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Organisation Notifications

Once an organisation has been registered within the SQUIZZ.com platform, selected people who are connected to the organisation can receive notifications on its behalf.  This allows the selected people such as employees to be informed of activity generated with the organisation. Organisation notifications can occur for many aspects, such as when a person has requested to connect to with the organisation, when a customer has raised a new sales order, when a person has posted on the organisation's feeds, when an event has occurred within external business system that the organisation has connected to the platform, and many other aspects.


  1. Prerequisites
  2. Overview
  3. Assign A Person To An Organisation Notification Category
  4. Remove A Person From Organisation Notification Category



Once an organisation is registered within the SQUIZZ.com the person who is the administrator of the organisation will be automatically set to receive all notifications that relate to their organisation. Administrators can also choose other connected people to receive the organisation's notifications. This could allow selected employees or contractors to receive notifications, since they have been given responsibility to stay informed of activity associated with the organisation. When an organisation notification is raised, for the people who are able to receive the notification it will appear for them with the in organisation notifications menus that appear within the heading bar of the platform.

When an administrator is assigning a person to receive the organisation's notifications, they can assign the person to one or more "notification categories". This can then restrict the kind of organisation notifications that the person is allowed to receive. For example if a person is employed within the organisation as the Marketing Manager, then they may be only be assigned to the Feeds category, which only allows them to receive notifications when other people post messages or comments within the organisation's feeds. When setting up organisation in the platform you may wish to assign several people to one or more categories based on their role within the business. 

Organisation Notification Categories

People connected to an organisation can be assigned to one or more of these notification categories:

  • Contacts
    The Contacts category raises notifications related to people who are connecting with the organisation. It is recommended human resource managers are assigned to this category.
  • Conversations
    The conversations category raises notifications related to conversations that the organisation is associated with, such as conversations that the organisation's customer accounts are assigned to. It is recommended that general managers and sales representative people are assigned to this category.
  • Organisation
    The organisation category raises notifications related to other organisations connecting to your organisation, as well as any other generate notification activity. It is recommended human resource managers, purchaser managers, and sales managers are assigned to this category.
  • Accounts
    The accounts category raises notifications related to the organisation's supplier and customer accounts. It is recommended that accounts managers, purchaser managers, and sales managers are assigned to this category.
  • Sales Orders
    The sales order category raises notifications related to sales orders being created for the organisation and sales related activity. It is recommended that sales managers, warehouse managers and stock managers are assigned to this category.
  • Purchase Orders
    The purchase order category raises notifications related to purchase orders being created for the organisation and purchasing related activity. It is recommended that purchaser managers, warehouse managers and stock managers are assigned to this category.
  • Baskets
    The baskets category raises notifications related to purchasers and customers buying products off the organisation. It is recommended that purchaser managers, and sales managers are assigned to this category.
  • Feeds
    The feeds category raises for notifications related to the organisation's feeds, including people posting messages, comments, and activity within the feeds. It is recommended that marketing managers and public relations officers are assigned to this category.

Assign A Person To An Organisation Notification Category

To add a person to receive the organisation's notifications you first must be connected to the organisation and be designated as an administrator of the organisation. Once you have been given these credentials and the person has been connected to the organisation then follow the steps below to add the person to a notification category of the organisation:

  1. Login to the SQUIZZ.com platform from the Home page or mobile app.
  2. Click on the Organisations menu button in the menu bar (click on menu icon if the menu bar isn't already showing).
  3. Scroll through your connected organisations and find the organisation you wish to modify settings for.
  4. Click on the Profile button of the organisation.
  5. Within the organisation profile click on the Admin button.
  6. Click on the Notification Settings button.
  7. In the Notification Category select the category that you wish to allow the person to receive notifications for.
  8. In the Enter Person's Name textbox type the name of the person.
  9. Click on the name of the person when it appears under the Enter Person's Name textbox. If the person's name does not appear then they may not be connected to the organisation.
  10. Repeat steps 7 to 10 to add the person to any other notification categories.

The person will be added to the notification category(s). For any future organisation notifications that are raised in the categories the person is assigned to, they will see the notification appear within the menu bar under the relevant menu item in the Organisation column.

Remove A Person From Organisation Notification Category

To remove a person from receiving the organisation's notifications you first must be connected to the organisation and be designated as an administrator of the organisation. Once you have been given these credentials then follow the steps below to remove the person to a notification category(s) of the organisation:

  1. Login to the SQUIZZ.com platform from the Home page or mobile app.
  2. Click on the Organisations menu button in the top header bar.
  3. Scroll through your connected organisations and find the organisation you wish to modify settings for.
  4. Click on the Profile button.
  5. Within the organisation profile click on the Admin button.
  6. Click on the Notification Settings button.
  7. In the Notification Category select the category that you wish to remove the person from.
  8. Click on the Remove link under the person's name
  9. Repeat steps 7 to 8 to remove the person from any other notification categories.

The person will be removed to the notification category(s). For any future organisation notifications that are raised in the categories the person is no longer assigned to, they will no longer receive organisation notifications.