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Organisational Issue Management

Within the SQUIZZ.com platform it contains a feature that allows organisations to capture and manage issues, enquiries, reports and other processes that involve people filling out forms, and tracking the status of a process.

The platform allows organisations to create highly customised forms that people can fill out, comment on, log work against, change the status of, and upload file attachments against. The forms can be set up to capture a wide variety of information, for example they could be used to handle the following:

  • Customer sales enquiries and other general enquiries
  • Customer relationship management processes
  • Sales leads, notes and reports
  • Product stock availability
  • Product feedback
  • Product bugs
  • Product refunds and returns
  • Product reviews
  • Employee work logs
  • Employee timesheets
  • Employee annual leave approvals
  • Other human resource processes
  • Meetings, lodge meeting notes and action meeting decisions
  • Reports by each department within an organisation
  • Research and development tasks
  • Project planning and tracking
  • Task Management
  • Plus many more options...

Since the feature is very flexible it is up to organisations to determine how they want to use the feature, based on determining the information needs to be captured, processes followed, and the people who need to be notified.


  1. Prerequisites
  2. Overview
  3. Create Issue Type
  4. Add A Field To An Issue Type
  5. Remove A Field From An Issue Type
  6. Add Status To Issue Type
  7. Delete Status From Issue Type
  8. Create A New Issue
  9. Create A New Customer Account Issue
  10. Search For An Existing Issue
  11. Search For An Existing Issue Assigned To A Customer Account
  12. Modify Details Of An Existing Issue
  13. Add Person As A Follower Of An Existing Issue
  14. Follow An Existing Issue
  15. Assign An Existing Issue To Me
  16. Change The Person Assigned To An Existing Issue
  17. Change The Status Of An Existing Issue
  18. Post A Comment Against An Issue
  19. Set Time Estimate To Complete Work On An Existing Issue
  20. Log Hours Worked Against An Existing Issue
  21. Upload File Attachment Against An Issue
  22. View and Download File Attachments Against An Issue
  23. Delete A File Attachment Against An Issue
  24. Link Issues To One Another Issue
  25. Unlink an Issue From Another Issue


For each organisation registered within the SQUIZZ.com platform there is the ability for it to create a number of "Issue Types". Each Issue Type defines the form that a person will fill out when raising a new "issue". The word "issue" is a generalised term that could mean a "report", "enquiry", "feedback", or other form that defines the kind of data that flows through a defined process.

Each Issue Type defines the statuses that an Issue can transition to. For example if a "Feedback Form" issue type was defined, its statuses could be set to "New", "Read", "Responded". In this example when a person fills out the "Feedback Form" issue type form, an issue is created and may have the status set initially to "New". Once a selected person(s) within an organisation has read the details of the issue then its status could be changed to "Read". Once a person in the organisation has responded back to the person raising the feedback, then they may change the status to "Responded". Each Issue Type can define any number of statuses that its issues may change to, allowing for very flexible and customised processes to be defined.

People may be able to comment on issues, allowing a discussion to take place between relevant people to the issue. Other contacts that a person knows can be invited into an issue's discussion by having them follow the issue. This may help to progress the status of an issue, provide further details and information, or help make decisions about an issue.

Issue Type

For each issue type an organisation creates it can have the following details set:

  • Is Active
    Can be either Yes or No. Only if an issue type is active are people allowed to raise new issues against it. Set this to inactive to stop people raising new issues, such as while setting up the issue type, or deactivating its use.
  • Label
    Set a label that allows people it identify the type of form or data that the issue type is used for.
  • Profile Code
    Set a unique code the issue type that allows it to be identified from other issue types.
  • Issue Code Prefix
    Set a code that will appear at the beginning of each issue's code. The prefix will help identify the type of issue that was being referenced.
  • Description
    Set a description of the issue type that allows people to understand the kind of form or data that the issues created from the issue type represent.
  • Issue Submission Message
    After a person has filled out the issue type's form and submitted the issue, this submission message will be displayed to the person advising of the successful submission. The message could contain information to inform them of the next steps that will be taken, or what the person should do next after creating an issue.
  • Issue Associated With
    This setting controls who the created issue is associated with. It can be set to:
    • Persons
      Any people are allowed to raise/create issues against the issue type.
    • Employees Only
      Only people connected to the organisation who have been assigned the Employee relationship role are allowed to raise/create issues against the issue type. This works well for processes relating to employees, such as Human Resources (HR) processes.
    • Sales Representatives Only
      Only people connected to the organisation who have been assigned to the Sales Representative relationship role are allowed to raise/create issues against the issue type. This works well for processes relating to people who are selling goods or services for the organisation, such as within sales or marketing departments.
    • Purchasers Only
      Only people connected to the organisation who have been assigned to the Purchaser relationship role are allowed to raise/create issues against the issue type. This works well for processes relating to people who are buying goods or services for the organisation, such as within purchasing or procurement departments.
    • Administrators Only
      Only people connected to the organisation who have been assigned to the relationship Administrator role are allowed to raise/create issues against the issue type. This works well for processes relating to people who are managing the organisation overall, such as executives or managers.
    • Customer Accounts
      People can only create issues associated with customer accounts that they have access to. This allows issues to be raised against customers of an organisation, which can be used for Customer Relationship Management (CRM) purposes. 
  • Allow Hours To Be Logged
    Sets if people are able to log work against issues created with the issue type.
  • Allow Creator To Follow Issue
    Controls if the person who created the issue using the issue type are allowed to follow the issue, view its details, be notified of changes, and view comments.
  • Allow Attachments
    Controls if people following the issue, assigned to the issue, or administrators of the organisation are allowed to upload file attachments against the issue, as well as be notified when files are added, modified or deleted.
  • Allow Issue Linkages
    Controls if people are allowed to link issues to the uses using the issue type. For people who are following issues assigned to the issue type, or are assigned to the issue, allowed to modify issues, or are administrators of the organisation for issues using the issue type are allowed to link the issue to other issues. If allowed people following the issue will be notified with one issue is linked to another, or when the links are removed.
  • Show Summary Field
    Controls if the summary field can be shown in the issue type's form and people are allowed to set a summary of the issue they are creating.
  • Show Description Field
    Controls if the description field can be shown in the issue type's form and people are allowed to set a description of the issue they are creating.
  • Summary Field Default Value
    If the Summary field is being displayed in the issue type's form, then the text in this setting will be placed into the summary field when a person first views the form. This text could give a person an example of what to place in the summary field.
  • Description Field Default Value
    If the Description field is being displayed in the issue type's form, then the text in this setting will be placed into the description field when a person first views the form. This text could give a person an example of what to place in the description field.
  • Default Assigned Person
    Specify the person that will be assigned to any new issues created within the issue type form. This person will receive notifications, as well as be designated as the primary person to manage the issue.

Issue Type Fields

For each Issue Type a number of fields can be created that used to obtain data from the person filling out the Issue Type form. Each field can have the following settings:

  • Field Label
    Name of the field that describes the kind of data that a person sets within it.
  • Description
    Description of the field that describes the kind of data that a person sets within it, or what the data is used for.
  • Field Must Be Filled Out
    Controls if a person must set data within the field or not.
  • Data Type
    Sets the kind of data that can be stored within the field. It can be set to one of the following:
    • Text
      Allows any characters to be stored, including letters, numbers, and special characters.
    • Whole Number
      Only allows number characters to be set that are whole numbers with characters 0 to 9. These numbers are also called integers.
    • Decimal Number
      Allows numbers to be set that contain decimals.
    • Text Set
      Allows multiple values to be set, with each value containing any characters.
    • Whole Numbers Set
      Allows multiple numbers to be set, with each number storing whole numbers that don't include decimals.
    • Decimal Numbers Set
      Allows multiple numbers to be set, with each number storing numbers that may contain decimals.
  • Field Style
    Sets how the field is displayed in the issue type's form.
    • Textbox
      The field is displayed as a textbox that allows the person type in characters and words in a single line.
    • Text Area
      The field is displayed as a text area that allows the person to type in characters and words across several lines.
    • Dropdown
      The field is displayed as a drop down that allows the person to select one option from several pre-defined options.
    • Check Boxes
      The field is displayed as series of checkboxes that allows the person to optionally select one or more pre-defined options. Checkboxes can only be set if the Data Type is one of the "Set" values.
  • Default Value
    Specify the default value that will be set within the field's form element. Setting a default value may help a person filling out the issue type's form understand the kind of data they need to set within the field.
  • Maximum Value Length
    If the Field Style is either textbox or text area then this setting controls how many characters the person is allowed to type within the field.
  • Valid Inputted Characters
    If the Field Style is either textbox or text area then this setting controls the characters that the person is allowed to type within the form field.
  • Amount Of Rows
    If the Field Style is set to text area then this setting controls how many rows in height the text area should show as.
  • Options
    If the Field Style is set to Drop Down or Checkboxes then the options setting specifies the pre-defined option that a person can choose from within the form. Each option can have a label and value set, where the label is the text that a person sees in the form, and value is data that is saved to the issue.
  • Validation Error Message
    If the person has not set an allowed value within the form's field then the message set within this setting will be shown to the person filling out the form. Try to set a message that a person will help to person to specify the correct kind of data to set within the field.

Issue Statuses

For each Issue Type a number of statuses can be created that highlight the states of an issue may be assigned to, based on how far an issue has progressed through a process. Each status can have the following details set:

  • Status Label
    Label of the status that allows people to easily understand what the state means. Typically the label contains words that are set in the past tense, such as: "Responded", "Cancelled", "Actioned", "Completed", "Resolved", "Unread".
  • Description
    Set a description that explains what the issue status means to people.
  • Status Colour
    Set a colour that the label of status will show up as. Setting different colours for statuses may help people identify, prioritise, or be alerted to issues when viewed within a list.
  • Transitions To Statuses
    When an issue is assigned to the status, this setting controls the status that an issue can be changed to. This setting can direct people assigned to an issue to determine how they can progress an issue through a process work flow.
  • People To Receive Notification
    Set the people that are allowed to receive a notification when an issue of the issue type has its status changed to the given status. This can allow certain people to be notified when an issue progresses through a process.

Issue Details

Once a person has filled out an Issue Type form, it will create an issue that can have the following details set:

  • Issue Code
    Unique code of the issue. The code consists of the code prefix set in the issue type, and a number based on the date that the issue was created.
  • Profile Code
    Specifies the code of the issue type that issue has been created with.
  • Created Date
    Date that the issue was created, based on the date the person first filled out the issue type form.
  • Modified Date
    Date that the issue was last modified. This date could occur when the status of issue is changed, or the details of the issue have changed.
  • Status
    Status of the issue that it is currently assigned.
  • Summary
    Text of the summary that the person has set in the issue. The summary describes a brief description of what the issue is in regards to.
  • Description
    Text of the description that the person has set in the issue. The description may contained detailed information about the issue.
  • Creator
    The person who first filled out the issue type form and created the issue.
  • Assignee
    The person who is currently assigned to the issue and has the responsibility to manage it.
  • Followers
    The people who are following the issue, are able to see details of the issue, as well as receive notifications as the issue's status changes, comments are posted, or work is logged.
  • Time Logged
    Shows the total time calculated by all people who have logged work hours against the issue. Time logged is only seen if the issue's type allows work to be logged against the issue.
  • Time Estimated
    Allows an estimation of time to be set that forecasts the time that it would take to complete work on the issue. Time Estimated is only seen if the issue's type allows work to be logged against the issue.
  • Time Remaining
    Shows a calculation of the time remaining to complete work on the issue. The calculation takes the total time logged against the issue and minuses it from the estimated time. If the time remaining is negative then the work has run over the estimated time. Time Remaining is only seen if the issue's type allows work to be logged against the issue.

Issue Followers

Each issue may have people assigned to it to follow an issue. These people may have been added by the person assigned to the issue, or another administrator person who thinks that the followers should be aware of the issue. The followers are able to see details of the issue, as well as receive notifications as the issue's status changes, comments are posted, or work is logged. For each Issue Type there is the ability to for the creator of the issue to be automatically set as a follower when the issue is created. This allows them to stay informed of the issue as it progresses through a process or requires further input by them. There is a limit on how many people can follow an issue.

Logging Hours Against Issues

For each issue created there is the ability for people to log hours against an issue, if its issue type allows it. This can be useful if an issue requires people to perform work on the issue, and needs hours to be tracked. When people log work against an issue that can log hours and minutes together. Each issue can also have set the expected hours that it takes to complete work on an issue. This can allow managers and workers to know if the issue is being completed on time or not.

Issue Comments

For each issue created there is the ability for people to post comments against an issue. This allows for a discussion to take place with each issue, which may be help to progress the status of an issue, or record that changes that the issue caused.

Issue Attachments

For each issue created there is the ability for people to upload and attach files against an issue. This allows for people who can access the issue to upload, modify or download files associated to the issue, sharing information to one another. Only if an issue's profile has the "Allow Attachments" setting set to Yes will the Attachments tab appear in the Issue Details dialog, allowing users to upload, view, download and delete file attachments. Each time a file attachment is uploaded against an issue, the file is securely encrypted when saved. This protects the file so that only people connected to the organistaion the issue belongs to, and have access to the issue are allowed decrypt and download the file to their own computer/device.

Change Log

When any changes are made by people against an issue, a log records the changes. This allows people viewing the issue to be able to see what events have occurred with the issue. This log can show when the status of an issue has changed and by whom, as well as when the details of the issue have been updated.

Create Issue Type

To create a new issue type for an organisation you must be either an administrator of the organisation, or be assigned to a people group with the "Modify Issue Profiles" permission set to Yes. Once you have permission to create a new issue type then follow these steps to do so:

  1. Login to the SQUIZZ.com platform from the Home page or mobile app.
  2. Click on the Organisations menu button
  3. Scroll and locate your organisation.
  4. Click on the Enquire Issues button.
  5. Click on the Create New Issue Type button.
  6. In the Issue Type Details dialog, for the Is Active drop down select Yes if the issue type is active and can be seen by people immediately once the issue type has been created.
  7. In the Label textbox type in a label that describes what the issue type is for.
  8. In the Profile Code textbox type in a code that uniquely identifies the issue type.
  9. In the Issue Code Prefix type in text that will be always placed at the beginning of issue codes when issues are created.
  10. In the Description textarea type in text that describes the details of the issue type, such as what is the issue type for, or why a person should fill out its form.
  11. In the Issue Submission text area type a message that will display once a person has filled out the issue type's form and created a new issue.
  12. In the Issues Associated With drop down choose one of the following
    Persons - if the issues are associated to be people,
    Employees - if only people connected to the organisation that are set to the employee role are allowed to raise the issues. 
    Sales Representatives - if only people connected to the organisation that are set to the sales representative role are allowed to raise the issues.
    Purchasers - if only people connected to the organisation that are set to the purchaser role are allowed to raise the issues.
    Administrators - if only people connected to the organisation that are set to the administrator role are allowed to raise the issues.
    Customer Accounts - if the issues can only be associated with customer accounts/customers of the organisation.
  13. In the Allow Hours To Be Logged drop down choose Yes if people are allows to log hours against issues created with the issue type.
  14. In the Allow Creator To Follow Issue drop down choose Yes if the person who fills out the issue type's form and creates a new issue is allowed to follow the issue, see comments, and when its status changes.
  15. In the Show Summary Field drop down choose Yes if the person filling out the issue type's form is allowed to provide a summary of the issue.
  16. In the Show Description Field drop down choose Yes if the person filling out the issue type's form is allowed to provide a detailed description of the issue.
  17. In the Summary Field Default Value set the text that will display in the Summary field when a person views the issue type's form.
  18. In the Description Field Default Value set the text that will display in the Description field when a person views the issue type's form.
  19. In the Default Assigned Person textbox type the name of the person connected to the organisation who should be assigned to new issues when they are created for the issue type.
  20. Click on the Save button.

The issue type will added to the organisation's issue types. If the issue type's Active field was set to yes then any other people in the organisation who have permission to see issue types who be able to see in the Choose Enquiry/Issue dialog. Next it is recommended to add fields and statuses to the issue type to determine the data that the issue type's form should capture, and the states that an issue can exist as.

Add A Field To An Issue Type

To add a field to an existing issue type that can be used by people to set data within the issue type form, you must be either an administrator of the organisation, or be assigned to a people group with the "Modify Issue Profiles" permission set to Yes. Once you have been given permission then to add a field to an issue type follow these steps to do so:

  1. Login to the SQUIZZ.com platform from the Home page or mobile app.
  2. Click on the Organisations menu button
  3. Scroll and locate your organisation.
  4. Click on the Enquire Issues button.
  5. Click on the Edit button (Pencil Icon) under the listed issue type.
  6. In the Issue Type Details dialog under the Issue Fields heading click on the Add Field button.
  7. In the Field Label textbox set a label that indicates the kind of data that a person should place into the field.
  8. In the Description textarea set a description that helps the person understand the data that they can set within the field.
  9. In the Field Must Be Filled Out drop down set Yes if a person must set data within the field.
  10. In the Data Type drop down choose the type of data that can be stored within the field.
  11. If the Data Type is set to Text, Whole Number, or Decimal Number, then in the Field Style select either Text Box, Text Area, or Drop Down, otherwise select Checkboxes. This determines how people can set data for the field.
  12. In the Default Value textbox set the value that the field will be set to when the person first loads the issue type form.
  13. If the Field Style is Text Box or Text Area, then in the Maximum Value Length textbox set a number that limits the amount of characters that a person can type within the field.
  14. If the Field Style is Text Box or Text Area, then in the Valid Inputted Characters drop down choose the kind of characters that a person is allowed to enter into the field.
  15. If the Field Style is Text Area, then in the Amount Of Rows textbox set the number of rows that the field will show when displayed within the issue type form.
  16. If the Field Style is set to Drop Down or Checkboxes, then in the Option Value textbox type a value that will be set within the field if a person chooses the option. In the Option Label textbox type a label of the option that a person would know of. Click on the Add Option button to add the option. Repeat step 16 to add multiple options to the field.
  17. If the Field Style is Text Box or Text Area, then in the Validation Error Message textarea type in a message that a person would see if they hadn't set a value for the mandatory field, or the text characters entered are not allowed based on the Valid Inputted Characters setting.
  18. Click on the Save button.

The field will be added to the Issue Type and if the Issue Type is active then people may immediately see the field when viewing the issue type form and creating new issues.

Remove A Field From An Issue Type

To remove a field from an existing issue type form and remove data previously entered in existing issues, you must be either an administrator of the organisation, or be assigned to a people group with the "Modify Issue Profiles" permission set to Yes. Once you have been given permission then to remove a field to an issue type follow these steps to do so:

  1. Login to the SQUIZZ.com platform from the Home page or mobile app.
  2. Click on the Organisations menu button
  3. Scroll and locate your organisation.
  4. Click on the Enquire Issues button.
  5. Click on the Edit button (Pencil Icon) under the listed issue type.
  6. In the Issue Type Details dialog under the Issue Fields heading click on the Delete Button Next to the field that you wish to delete.
  7. In the Delete Issue Field dialog click on the OK to confirm that you wish to permanently delete the field and any data that was set for within existing issues.

The field will be removed from the Issue Type and data stored for the field in existing issues will be deleted.

Add Status To Issue Type

To add a status to an issue type you must be either an administrator of the organisation, or be assigned to a people group with the "Modify Issue Profiles" permission set to Yes. Once you have been given permission then to add a status to an issue type follow these steps to do so:

  1. Login to the SQUIZZ.com platform from the Home page or mobile app.
  2. Click on the Organisations menu button
  3. Scroll and locate your organisation.
  4. Click on the Enquire Issues button.
  5. Click on the Edit button (Pencil Icon) under the listed issue type.
  6. In the Issue Type Details dialog under the Issue Statuses heading click on the Add Status button.
  7. In the Status Label textbox set a label that is indicative of the state that an issue will be placed in when set to the status.
  8. In the Description textarea set a description that helps the person understand what the status of the issue means.
    In the Status Colour drop down choose a colour that the status's label should be shown as.
  9. Under the Transitions To Statuses heading in the Select Status drop down select a different status that an issue may be set to if the issue was currently set to the status that is being created. To allows you to control how people change the status of an issue.
  10. Repeat step 9 if multiple different statuses that an issue can be changed to from the current status.
  11. In the People To Receive Notification texbox type the name of a person who is allowed to receive a notification when an existing issue's status changes to the new status being created.
  12. Repeat step 11 to allow multiple people to receive notifications.
  13. Click on the Save button.

The status will be added to the Issue Type and for existing issues they may be able to be assigned to the new status, depending on if issue's current status accepts being changed to the new status.

Delete Status From Issue Type

To delete a status from an issue type you must be either an administrator of the organisation, or be assigned to a people group with the "Modify Issue Profiles" permission set to Yes. Once you have been given permission then to delete a status from an issue type follow these steps to do so:

  1. Login to the SQUIZZ.com platform from the Home page or mobile app.
  2. Click on the Organisations menu button
  3. Scroll and locate your organisation.
  4. Click on the Enquire Issues button.
  5. Click on the Edit button (Pencil Icon) under the listed issue type.
  6. In the Issue Type Details dialog under the Issue Statuses heading click on the Delete button under the status you wish to remove.
  7. In the Delete Issue Status dialog click on the OK button to confirm that you wish to delete the status. Before clicking OK it's recommended that you re-assign all existing issues to a different status before deleting the status.

The status will be removed from the Issue Type and issues will not be able to be assigned to the status.

Create A New Issue

To fill out the issue type form and create a new issue for an the organisation, you must be assigned to a people group with the "Create Issues" permission set to Yes. Additionally the issue type must be active, and you must be assigned to a role in the organisation that the issue type allows to you to create an issue for, as well as the issue type's "Associated With" value not set to "Customer Accounts". Once you have permission to create a new issue then follow these steps to do so:

  1. Login to the SQUIZZ.com platform from the Home page or mobile app.
  2. Click on the Organisations menu button
  3. Scroll and locate your organisation.
  4. Click on the Enquire Issues button.
  5. From the list of Issue Types click on the button of issue type that you wish create an issue from.
  6. In the Set Issue Details dialog fill out each of the issue type's fields.
  7. Click on the Save button.
  8. A message will display once the issue has successfully be created, and it will display the Issue Code generated for the new issue.

Once the issue has been created people within the organisation assigned to the Organisation Notification Category will receive a notification informing the new issue that you have created. If you have been given permission you may be able to follow the issue and receive notifications when its status changes, comments have been made by other people for it, or work has been logged against the issue.

Create A New Customer Account Issue

To fill out the issue type form and create a new issue for a customer account within an organisation, you must be assigned to a people group with the "Create Issues" permission set to Yes, the issue type must be active and its "Issue Associated With" field set to "Customer Account", and you must be able to view the details of the customer account you wish to create the issue for. Once you have permission to create a new issue against a customer account then follow these steps to do so:

  1. Login to the SQUIZZ.com platform from the Home page or mobile app.
  2. Click on the Organisations menu button
  3. Scroll and locate your organisation.
  4. Click on the Customer Accounts button.
  5. Scroll and locate the customer account you wish to create an issue for. Click on the Report Feedback/Issue link.
  6. From the list of Issue Types click on the button of issue type that you wish create an issue for.
  7. In the Set Issue Details dialog fill out each of the issue type's fields.
  8. Click on the Save button.
  9. A message will display once the issue has successfully be created, and it will display the Issue Code generated for the new issue.

Once the issue has been created people within the organisation assigned to the Organisation Notification Category will receive a notification informing the new issue that you have created. If you have been given permission you may be able to follow the issue and receive notifications when its status changes, comments have been made by other people for it, or work has been logged against the issue. Also people who have access to view the details of the customer account may also be able to see the account's issues.

Search For An Existing Issue

To search for an existing issue created under an organisation, you must be assigned to a people group with the "View Any Issues" permission set to Yes, or be searching for issues that you are assigned to, or are following. Once you have permission to search for an issue then follow these steps to do so:

  1. Login to the SQUIZZ.com platform from the Home page or mobile app.
  2. Click on the Organisations menu button
  3. Scroll and locate the organisation you wish to search for an issue with.
  4. Click on the Enquire Issues button.
  5. Click on the Search Existing Issues button
  6. In the Organisation Issues dialog chose one of the following.
    • Find All Issues
      Allows you to view all the issues assigned to the organisation, if you have permission to view all the organisation's issues.
    • Find Issues By Code
      Allows to find an issue by entering the code of the issue.
    • Find Issues By Type/Status
      Allows you to view all issues of an issue type, and optionally assigned to a given status of the issue type.
    • Find Issues Assigned To Me
      Allows you to view all issues that are assigned to you.
    • Find Issues Watched By Me
      Allows you to view all issues that you are following.
  7. After setting the search details based on the selected Search Mode click on the Search button. Found issues will be listed in the dialog.
  8. For one issue click on the Issue Code link to view the details of the issue.

Alternatively if you had received a notification about an issue you can click on the issue within the notification to bring up the details of the issue.

Search For An Existing Issue Assigned To A Customer Account

To search for an existing issue created under an organisation, you must be assigned to the organisation's People Group with the "View Any Issues" permission set to Yes, or be searching for issues that you are assigned to, or are following. Once you have permission to search for an issue then follow these steps to do so:

  1. Login to the SQUIZZ.com platform from the Home page or mobile app.
  2. Click on the Organisations menu button
  3. Scroll and locate the organisation you wish to search for an issue with.
  4. Click on the Customer Accounts button.
  5. Scroll and find the customer account. Click on the Report Feedback/Issue link.
  6. Click on the Search Existing Issues button.
  7. In the Organisation Issues dialog for the Issue Type drop down choose the issue type that wish to filter issues on, or else choose All.
  8. In the Issue Status choose the status of the issue type that you wish to filter the issues by, or else choose All.
  9. Click on the Search button. Any matching issues will be listed in the dialog.
  10. For one issue click on the Issue Code link to view the details of the issue.

Modify Details Of An Existing Issue

After an issue has been created for an organisation, you may be able to modify the data that was set for the issue. This could occur if the more information about the issue was obtained. In order to modify an existing issue you must be assigned to a people group with the "Modify Any Issues" permission set to Yes, or you must be assigned to the issue. Once you have permission to modify an issue then follow these steps to do so:

  1. Login to the SQUIZZ.com platform from the Home page or mobile app.
  2. Click on the Organisations menu button
  3. Scroll and locate your organisation.
  4. Click on the Enquire Issues button.
  5. Click on the Search Existing Issues.
  6. Use the search to locate the issue you wish to modify.
  7. Click on the issue's code.
  8. Within the Set Issue Details dialog click on the Modify button.
  9. For each of the form fields update the data within the fields.
  10. Click on the Save button.

The details of the issue will be updated. Additionally notifications will be sent to the person assigned to the issue, followers of the issue, and any people assigned to the organisation's Organisation Notification Category advising that you updated the details of the issue.

Add Person As A Follower Of An Existing Issue

To add a person to an issue and allow them be notified when changes occur to it, you must be assigned to a people group with the "Modify Any Issues" permission set to Yes, or you must be assigned to the issue. Additionally you must be personally connected to the person who's to become a follower. Once you have permission to add a follower to the issue then follow these steps to do so:

  1. Login to the SQUIZZ.com platform from the Home page or mobile app.
  2. Click on the Organisations menu button
  3. Scroll and locate your organisation.
  4. Click on the Enquire Issues button.
  5. Click on the Search Existing Issues.
  6. Use the search to locate the issue you wish to change its status of.
  7. Click on the issue's code.
  8. Within the Set Issue Details dialog click on the Add link next to the Followers label.
  9. In the textbox that displays type in the name of the person you wish to follow. The person must be a contact of yours.
  10. Select the person's name when it appears.

The person will be added to the list of people following the issue. A notification will be sent to the person advising that they are now following the issue. The person will be able to receive notifications about the issue when its status changes, comments are posted, work is logged, or the details are modified.

Follow An Existing Issue

To follow an organisation's issue that you have access to will allow you to be notified when changes occur to the issue. To follow an issue you must be assigned the organisation's people group with the "Modify Any Issues" permission set to Yes. Once you have permission to add yourself as a follower to the issue then follow these steps to do so:

  1. Login to the SQUIZZ.com platform from the Home page or mobile app.
  2. Click on the Organisations menu button
  3. Scroll and locate your organisation.
  4. Click on the Enquire Issues button.
  5. Click on the Search Existing Issues.
  6. Use the search to locate the issue you wish to change its status of.
  7. Click on the issue's code.
  8. Within the Set Issue Details dialog click on the Follow button below to the Followers label.

If you are not already assigned to the issue then you will be added to the list of people following the issue. You will be able to receive notifications about the issue when its status changes, comments are posted, work is logged, or the details are modified. The Follow button will dissapear once you are following the issue. Note that the Follow button will not appear within the Set Issue Details dialog if you do not have permission to add yourself as a follower.

Assign An Existing Issue To Me

To assign an organisation's issue to yourself you must be assigned to the organisation's people group that has the "Modify Any Issues" permission set to Yes. Once you have permission to change the person assigned to the issue then follow these steps to do so:

  1. Login to the SQUIZZ.com platform from the Home page or mobile app.
  2. Click on the Organisations menu button
  3. Scroll and locate your organisation.
  4. Click on the Enquire Issues button.
  5. Click on the Search Existing Issues.
  6. Use the search to locate the issue you wish to change assigned person of.
  7. Click on the issue's code.
  8. Within the Set Issue Details dialog click on the Assign To Me button below the Assignee label.

You will become assigned to the issue and you will be able to receive notifications about the issue when its status changes, comments are posted, work is logged, as well as change the details of the issue. The Assign To Me button will dissappear once you are assigned to the issue.

Change The Person Assigned To An Existing Issue

To change the person who is assigned to an organisation's issue you must be assigned to a people group with the "Modify Any Issues" permission set to Yes, or you must be assigned to the issue. Once you have permission to change the person assigned to the issue then follow these steps to do so:

  1. Login to the SQUIZZ.com platform from the Home page or mobile app.
  2. Click on the Organisations menu button
  3. Scroll and locate your organisation.
  4. Click on the Enquire Issues button.
  5. Click on the Search Existing Issues.
  6. Use the search to locate the issue you wish to change assigned person of.
  7. Click on the issue's code.
  8. Within the Set Issue Details dialog click on the Modify button below the Assignee label.
  9. In the textbox that displays type in the name of the person you wish to assign to the issue. The person must be a contact of yours.
  10. Select the person's name when it appears.

The person will be assigned to the issue. A notification will be sent to the person advising that they are now assigned to the issue. The person will be able to receive notifications about the issue when its status changes, comments are posted, work is logged, as well as change the details of the issue.

Change The Status Of An Existing Issue

After an issue has been created for an organisation, you may be able to change its status. This could occur when the issue progresses through a process. In order to change an issue's status you must be assigned to a people group with the "Modify Any Issues" permission set to Yes, or you must be assigned to the issue. Once you have permission to change the status of an issue then follow these steps to do so:

  1. Login to the SQUIZZ.com platform from the Home page or mobile app.
  2. Click on the Organisations menu button
  3. Scroll and locate your organisation.
  4. Click on the Enquire Issues button.
  5. Click on the Search Existing Issues.
  6. Use the search to locate the issue you wish to change its status of.
  7. Click on the issue's code.
  8. Within the Set Issue Details dialog in the Status drop down select the status that you wish to change the issue to. Note that you may not be able to see any other statuses if the issue type does not allow status of the issue to change. 

The status of the issue will be updated. Additionally notifications will be sent to the person assigned to the issue, followers of the issue, and any people assigned to the organisation's Organisation Notification Category advising that you changed the status of the issue.

Post A Comment Against An Issue

To post a comment against an organisation's issue its issue type must be set to allow comments. Additionally you must be assigned to a people group with the "Comment Any Issues" permission set to Yes, or you must be assigned to the issue, or you must be following the issue. Once you have permission to comment on an issue then follow these steps to do so:

  1. Login to the SQUIZZ.com platform from the Home page or mobile app.
  2. Click on the Organisations menu button
  3. Scroll and locate your organisation.
  4. Click on the Enquire Issues button.
  5. Click on the Search Existing Issues.
  6. Use the search to locate the issue you wish to comment on.
  7. Click on the issue's code.
  8. Within the Set Issue Details dialog click on the Comments button.
  9. In the Write Message textarea type your comment.
  10. Click on the Post button.

Your comment will appear at the top of the list of comments. Additionally notifications will be sent to the person assigned to the issue, followers of the issue, and any people assigned to the organisation's Organisation Notification Category advising that you commented on the issue.

Set Time Estimate To Complete Work On An Existing Issue

To set the estimated time that it take to complete work against an organisation's issue its issue type must be set to allow work logged against its issues. Additionally you must be assigned to a people group with the "Modify Any Issues" permission set to Yes, or you must be assigned to the issue. Once you have permission to set the time estimate to complete work on an issue then follow these steps to do so:

  1. Login to the SQUIZZ.com platform from the Home page or mobile app.
  2. Click on the Organisations menu button
  3. Scroll and locate your organisation.
  4. Click on the Enquire Issues button.
  5. Click on the Search Existing Issues.
  6. Use the search to locate the issue you wish to set a time estimate for.
  7. Click on the issue's code.
  8. Within the Set Issue Details dialog click on the Modify link next to the Time Estimated label.
  9. In the Hours and Minutes textbox type set numbers the fields to set the estimated time.
  10. Click on the Save button.

The estimated time will be updated in the issue. The Time Remaining will be recalculated based on the new estimated time and the time already logged against the issue.

Log Hours Worked Against An Existing Issue

To log hours against an organisation's issue its "issue type" must be set to allow hours to be logged. Additionally you must be assigned to a "people group" of the organisation with the "Log Work Against Issues" permission set to Yes, or you must be assigned to the issue, or you must be following the issue. Once you have permission to log hours against an issue then follow these steps to do so:

  1. Login to the SQUIZZ.com platform from the Home page or mobile app.
  2. Click on the Organisations menu button
  3. Scroll and locate your organisation.
  4. Click on the Enquire Issues button.
  5. Click on the Search Existing Issues.
  6. Use the search to locate the issue you wish to log time against.
  7. Click on the issue's code.
  8. Within the Set Issue Details dialog click on the Work Logged button.
  9. In the Time Worked text boxes set the hours and minutes that have been worked on the issue.
  10. In the Write Message textarea optionally write a message that contains details about the work you have done on the issue.
  11. Click on the Post button.

Alternatively to log hours against an issue associated to a customer account that you are assigned to, follow these steps:

  1. Login to the SQUIZZ.com platform from the Home page or mobile app.
  2. Click on the Accounts menu button
  3. Scroll and locate the customer account.
  4. Click on the Report Feedback/Issue button.
  5. Click on the Search Existing Issues.
  6. Use the search to locate the issue you wish to log time against.
  7. Click on the issue's code.
  8. Within the Set Issue Details dialog click on the Work Logged button.
  9. In the Time Worked text boxes set the hours and minutes that have been worked on the issue.
  10. In the Write Message textarea optionally write a message that contains details about the work you have done on the issue.
  11. Click on the Post button.

Your hours worked will appear at the top of the hours logged list. Additionally the Time Logged of this issue will be updated to factor in the time that you logged. The Time Remaining on the issue will be decreased by the amount of hours that you logged. Additionally notifications will be sent to the person assigned to the issue, followers of the issue, and any people assigned to the organisation's Organisation Notification Category advising of the hours that you logged against the issue.

Upload File Attachment Against An Issue

To upload a file attachment against an organisation's issue its "issue type" must have the "allow attachment" setting set to Yes. Additionally you must be assigned to a "people group" of the organisation with the "Upload Attachments Against Issues" permission set to Yes, or you must be assigned to the issue, or you must be following the issue. Once you have permission to upload attachments against an issue then follow these steps to do so:

  1. Login to the SQUIZZ.com platform from the Home page or mobile app.
  2. Click on the Organisations menu button
  3. Scroll and locate your organisation.
  4. Click on the Enquire Issues button.
  5. Click on the Search Existing Issues.
  6. Use the search to locate the issue you wish to log time against.
  7. Click on the issue's code.
  8. Within the Set Issue Details dialog click on the Attachments button.
  9. Click on the Upload Attachment button.
  10. Within the File Browser window locate and select the file you wish to attach to the issue

Alternatively to attachment a file against an issue associated to a customer account that you are assigned to, follow these steps:

  1. Login to the SQUIZZ.com platform from the Home page or mobile app.
  2. Click on the Accounts menu button
  3. Scroll and locate the customer account.
  4. Click on the Report Feedback/Issue button.
  5. Click on the Search Existing Issues.
  6. Use the search to locate the issue you wish to log time against.
  7. Click on the issue's code.
  8. Within the Set Issue Details dialog click on the Attachments button.
  9. Click on the Upload Attachment button.
  10. Within the File Browser window locate and select the file you wish to attach to the issue

The file will be uploaded and encrypted to the platform, as well as appear within the Attachments list. Additionally notifications will be sent to the person assigned to the issue, followers of the issue, and any people assigned to the organisation's Organisation Notification Category advising of the attachment file that is now available for them to access. Also within the Change Log section of the issue Detail dialog it will also show a notification advising that the file was added to the issue.

View and Download File Attachments Against An Issue

To view and download file attachments saved against an organisation's issue its "issue type" must have the "allow attachment" setting set to Yes. Additionally you must be assigned to a "people group" of the organisation with the "Upload Attachments Against Issues" permission set to Yes, or you must be assigned to the issue, or you must be following the issue. Once you have permission to view attachments against an issue then follow these steps to do so:

  1. Login to the SQUIZZ.com platform from the Home page or mobile app.
  2. Click on the Organisations menu button
  3. Scroll and locate your organisation.
  4. Click on the Enquire Issues button.
  5. Click on the Search Existing Issues.
  6. Use the search to locate the issue you wish to log time against.
  7. Click on the issue's code.
  8. Within the Set Issue Details dialog click on the Attachments button.

Alternatively to view file attachments against an issue associated to a customer account that you are assigned to, follow these steps:

  1. Login to the SQUIZZ.com platform from the Home page or mobile app.
  2. Click on the Accounts menu button
  3. Scroll and locate the customer account.
  4. Click on the Report Feedback/Issue button.
  5. Click on the Search Existing Issues.
  6. Use the search to locate the issue you wish to log time against.
  7. Click on the issue's code.
  8. Within the Set Issue Details dialog click on the Attachments button.

A list of file attachments assigned to the issue will loaded in a list. For each file you can see the file name, file size, the date it was uploaded,a button to Download the file, and a button to delete the file attachment.

Click on the Download button against a file attachment to open up the File Download Confirmation dialog. The dialog will allow you to see who uploaded the file, the file name and size. Before clicking on the Download button confirm that you are sure that you wish to download the file. If you are unsure it is highly recommended to not download the file since it may contain malicious contents. Before downloading any files it is recommended to have anti-virus software on your computer/device that can check that the contents of the file is not malicious.

Note that you can also see when and who uploaded file attachments by clicking on the Change Log button of an issue.

Delete A File Attachment Against An Issue

To delete a file attachment saved against an organisation's issue its "issue type" must have the "allow attachment" setting set to Yes. Additionally you must be assigned to a "people group" of the organisation with the "Upload Attachments Against Issues" permission set to Yes, or you must be assigned to the issue, or you must be following the issue. Once you have permission to view attachments against an issue then follow these steps to delete an attachment:

  1. Login to the SQUIZZ.com platform from the Home page or mobile app.
  2. Click on the Organisations menu button
  3. Scroll and locate your organisation.
  4. Click on the Enquire Issues button.
  5. Click on the Search Existing Issues.
  6. Use the search to locate the issue you wish to log time against.
  7. Click on the issue's code.
  8. Within the Set Issue Details dialog click on the Attachments button.
  9. Once the attachments list displays, click on the Delete button against the file attachment you wish to permanently delete.
  10. Within the confirmation dialog click on the OK button to confirm you wish to permanently delete the file attachment.

Alternatively to delete a file attachment against an issue associated to a customer account that you are assigned to, follow these steps:

  1. Login to the SQUIZZ.com platform from the Home page or mobile app.
  2. Click on the Accounts menu button
  3. Scroll and locate the customer account.
  4. Click on the Report Feedback/Issue button.
  5. Click on the Search Existing Issues.
  6. Use the search to locate the issue you wish to log time against.
  7. Click on the issue's code.
  8. Within the Set Issue Details dialog click on the Attachments button.
  9. Once the attachments list displays, click on the Delete button against the file attachment you wish to permanently delete.
  10. Within the confirmation dialog click on the OK button to confirm you wish to permanently delete the file attachment.

The issue's attachment file will be permanently removed and no longer appear in the attachments list. Additionally notifications will be sent to the person assigned to the issue, followers of the issue, and any people assigned to the organisation's Organisation Notification Category advising that the attachment file has been deleted. Also within the Change Log section of the issue Detail dialog it will also show a notification advising that the file was removed.

Link Issues To One Another Issue

To link one issue to another within the same organisation both of the issues "issue type" must have the "allow issue linkage" setting set to Yes. Additionally you must be assigned to a "people group" of the organisation with the "Modify Any Issue" permission set to Yes, or you must be assigned to the issue, or you must be following the issue. Once you have permission to link issues then follow these steps to do so:

  1. Login to the SQUIZZ.com platform from the Home page or mobile app.
  2. Click on the Organisations menu button
  3. Scroll and locate your organisation.
  4. Click on the Enquire Issues button.
  5. Click on the Search Existing Issues.
  6. Use the search to locate the issue you wish to link.
  7. Click on the issue's code.
  8. Within the Set Issue Details dialog click on the Links button.
  9. Within the Links tab in the Linkage Type drop choose one of the following options to determine what kind link exists between the 2 issues.
    1. Linked To
      Specifies that the current is linked to the other issue.
    2. Cloned To
      Specifies that the current issue's details were copied to the issue being linked. From the linked issue's point of view it will have its Linkage Type set to Cloned From.
    3. Cloned From
      Specifies that the current issue's details were copied from the issue being linked. From the linked issue's point of view it will have its Linkage Type set to Cloned To.
    4. Is A Blocker Of
      Specifies that the issue being linked is blocked from being resolved by the current issue. From the linked issue's point view it will its Linkage Type set to Is Blocked By.
    5. Is Blocked By
      Specifies that the issue being linked is block the current issue from being resolved. From the linked issue's point view it will its Linkage Type set to Is A Blocker Of.
    6. Is A Duplicate Of
      Specifies that the current issue's details were a duplicate of the original issue being linked. From the linked issue's point of view it will have its Linkage Type set to Was Duplicated To.
    7. Was Duplicated To
      Specifies that the current issue's details were copied to the issue being linked. From the linked issue's point of view it will have its Linkage Type set to Is A Duplicate Of.
    8. Depends On
      Specifies that the current issue depends on the issue being linked before it can be completed. From the linked issue's point of view it will have its Linkage Type set to Dependent Of.
    9. Dependent Of
      Specifies that the current issue needs to be completed before the issue being linked can be completed. From the linked issue's point of view it will have its Linkage Type set to Depends On.
  10. In the Link This Issue To drop down select option Organisation Issue.
  11. Within the Issue Code textbox type the code of the issue to link to the current issue.
  12. Click on the Add Linkage button.

Alternatively to link issues against an issue associated to a customer account that you are assigned to, follow these steps:

  1. Login to the SQUIZZ.com platform from the Home page or mobile app.
  2. Click on the Accounts menu button
  3. Scroll and locate the customer account.
  4. Click on the Report Feedback/Issue button.
  5. Click on the Search Existing Issues.
  6. Use the search to locate the issue you wish to link.
  7. Click on the issue's code.
  8. Within the Set Issue Details dialog click on the Links button.
  9. Within the Links tab in the Linkage Type drop choose one of the following options to determine what kind link exists between the 2 issues.
    1. Linked To
      Specifies that the current is linked to the other issue.
    2. Cloned To
      Specifies that the current issue's details were copied to the issue being linked. From the linked issue's point of view it will have its Linkage Type set to Cloned From.
    3. Cloned From
      Specifies that the current issue's details were copied from the issue being linked. From the linked issue's point of view it will have its Linkage Type set to Cloned To.
    4. Is A Blocker Of
      Specifies that the issue being linked is blocked from being resolved by the current issue. From the linked issue's point view it will its Linkage Type set to Is Blocked By.
    5. Is Blocked By
      Specifies that the issue being linked is block the current issue from being resolved. From the linked issue's point view it will its Linkage Type set to Is A Blocker Of.
    6. Is A Duplicate Of
      Specifies that the current issue's details were a duplicate of the original issue being linked. From the linked issue's point of view it will have its Linkage Type set to Was Duplicated To.
    7. Was Duplicated To
      Specifies that the current issue's details were copied to the issue being linked. From the linked issue's point of view it will have its Linkage Type set to Is A Duplicate Of.
    8. Depends On
      Specifies that the current issue depends on the issue being linked before it can be completed. From the linked issue's point of view it will have its Linkage Type set to Dependent Of.
    9. Dependent Of
      Specifies that the current issue needs to be completed before the issue being linked can be completed. From the linked issue's point of view it will have its Linkage Type set to Depends On.
  10. In the Link This Issue To drop down select option Organisation Issue.
  11. Within the Issue Code textbox type the code of the issue to link to the current issue.
  12. Click on the Add Linkage button.

The issue will be linked to the other issue and appear within the Links list. Additionally to person assigned to the issue, or is following the issue, or is assigned to the Organisation Notification category of the organisation will receive a notification advising that the 2 issues are linked together.

Unlink an Issue From Another Issue

To unlink one issue to another issue within the same organisation, both of the issues "issue type" must have the "allow issue linkage" setting set to Yes. Additionally you must be assigned to a "people group" of the organisation with the "Modify Any Issue" permission set to Yes, or you must be assigned to the issue, or you must be following the issue. Once you have permission then to unlink the issues then follow these steps to do so:

  1. Login to the SQUIZZ.com platform from the Home page or mobile app.
  2. Click on the Organisations menu button
  3. Scroll and locate your organisation.
  4. Click on the Enquire Issues button.
  5. Click on the Search Existing Issues.
  6. Use the search to locate the issue you wish to unlink.
  7. Click on the issue's code.
  8. Within the Set Issue Details dialog click on the Links button.
  9. Within the Links list click on the Unlink Issue button against the issue that needs to be unlinked.

Alternatively to link unissues against an issue associated to a customer account that you are assigned to, follow these steps:

  1. Login to the SQUIZZ.com platform from the Home page or mobile app.
  2. Click on the Accounts menu button
  3. Scroll and locate the customer account.
  4. Click on the Report Feedback/Issue button.
  5. Click on the Search Existing Issues.
  6. Use the search to locate the issue you wish to unlink.
  7. Click on the issue's code.
  8. Within the Set Issue Details dialog click on the Links button.
  9. Within the Links list click on the Unlink Issue button against the issue that needs to be unlinked.

The issue will be unlinked from the other issue and no longer appear within the Links list. Additionally to person assigned to the issue, or is following the issue, or is assigned to the Organisation Notification category of the organisation will receive a notification advising that the 2 issues are no longer linked together.