connection request we would recommend checking to see if the other organisation has been marked as trusted within the platform, or that you are confident that the details given by the organisation appear to be legitimate. You may wish to do other background checks such as phone calling the organisation based on finding a phone number from their website, or sending an Email to a person within the organisation to check the organisation legitimately made the request. It is your responsibility to verify organisations before accepting connection requests and trading with the organisation in the platform. If an organisation has not been marked as "Trusted" then SQUIZZ.com cannot confirm if the organisation is legitimate or being misrepresented by someone else.

Disconnect A Organisation From Your Organisation

To disconnect an organisation from your organisation you must first be connected to your organisation and be assigned to a People Group that has the "Disconnect Organisations" permission set to Yes. Once you have these credentials set then follow the steps below to disconnect an organisation:

  1. Login to the SQUIZZ.com platform from the Home page or mobile app.
  2. Click on the Organisations menu button in the top header bar.
  3. Scroll through your connected organisations and find the organisation you wish to disconnect.
  4. Click on the Profile button.
  5. Click on the Organisations button.
  6. Find the organisation you wish to disconnect and click on the Disconnect link.
  7. In the Disconnect Organisation dialog click on the OK button to confirm that you wish to disconnect the organisation.

The organisation will no longer appear your organisation's profile. Additionally that organisation will no longer be able to buy or sell with your organisation based on any customer or supplier accounts that were assigned to it.

Assign An Organisation To Your Organisation's Customer Account

To assign an organisation to one of your organisation's customer accounts the other organisation must first be connected to your organisation, second you must be assigned to a People Group in your organisation that has the "Modify Connected Organisations" permission set to Yes. Once you have these credentials set then follow the steps below to assign a customer account:

  1. Login to the SQUIZZ.com platform from the Home page or mobile app.
  2. Click on the Organisations menu button in the top header bar.
  3. Scroll through your connected organisations and find the organisation you wish to assign a customer account to.
  4. Click on the Profile button.
  5. Click on the Organisations button.
  6. Find the organisation and click on the Relationship link.
  7. Under the Customer Accounts section type in the Customer Account Code textbox type in the of code of the customer account that you wish to assign the organisation to.
  8. Click on the Add button.

If the customer account could be found then the organisation will then be assigned to it. That organisation may then be able to buy off your organisations based on the terms and pricing assign to the assigned customer account.

Unassign An Organisation From Your Organisation's Customer Account

To unassign an organisation from one of your organisation's customer accounts the other organisation must first be connected to your organisation, second you must be assigned to a People Group in your organisation that has the "Modify Connected Organisations" permission set to Yes. Once you have these credentials set then follow the steps below to unassign a customer account:

  1. Login to the SQUIZZ.com platform from the Home page or mobile app.
  2. Click on the Organisations menu button in the top header bar.
  3. Scroll through your connected organisations and find the organisation you wish to unassign a customer account from.
  4. Click on the Profile button.
  5. Click on the Organisations button.
  6. Find the organisation and click on the Relationship link.
  7. Under the Customer Accounts section find the customer account you wish to unassign and click on the Remove link.

The customer account is un-assigned and no longer appears in the list for the organisation. Additionally that organisation will no longer be able to buy based on the terms and pricing assigned to that customer account.

Assign An Organisation To Your Organisation's Supplier Account

To assign an organisation to one of your organisation's supplier accounts the other organisation must first be connected to your organisation, second you must be assigned to a People Group in your organisation that has the "Modify Connected Organisations" permission set to Yes. Once you have these credentials set then follow the steps below to assign a supplier account:

  1. Login to the SQUIZZ.com platform from the Home page or mobile app.
  2. Click on the Organisations menu button in the top header bar.
  3. Scroll through your connected organisations and find the organisation you wish to assign a supplier account to.
  4. Click on the Profile button.
  5. Click on the Organisations button.
  6. Find the organisation and click on the Relationship link.
  7. Under the Supplier Accounts section type in the Supplier Account Code textbox type in the of code of the supplier account that you wish to assign the organisation to.
  8. Click on the Add button.

If the supplier account could be found then the organisation will then be assigned to it. When the purchasing people of your organisation buy off the other organisation the purchase orders will then be able to be linked to the connected organisation.

Unassign An Organisation From Your Organisation's Supplier Account

To unassign an organisation from one of your organisation's supplier accounts the other organisation must first be connected to your organisation, second you must be assigned to a People Group in your organisation that has the "Modify Connected Organisations" permission set to Yes. Once you have these credentials set then follow the steps below to unassign a supplier account:

  1. Login to the SQUIZZ.com platform from the Home page or mobile app.
  2. Click on the Organisations menu button in the top header bar.
  3. Scroll through your connected organisations and find the organisation you wish to unassign a supplier account from.
  4. Click on the Profile button.
  5. Click on the Organisations button.
  6. Find the organisation and click on the Relationship link.
  7. Under the Supplier Accounts section find the customer account you wish to unassign and click on the Remove link.

The supplier account is unassigned and no longer appears in the list for the organisation. Purchasing people of your organisation will no longer be able to create purchase orders against the supplier account that you have now unassigned.

Link A Connected Organisation's Supplier Account Code To A Customer Account

If an organisation is connected to your organisation and assigned to one or more customer accounts, then there is the ability to link a Supplier Account Code used by their system against your organisation's customer account. By doing so, when their organisation orders from yours, then the SQUIZZ.com platform's procurement process can use the Supplier Account Code stored in their purchase order, to find the matching Customer Account to raise orders against. Linking the codes may only be required if you have assigned their organisation to multiple customer accounts, and their system is unable to specify your organisation's customer account that it should raise a sales order against.

To link a supplier account code from a connected organisation to your organisation's customer account, the following conditions must have been met:

  • The organisation must be connected to your organisation.
  • The organisation must have been assigned to a customer account.
  • You must be assigned to a People Group in your organisation that has the "Modify Connected Organisations" permission set to Yes

Once these conditions have been met then follow the steps below to link an organisation's supplier account code to a customer account:

  1. Login to the SQUIZZ.com platform from the Home page or mobile app.
  2. Click on the Organisations menu button in the top header bar.
  3. Scroll through your connected organisations and find the organisation you wish to link a supplier acount code against.
  4. Click on the Profile button.
  5. Click on the Organisations button.
  6. Find the organisation and click on the Relationship link.
  7. Click on the Customer Accounts tab
  8. Find the customer account you wish to link the code to and click on the Linked Customer Codes button.
  9. Click on the Linked Supplier Account Codes menu item.
  10. Within the "Customer Account - Linked Supplier Account Codes" dialog, within the Type Code textbox type the code the supplier account that you wish to link to the customer account and connected organisation.
  11. Click on the Add button.

The linked Supplier Account Code will be added and show in the dialog's list of codes. This code then may be used by processes such as the Procure And Send Purchase Order To Supplier API endpoint, to help match the connected organisation to the customer account.

Unlink A Connected Organisation's Supplier Account Code From A Customer Account

To unlink a supplier account code of a connected organisation from one of your organisation's customer accounts, you must first be assigned to a People Group in your organisation that has the "Modify Connected Organisations" permission set to Yes. Once you have permission then follow the steps below to unlink an organisation's supplier account code from a customer account:

  1. Login to the SQUIZZ.com platform from the Home page or mobile app.
  2. Click on the Organisations menu button in the top header bar.
  3. Scroll through your connected organisations and find the organisation you wish to unlink a supplier account code from.
  4. Click on the Profile button.
  5. Click on the Organisations button.
  6. Find the organisation and click on the Relationship link.
  7. Click on the Customer Accounts tab
  8. Find the customer account you wish to unlink the code from and click on the Linked Customer Codes button.
  9. Click on the Linked Supplier Account Codes menu item.
  10. Within the "Customer Account - Linked Supplier Account Codes" dialog click on the Remove button against the code that no longer should be linked.

The linked Supplier Account Code will be removed and no longer show in the dialog's list of codes. The link code then may no longer be used by processes such as the Procure And Send Purchase Order To Supplier API endpoint, to help match the connected organisation to the customer account.

Link A Connected Organisation's Location Code To A Customer Account

If an organisation is connected to your organisation and assigned to one or more customer accounts, then there is the ability to link one of their "Location Codes" used by their system against your organisation's customer account. By doing so, when their organisation orders from yours, then the SQUIZZ.com platform's procurement process can use the Location Code stored in their purchase order, to find the matching Customer Account to raise orders against. Linking the codes may only be required if you have assigned their organisation to multiple customer accounts, and their system is unable to specify your organisation's customer account that it should raise a sales order against.

To link a location code of the connected organisation to your organisation's customer account, the following conditions must have been met:

  • The organisation must be connected to your organisation.
  • The organisation must have been assigned to a customer account.
  • You must be assigned to a People Group in your organisation that has the "Modify Connected Organisations" permission set to Yes

Once these conditions have been met then follow the steps below to link an connected organisation's location code to a customer account:

  1. Login to the SQUIZZ.com platform from the Home page or mobile app.
  2. Click on the Organisations menu button in the top header bar.
  3. Scroll through your connected organisations and find the organisation you wish to link a location code against.
  4. Click on the Profile button.
  5. Click on the Organisations button.
  6. Find the organisation and click on the Relationship link.
  7. Click on the Customer Accounts tab
  8. Find the customer account you wish to link the code to and click on the Linked Customer Codes button.
  9. Click on the Linked Location Codes menu item.
  10. Within the "Customer Account - Linked Location Codes" dialog, within the Type Code textbox type the code the connected organisation's location that you wish to link to the customer account to.
  11. Click on the Add button.

The linked Location Code will be added and show in the dialog's list of codes. This code then may be used by processes such as the Procure And Send Purchase Order To Supplier API endpoint, to help match the connected organisation to the customer account to raise sales orders against.

Unlink A Connected Organisation's Location Code From A Customer Account

To unlink a location code of a connected organisation from one of your organisation's customer accounts, you must first be assigned to a People Group in your organisation that has the "Modify Connected Organisations" permission set to Yes. Once you have permission then follow the steps below to unlink an organisation's locatoin code from a customer account:

  1. Login to the SQUIZZ.com platform from the Home page or mobile app.
  2. Click on the Organisations menu button in the top header bar.
  3. Scroll through your connected organisations and find the organisation you wish to unlink a location code from.
  4. Click on the Profile button.
  5. Click on the Organisations button.
  6. Find the organisation and click on the Relationship link.
  7. Click on the Customer Accounts tab
  8. Find the customer account you wish to unlink the code from and click on the Linked Customer Codes button.
  9. Click on the Linked Location Codes menu item.
  10. Within the "Customer Account - Linked Location Codes" dialog click on the Remove button against the code that no longer should be linked.

The linked Location Code will be removed and no longer show in the dialog's list of codes. The link code then may no longer be used by processes such as the Procure And Send Purchase Order To Supplier API endpoint, to help match the connected organisation to the customer account.