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Platform API Endpoint: Retrieve Organisation Data

This API endpoint allows systems of one organisation to retrieve different types of data of another connected organisation, who've hosted their data on the SQUIZZ.com platform.

Within the SQUIZZ.com Application Programming Interface (API) it contains an endpoint that allows one organisation using 3rd party software to retrieve data from another connected organisation, who has imported and stored their data on the platform. This data could be products, pricing, stock availability, among many others. The "Retrieve Organisation Data" endpoint can be used to automate a number of processes, including the sharing of data between different organisations, and regularly keeping data up to date. To use the API endpoint you will need to have knowledge in building software applications, and how to make requests over the internet to call RESTful web services, which the platform's API endpoint is based on.


  1. Prerequisites
  2. Overview
  3. Retrieve Attributes and Product Attribute Value Data
  4. Retrieve Category Data
  5. Retrieve Maker data
  6. Retrieve Maker Model Data
  7. Retrieve Maker Model Mapping Data
  8. Retrieve Product Data
  9. Retrieve Product Combination Data
  10. Retrieve Product Pricing Data
  11. Retrieve Product Stock Quantity Data
  12. Retrieve Product Image Data
  13. Frequently Asked Questions


The endpoint allows different kinds of organisational data to be retrieved from another chosen organisation who had previously imported their data into the platform. The endpoint will return a list of records in a conforming Ecommerce Standards document that will be formatted in a JSON HTTP response. For example the endpoint could be called to get a list of products from a supplying organisation, or get a list of stock quantities for the products that a supplier organisation sells. See the list below of the kinds of data that can be retrieved.

Organisations who are supplying the data can control the kinds data that is available to other organisations through the use of "Data Sharing Policies". For example one organisation may not allow another organisation to retrieve stock quantities, but may allow the retrieving organisation to get product pricing data. Data sharing policies may also be used to restrict the kinds of products that another organisation may retrieve.

The endpoint allows a maximum of 5000 records to be retrieved in one request for all data types, except for Product Combinations where the limit is 500 records, and Maker Model Mappings the limit is 100,000 records. Where there are more than the maximum number of records to retrieve in a single request, the calling software can use the "records_start_index" and "records_max_amount" parameters to step through and download the a range of records across multiple requests.

Before using this endpoint we recommend that you understand what the Ecommerce Standards Documents are and how you can read data from the standards into your own business logic. Note that there are trading token costs to retrieve the organisation data using this API. These costs may be paid by the organisation supplying the data, or the organisation retrieving the data depending on the data sharing policy that the supplying organisation has set up. See Trading Tokens and Pricing for information on costs.

HTTP Request

HTTP URL https://api.squizz.com/rest/1/org/retrieve_esd/session_id
Parameters Data Type Mandatory
session_id STRING Yes
  ID of the API session. Place the session ID within the URL
supplier_org_id STRING Yes
  ID of the organisation issued by the platform to retrieve the data from.
data_type_id INTEGER Yes
  ID of the type of data to retrieve. Set one of the numbers:
records_start_index INTEGER No
  The index to start retrieving the records from. For example if there are 8000 product records, setting the record_start_index to 2000 will get records numbered 2000 onwards. If the parameter is not set then the start index is set to 0.
records_max_amount INTEGER No
  Sets the maximum amount of records that are returned. For example if set to 1000 then only up to 1000 records will be returned by the endpoint. If the parameter is not set or the value is higher than 5000 then the parameter will be set to 5000. For Product Combinations the maximum amount of records is limited to 500 records. For Maker Model Mappings the maximum amount of records is limited to 100,000 records.
customer_account_code STRING Conditional
  Code of the supplying organisation's customer account. The account code is only required when the "data_type_id" is set to 37 to retrieve Customer Account Product Pricing, and if the supplying organisation has assigned multiple customer accounts to the organisation calling the endpoint. The customer account code will dictate how the products are priced.
records_updated_after_date_time LONG INTEGER Conditional
  Filter to only obtain records that have been updated after the specified date time. Date time is provided in milliseconds since the 01/01/1970 12AM UTC epoch. For example to obtain records update after 16/03/2023 14:21:16 AEDT then provide the value: 1678936875000
This parameter can be used to reduce the amount of data being retrieved, to only records that changed since the last time the endpoint was called for the given data type requested. Note that Updated Date Time for a record may get updated, even if no data was altered for a record when the supplying organisation performed a data import that includes the record.
Ensure that a positive number is provided, otherwise the parameter will be ignored and no records wil lbe filtered by updated date time.
get_recommended_retail_pricing ENUM(Y, N) No
  If set to Y - Yes and the data_type_id is set to 37 - Product Customer Account Pricing, then it will retrieve Recommended Retail Pricing (RRP) for products of the supplying organisation.
RRP indicate how much it would cost for consumers to buy the products at normal retail market rates.

The RRP pricing data can only be retrieved if the supplying organisation has configured a Selling Region that has the "Recommended Retail Price (RRP) level" setting assigned to a price level that has unit product pricing data stored against it, and that selling region matches the country/region that the requesting organisation is also assigned to.

HTTP Response

Response Data Type JSON
Parameters Data Type
  Either "SUCCESS" or "FAILURE". If successful then the data was successfully retrieved.
resultStatus INTEGER
  • Set to 1 of the data was successfully obtained
  • Set to 2 of the data could not be obtained
version DECIMAL
  Version of the Ecommerce Standards Document being returned from the server.
configs.api_version DECIMAL
  Version of the SQUIZZ.com platform's API used to handle the request
configs.result_code STRING

Status code of trying to retrieve the organisation's data. The following codes could be returned:

    The record data was successfully obtained.
    The organisation supplying the data with the given organisation ID could not be found or is not active within the platform. Check with the supplier organisation that their organisation ID issued by the platform is correct.
    The session used to call the endpoint has expired, or never existed. Look at calling the Create Session endpoint to get another session ID.
    No customer account has been provided when calling the endpoint to obtain pricing data, or the customer account provided does not match the account that the organisation who is supplying the data has assigned.
    The organisation supplying the pricing data has not assigned any customer account to the customer organisation. The supplier organiation needs to do so to allow pricing data to be obtained.
    The organisation supplying the data with the given organisation ID could not be found or is not active within the platform or otherwise no connection exists between the two organisations.
    The organisation calling the endpoint does not have permission to obtain the kind of data requested from the organisation supplying the data. This is because either the organisation supplying the data has not given as to the calling organisation for the type of data being requested based on the supplying organisation's assigned Data Sharing Policy. If Recommended Retail Pricing (RRP) data is being requested for the Product Customer Account Pricing data type, this error may indicate that the requesting organisation either doesn't have permission to retrieve the pricing, or the supplying organisation has not assigned a RRP price level to a Selling Region that the requesting organisation matches. In either case it's best to contact the supplying organisation to determine if the correct permissions and Data Sharing Policies have been  set up and assigned.
    Either the organisation supplying the data, or the organisation retrieving the data does not have enough trading tokens within the platform to pay for the data retrieval. Check that either organisation has enough trading tokens to cover retrieving the data. By default the organisation calling the API endpoint to retrieve the data needs cover the trading tokens costs, however the organisation who's supplying the data may cover the retrieval costs a certain number of times in a 24 hour period. This is controlled by the supplying orgnisation's Data Sharing Policy that is assigned  to the organisation who is retrieving the data, A person who is an administrator of the organisation covering the trading tokens cost will need to purchase more trading tokens, see Buy More Trading Tokens For An Organisation.
    Either the organisation supplying the data, or the organisation retrieving the data does not have enough trading tokens within the platform to pay for the data retrieval. Check that either organisation has enough trading tokens to cover retrieving the data. By default the organisation calling the API endpoint to retrieve the data needs cover the trading tokens costs, however the organisation who's supplying the data may cover the retrieval costs a certain number of times in a 24 hour period. This is controlled by the supplying orgnisation's Data Sharing Policy that is assigned  to the organisation who is retrieving the data, A person who is an administrator of the organisation covering the trading tokens cost will need to purchase more trading tokens, see Buy More Trading Tokens For An Organisation.
    An unspecified or unexpected error has occurred on the server when calling the endpoint. If this error continues to be returned please raise the issue with SQUIZZ.com.
configs.recordsStartIndex INTEGER
  The start index of the record that records were returned from
configs.recordsMaxAmount INTEGER
  The maximum amount of records that have been returned by the endpoint
configs.dataFields CSV
  Contains a list of comma separated values containing the fields that are included in the record data being exported. If the field is displayed in this CSV list but the record does not contain the field in the dataRecords array, then it denotes that the record is using the default value of the field.
dataRecords JSON ARRAY

List of records based on the data type set in the request:

  • If the Data Type ID is set to 3 then returns a list of Product Ecommerce Standards Records. Each record contains details of a product.
  • If the Data Type ID is set to 15 then returns a list of Product Combination Parent Ecommerce Standards Records. Each record contains details of a product.
  • If the Data Type ID is set to 37 then returns a list of Price Ecommerce Standards Records. The pricing records contains both unit and quantity break pricing for each of the products the requesting organisation can buy products at, based on its relationship with the organisation supplying the data.
  • If the Data Type ID is set to 10 then returns a list of Stock Quantity Ecommerce Standards Records. Each stock quantity record defines the amount of product stock that is available by the organisation supplying the stock.
  • If the Data Type ID is set to 8 then returns a list of Category Ecommerce Standards Records. Each category record defines a grouping of products and categories assigned to it
  • If the Data Type ID is set to 11 then returns a list of Attribute Profile Records, as well as a list of product Attribute Value Records. Each attribute profile groups a list of attributes together, with each attribute defining a single type of data that can have many values set against it. Each product attribute value record contains an attribute's value assigned to a product, allowing many additional pieces of data to be assigned to products, such as specifications or other details. Attribute profiles and product attribute values allows products to have an unlimited amount of additional fields defined against them, with different kind of fields set for different kinds of products.
  • If the Data Type ID is set to 44 then returns a list of Maker Records. Each maker (also known as a manufacturer) defines an organisation or person who manufactures or assembles materials and parts together to make complete models of products.
  • If the Data Type ID is set to 45 then returns a list of Maker Model Records. Each Maker Model defines a model that has been created by a manufacturer. A model may consist of many products that may or may not contain interchangable products that an organisation may offer. Each model may contain a list of Attribute Value Records assigned to it that define additional details, based on the kind of model that it is. For instance a vehicle model may contain attributes that define its engine size, colours it comes in, or size of its fuel tank. Example types of models include vehicles, printers, mobile devices, computers, toys, and much more.
  • If the Data Type ID is set to 46 then returns a list of Maker Model Mapping Records. Each Maker Model Mapping record defines a product being assigned to a model in a given category. These records define which of the organisation's products can be assigned to different categories across many models. Each mapping record may specify the quantity of a product that is required for a model. Each mapping record may also contain a list of Attribute Value Records that defines additional information about a product when specifically assigned to a category in the model.

HTTP Response Example:

{"result":"SUCCESS", "version":"1.0", "configs":{"dataFields":"comma,list,of,record,fields,being,exported", "api_version":"", "result_code":"SERVER_SUCCESS", "recordsStartIndex":"0", "recordsMaxAmount":"5000"}, "dataRecords":[list_of_esd_records]}

Retrieve Attributes and Product Attribute Value Data

The Retrieve Organisation Data endpoint can be called by an organisation to retrieve a list of attribute data from another organisation connected to it on the SQUIZZ.com platform. The endpoint will return a list of attribute profiles, attributes and product attribute value records in the Attribute Ecommerce Standards Document (ESD) JSON data format that the receiving organisation has been given access to download, based on the Data Sharing Policy that the supplying organisation has assigned to the receiving organisation.

Within the retrieved Attribute JSON document, it is broken up into 2 parts. The first being a list of attribute profile records that each contain a list of attributes. Each attribute profile record conforms to the Attribute Profile ESD Record format, and then each attribute record conforms to the Attribute ESD Record format.

The second part of the Attribute JSON document contains a list of attribute values set against each product  Each product attribute value record is conforms to the Attribute Value ESD Record format. 

Attributes effectively allow an unlimited number of additional fields to be defined for products and models, with multiple product or model values being set for each attribute. Attributes are grouped into attribute profiles, allowing multiple attribute fields to be given a greater context of what they store or represent. The following table shows the record fields that this endpoint in the SQUIZZ.com API supports:

Data Type Attribute Profile
Field Name Data Type Mandatory Default Value
keyAttributeProfileID STRING Yes [EMPTY STRING]
  Unique identifier of the attribute profile that the supplier organisation has set, ensuring that only one attribute profile has this key identifier across all its profiles. The keyAttributeProfileID may be created by a person, or may be based on a internal unique identifier created in a business system's database, such as an auto-incrementing number, UUID, or GUID identifier.
  This field stores the unique ID that the SQUIZZ.com platform generated when the attribute profile was imported into the platform.
  Name of the attribute profile. The name typically contains natural words that allow it easily recognised and understood by people. The name may broadly indicate all the types of attributes assigned to it.
description STRING No [EMPTY STRING]
  Text that provides more in depth details about what the attribute profile is or represents.
attributes Attribute ARRAY No [Null Value]
  An array of attributes that each define one type of data or field that values can be stored against.
Attribute Record Fields
  Unique identifier of the attribute that the supplier organisation has set, ensuring that only one attribute has this key identifier across all its attributes. The keyAttributeID may be created by a person, or may be based on a internal unique identifier created in a business system's database, such as an auto-incrementing number, UUID, or GUID identifier.
  Name of the attribute. The name typically contains natural words that allow it easily recognised and understood by people. The name would typically indicate the kind of data/values that could be stored against it.
  Controls the type of values that are allowed to be stored against the attribute. If set to STRING then any text characters may be set in the attribute's values. If set to NUMBER then only numbers and decimals may be placed into the values stored against the attribute.
Product Attribute Value Record Fields
  Key identifier of the attribute record that the attribute value has its value assigned against.
keyAttributeProfileID STRING Yes [EMPTY STRING]
  Key identifier of the attribute profile that the attribute value is assigned against belongs to.
numberValue DECIMAL No 0
  Contains the product's attribute value when the attribute specifies that its value is stored as a numeric number. The number can only contain the characters 0 to 9, and decimals.
  Contains the product's attribute value when the attribute specifies that its value is stored as a string value. The value may contain any types of characters.

HTTP Request Raw Example:

GET https://api.squizz.com/rest/1/org/retrieve_esd/3042EXAMPLEGSESSIONID342?supplier_org_id=1302EXAMPLEORGID&data_type_id=11 HTTP/1.1
Host: api.squizz.com
Content-Type: application/json

HTTP Response Example:

Below is an example Attribute Document returned by the API endpoint.

 "version": 1.3,
 "resultStatus": 1,
 "dataTransferMode": "COMPLETE",
 "totalDataRecords": 4,
 "message":"The product attribute data has been successfully obtained.",
   "name":"Clothing Styling",
   "description":"View the styling details of clothes",
   "numberValue": 8
   "stringValue": "soft"

Tips and Recommendations:

  • If possible call the endpoint using the SQUIZZ.com API's native programming language libraries to cut down on the amount of development work needed to retrieve the product data. See API Native Programming Libraries.
  • When the attribute document is being returned from the API, in each of the attribute profile or attribute value records, in any fields that had the default value set may be omitted from being included in the returned JSON. This cuts down on the amount of redundant JSON data that needs to be downloaded, speeding up retrieval times.
  • Call the API endpoint to retrieve product data from a supplier organisation first, then use the product data in conjunction with the subsequent retrieved product attribute value data to gain additional information about each product assigned to the each attribute value record. Doing it this way avoids duplicate maker data being repeatedly downloaded with every model record, speeding up data retrieval times.
  • Call the API endpoint to retrieve attributes data from a supplier organisation first, then use the attribute data in conjunction with the subsequent retrieved model data to gain additional information about each attribute and attribute profile the model attribute values are assigned to. This also avoids retrieving duplicate information about attributes and attribute profiles, speeding up data retrieval times.
  • Note that there are trading token costs to call the endpoint. The supplying organisation may subsidise these costs, based on the data sharing policy assigned to the retrieving organisation. For more details on costs see Trading Tokens and Pricing for more details.

Retrieve Category Data

The Retrieve Organisation Data endpoint can be called by an organisation to retrieve a list of categories from another organisation connected to it on the SQUIZZ.com platform, as well as category trees that each category is assigned to, and products that are assigned to each category. The endpoint will return a list of category tree and category records in the Category Ecommerce Standards Document(ESD) JSON data format that the receiving organisation has been given access to download, based on the Data Sharing Policy that the supplying organisation has assigned to the receiving organisation.

Within the retrieved Category JSON document, each category record is conforms to the Category ESD Record format, and each category tree conforms to the Category Tree ESD Record format.

The following table shows the record fields that this endpoint in the SQUIZZ.com API supports:

Data Type Category
Field Name Data Type Mandatory Default Value
  Unique identifier of the category that the supplier organisation has set, ensuring that only one category has this key identifier across all its categories. The keyCategoryID may be the same as the category code, or may be based on a different internal unique identifier created in a business system's database, such as an auto-incrementing number, UUID, or GUID identifier.
  Key identifier of the categories that the category belongs to or can be found within.
keyCategoryParentID STRING No [EMPTY STRING]
  Links the category to another that is its parent within a category tree. Is set the keyCategoryID of another category.
  This field stores the unique ID that the SQUIZZ.com platform generated when the category was imported into the platform.
  Name of the category. The name typically contains natural words that allow it easily recognised and understood by people, and the types of products it may represent.
  Code that allows the category to be identified. Typically this code is unique to each category that the supplier organisation has.
  The meta title contains a label of the category, that may be embedded within web pages. The meta title may be used by search engine software to rank the category and its relevancy.
  The meta keywords may contain words that describe the category, and may be embedded within web pages. The meta keywords may be used by search engine software to rank the category and its relevancy.
metaDescription STRING No [EMPTY STRING]
  The meta description may contain text that describe the category, that may be embedded within web pages. The meta description may be used by search engine software to rank the category and its relevancy.
ordering INTEGER No 0
  Number to order the category by. This may be used to order a number of categories in a hierarchical tree that are all assigned to the same parent category.
description1 STRING No [EMPTY STRING]
  First description of the category. May contain any information about the category, such as details of the kinds of products it represents, or other child categories.
description2 STRING No [EMPTY STRING]
  Second description of the category. May contain any information about the category, such as details of the kinds of products it represents, or other child categories.
description3 STRING No [EMPTY STRING]
  Third description of the category. May contain any information about the category, such as details of the kinds of products it represents, or other child categories.
description4 STRING No [EMPTY STRING]
  Fourth description of the category. May contain any information about the category, such as details of the kinds of products it represents, or other child categories.
keyProductIDs STRING ARRAY No [Null Value]
  An array of Key Product IDs that indicate the products that are assigned to the category, based on their key identifier. The products in the array are sorted in order that the products are assigned to the category.
Category Tree Record Fields
  Unique identifier of the category tree that the supplier organisation has set, ensuring that only one category tree has this key identifier across all its category trees. The keyCategoryTreeID may be the same as the category tree code, or may be based on a different internal unique identifier created in a business system's database, such as an auto-incrementing number, UUID, or GUID identifier.
categoryTreeCode STRING No [EMPTY STRING]
  Code that allows the category tree to be identified. Typically this code is unique to each category tree that the supplier organisation has.
  Name of the category tree. The name typically contains natural words that allow it easily recognised and understood by people, and the types of categories or products it may collectively represent.
description STRING No [EMPTY STRING]
  Description of the category tree. May contain any information about the category tree, such the describing the overall purpose of the category tree, it navigation structure, or products it collectively represents.
ordering INTEGER No 0
  Number to order the category tree by. This may be used to order a number of category trees that display within a single list.

HTTP Request Raw Example:

GET https://api.squizz.com/rest/1/org/retrieve_esd/3042EXAMPLEGSESSIONID342?supplier_org_id=1302EXAMPLEORGID&data_type_id=8 HTTP/1.1
Host: api.squizz.com
Content-Type: application/json

HTTP Response Example:

Below is an example Category Document returned by the API endpoint.

 "version": 1.3,
 "resultStatus": 1,
 "message":"The category data has been successfully obtained.",
 "dataTransferMode": "COMPLETE",
 "totalDataRecords": 3,
 "categoryTreeRecords": [
   "name":"Product Catalogue",
   "name":"Product Brands",
   "description":"View all the brands of products we sell.",
   "categoryCode":"Home and Stationery",
   "name":"Tables and Chairs",
   "description1":"View our extensive range of tables and chairs",
   "description2":"Range includes products from the ESD designers",
   "metaTitle":"Tables and Chairs From ESD Designers",
   "metaKeywords":"tables chairs esd furniture designers",
   "metaDescription":"Tables and chairs from the ESD designers",
   "ordering": 2,
   "categoryCode":"acme paper",
   "name":"Paper Products",
   "description1":"View our extensive range of Acme paper",
   "description2":"Range includes paper only sources from sustainable environments",
   "metaTitle":"Paper Products",
   "metaKeywords":"paper products environmental",
   "metaDescription":"Paper products from sustainable environments",
   "ordering": 1,

Tips and Recommendations:

  • If possible call the endpoint using the SQUIZZ.com API's native programming language libraries to cut down on the amount of development work needed to retrieve the category data. See API Native Programming Libraries.
  • When the category document is being returned from the API, in each of the category records any fields that had the default value set may be omitted from being included in the returned JSON. This cuts down on the amount of redundant JSON data that needs to be downloaded, speeding up retrieval times.
  • Within the returned category document's configs property, the dataFields property will provide a list of all the record properties that can be expected to have data set for each category record. Then if a model field was not included in a record returned from the endpoint, then it can be presumed that its value would have been the default indicated in the table above.
  • If you are saving the retrieved category data to a database, use the list of category fields in the dataFields property to indicate which fields of existing category records in your database should be updated. This can be very useful to ensure that not all category fields are being overwritten in your database, allowing some category data to be updated from an external data source, and other category data be left alone.
  • If you are saving the retrieved category tree data to a database, use the list of category tree fields in the dataFieldsCategoryTree property to indicate which fields of existing category tree records in your database should be updated. This can be very useful to ensure that not all category tree fields are being overwritten in your database, allowing some category tree data to be updated from an external data source, and other category tree data be left alone.
  • Call the API endpoint to retrieve product data from a supplier organisation first, then use the product data in conjunction with the subsequent retrieved category data to gain additional information about each product assigned to the each category record. Doing it this way avoids duplicate product data being repeatedly downloaded with every category record, speeding up data retrieval times.
  • Supplying Organisations may import up to 5 category trees and the associated categories for each tree. This allows many types of navigation to find products by (the equivalence of hosting/distributing multiple types of catalogues). If the category data is being retrieved and imported into a business/website system that only supports a single category tree structure, then choices may need to be made to only utilise categories belonging to a single nominated category tree. Alternatively multiple category trees could be retrieved then merged into a single category tree.
  • The endpoint only allows active categories and active category trees to be retrieved. Any inactive category trees or categories will be excluded from being retrieved.
  • Note that there are trading token costs to call the endpoint. The supplying organisation may subsidise these costs, based on the data sharing policy assigned to the retrieving organisation. For more details on costs see Trading Tokens and Pricing for more details.

Retrieve Maker data

The Retrieve Organisation Data endpoint can be called by an organisation to retrieve a list of makers from another organisation connected to it on the SQUIZZ.com platform. The endpoint will return a list of maker records in the Makers Ecommerce Standards Document(ESD) JSON data format that the receiving organisation has been given access to download, based on the Data Sharing Policy that the supplying organisation has assigned to the receiving organisation.

Within the retrieved Makers JSON document, each maker record is conforms to the Maker ESD Record format. The following table shows the record fields that this endpoint in the SQUIZZ.com API supports:

Data Type Maker
Field Name Data Type Mandatory Default Value
  Unique identifier of the maker that the supplier organisation has set, ensuring that only one maker has this key identifier across all its makers. The keyMakerID may be the same as the maker code, or may be based on an different internal unique identifier created in a business system's database, such as an auto-incrementing number, UUID, or GUID identifier.
  This field stores the unique ID that the SQUIZZ.com platform generated when the maker was imported into the platform.
  Name of the maker. The name typically contains natural words that allow it easily recognised and understood by people on who the maker/manufacturer is.
  Code that allows the maker to be identified. Typically this code is unique to each maker that the organisation utilises.
makerSearchCode STRING No [EMPTY STRING]
  Code that may be used by people to search for the maker and appears within web page URLs. The search code would have keywords that people would typically use to find the maker. The code may be made of several key words each split with a hyphen character. 
ordering DECIMAL No 0
  A number that indicates how the the maker should be ordered within the list of makers.
  Text that allows several makers to be grouped together based on a similar class of makers.
establishedDate LONG INTEGER No 0
  Date that the maker first founded and established itself as a business. The date is stored as a long integer in milliseconds since the 1st January 1970 UTC epoch, also known as unix time.
  Name of the organisation that the maker represents or is associated to.
  An array that contains the number issued by a government authority to the maker's organisation. Typically this number would be issued by the government authority in the country where the organisation is established. For example in Australia this would be the Australian Business Number (ABN).
  List of labels set for the authority numbers. The array length is the same as the authorityNumbers property, or left empty
  List of authority number types matching the authority numbers. The number corresponds to the Ecommerce standards ESDocumentConstants that are prefixed with "AUTHORITY_NUM_". The array length is the same as the authorityNumbers property, or left empty.

HTTP Request Raw Example:

GET https://api.squizz.com/rest/1/org/retrieve_esd/3042EXAMPLEGSESSIONID342?supplier_org_id=1302EXAMPLEORGID&data_type_id=44 HTTP/1.1
Host: api.squizz.com
Content-Type: application/json

HTTP Response Example:

Below is an example Maker Document returned by the API endpoint.

 "version": 1.3,
 "resultStatus": 1,
 "message":"The maker data has been successfully obtained.",
 "dataTransferMode": "COMPLETE",
 "totalDataRecords": 2,
   "name":"Car Manufacturer A",
   "groupClass":"POPULAR CARS",
   "ordering": 2,
   "establishedDate": 1449132083084,
   "orgName":"Car Manufacturer A",
   "authorityNumbers":["123456789 1234"],
   "authorityNumberLabels":["Australian Business Number"],
   "name":"Car Manufacturer B",
   "groupClass":"CUSTOM CARS",
   "ordering": 1,
   "establishedDate": 1449132083084,
   "orgName":"Car Manufacturer B",
   "authorityNumberLabels":["Australian Business Number"],

Tips and Recommendations:

  • If possible call the endpoint using the SQUIZZ.com API's native programming language libraries to cut down on the amount of development work needed to retrieve the product data. See API Native Programming Libraries.
  • When the makers document is being returned from the API, in each of the makers records any fields that had the default value set may be omitted from being included in the returned JSON. This cuts down on the amount of redundant JSON data that needs to be downloaded, speeding up retrieval times.
  • Within the returned maker document's configs property, the dataFields property will provide a list of all the record properties that can be expected to have data set for each maker record. Then if a maker field was not included in a record returned from the endpoint, then it can be presumed that its value would have been the default indicated in the table above.
  • If you are saving the retrieved maker data to a database, use the list of maker fields in the dataFields property to indicate which fields of existing maker records in your database should be updated. This can be very useful to ensure that not all maker fields are being overwritten in your database, allowing some maker data to be updated from an external data source, and other maker data be left alone.
  • Note that there are trading token costs to call the endpoint. The supplying organisation may subsidise these costs, based on the data sharing policy assigned to the retrieving organisation. For more details on costs see Trading Tokens and Pricing for more details.

Retrieve Maker Model Data

The Retrieve Organisation Data endpoint can be called by an organisation to retrieve a list of maker models from another organisation connected to it on the SQUIZZ.com platform. The endpoint will return a list of model records in the Maker Model Ecommerce Standards Document(ESD) JSON data format that the receiving organisation has been given access to download, based on the Data Sharing Policy that the supplying organisation has assigned to the receiving organisation.

Within the retrieved Maker Model JSON document, each model record is conforms to the Maker Model ESD Record format. The following table shows the record fields that this endpoint in the SQUIZZ.com API supports:

Data Type Maker Model
Field Name Data Type Mandatory Default Value
  Unique identifier of the maker model that the supplier organisation has set, ensuring that only one model has this key identifier across all its models. The keyMakerModelID may be the same as the model code, or may be based on a different internal unique identifier created in a business system's database, such as an auto-incrementing number, UUID, or GUID identifier.
  Key identifier of the maker that specifies the maker/manufacturer that the model belongs to or was manufactured by.
  This field stores the unique ID that the SQUIZZ.com platform generated when the model was imported into the platform.
  Name of the model. The name typically contains natural words that allow it easily recognised and understood by people.
  Code that allows the model to be identified. Typically this code is unique to each maker model that the organisation contains.
  Secondary code of the model which may be used further identify it.
modelSearchCode STRING No [EMPTY STRING]
  Code that may be used by people to search for the maker model and appears within web page URLs. The search code would have keywords that people would typically use to find the model. The code may be made of several key words each split with a hyphen character. 
  Text that allows several models to be grouped together based on a similar class of models.
createdDate LONG INTEGER No 0
  Date that the model was created. This date may be considered an internal date only relevant to the maker completing construction of the first model. Date is in the form of a number in milliseconds since the 01-01-1970 12:00am Epoch in UTC time-zone, also known as Unix date time.
releasedDate LONG INTEGER No 0
  Date that the model was released by the maker/manufacturer. This date may be designated by the maker as the official date that the model was first made available and known by. Date is in the form of a number in milliseconds since the 01-01-1970 12:00am Epoch in UTC time-zone, also known as Unix date time.
attributes Attribute Value ARRAY No [Null Value]
  An array of attribute values that define additional data about the model. These attributes can contain data specific to each model, allowing for specialised data fields for different kinds of models to occur.
Attribute Value Record Fields
  Key identifier of the attribute record that the attribute value has its value assigned against.
keyAttributeProfileID STRING Yes [EMPTY STRING]
  Key identifier of the attribute profile that the attribute value is assigned against belongs to.
numberValue DECIMAL No 0
  Contains the model's attribute value when the attribute specifies that its value is stored as a numeric number. The number can only contain the characters 0 to 9, and decimals.
  Contains the model's attribute value when the attribute specifies that its value is stored as a string value. The value may contain any types of characters.

HTTP Request Raw Example:

GET https://api.squizz.com/rest/1/org/retrieve_esd/3042EXAMPLEGSESSIONID342?supplier_org_id=1302EXAMPLEORGID&data_type_id=45 HTTP/1.1
Host: api.squizz.com
Content-Type: application/json

HTTP Response Example:

Below is an example Maker Model Document returned by the API endpoint.

 "version": 1.3,
 "resultStatus": 1,
 "message":"The model data has been successfully obtained.",
 "dataTransferMode": "COMPLETE",
 "totalDataRecords": 3,
   "name":"Sahara Luxury Sedan 2016",
   "releasedDate": 1456750800000,
   "createdDate": 1430748000000,
     "stringValue": "Sedan"
     "numberValue": 4
     "numberValue": 80.5
   "name":"City Truck 2016",
   "releasedDate": 1456750800000,
   "createdDate": 1430748000000,
     "stringValue": "Truck"
     "numberValue": 6
     "numberValue": 140

Tips and Recommendations:

  • If possible call the endpoint using the SQUIZZ.com API's native programming language libraries to cut down on the amount of development work needed to retrieve the product data. See API Native Programming Libraries.
  • When the maker model document is being returned from the API, in each of the model records any fields that had the default value set may be omitted from being included in the returned JSON. This cuts down on the amount of redundant JSON data that needs to be downloaded, speeding up retrieval times.
  • Within the returned model document's configs property, the dataFields property will provide a list of all the record properties that can be expected to have data set for each model record. Then if a model field was not included in a record returned from the endpoint, then it can be presumed that its value would have been the default indicated in the table above.
  • If you are saving the retrieved model data to a database, use the list of model fields in the dataFields property to indicate which fields of existing model records in your database should be updated. This can be very useful to ensure that not all model fields are being overwritten in your database, allowing some model data to be updated from an external data source, and other model data be left alone.
  • Call the API endpoint to retrieve maker data from a supplier organisation first, then use the maker data in conjunction with the subsequent retrieved model data to gain additional information about each maker assigned to the each model record. Doing it this way avoids duplicate maker data being repeatedly downloaded with every model record, speeding up data retrieval times.
  • Call the API endpoint to retrieve attributes data from a supplier organisation first, then use the attribute data in conjunction with the subsequent retrieved model data to gain additional information about each attribute and attribute profile the model attribute values are assigned to. This also avoids retrieving duplicate information about attributes and attribute profiles, speeding up data retrieval times.
  • Note that there are trading token costs to call the endpoint. The supplying organisation may subsidise these costs, based on the data sharing policy assigned to the retrieving organisation. For more details on costs see Trading Tokens and Pricing for more details.

Retrieve Maker Model Mapping Data

The Retrieve Organisation Data endpoint can be called by an organisation to retrieve a list of maker model mappings from another organisation connected to it on the SQUIZZ.com platform. Each Maker Model Mapping defines a product that belongs to a model and category. If a manufacturer builds a model that contains many interchangable parts, then an organisation may sell products that can be used/replaced/interchanged across many models. When an organisation maps each product to a model, it also must specify a category the a product is assigned to for the model. This allows categories of products to be assigned to each model, making it easier for people to see groups of products that each model contains, making it easier to find the products. When each product is mapped to a category and model, the quantity of products can also be set. This can indicate the quantity of products required for a part of the model.

The endpoint will return a list of maker model mapping records in the Maker Model Mapping Ecommerce Standards Document(ESD) JSON data format that the receiving organisation has been given access to download, based on the Data Sharing Policy that the supplying organisation has assigned to the receiving organisation.

Within the retrieved Maker Model Mapping JSON document, each model record is conforms to the Maker Model Mapping ESD Record format. The following table shows the record fields that this endpoint in the SQUIZZ.com API supports:

Data Type Maker Model Model
Field Name Data Type Mandatory Default Value
  Key identifier of the maker model that defines the model that the product is assigned to.
  Key identifier of the product that denotes the product that the model is assigned to.
  Key identifier of the category that the product is assigned to for the specified model.
quantity DECIMAL No 0
  Quantity of the product that is contained in the model for the specified category. The quantity refer's to the quantity of the product's base sell unit.
attributes Attribute Value ARRAY No [Null Value]
  An array of attribute values that define additional data about the model mapping. These attributes can contain data specific to each model mapping, allowing additional data about the particular product assigned to the category and model to be set.
Attribute Value Record Fields
  Key identifier of the attribute record that the attribute value has its value assigned against.
keyAttributeProfileID STRING Yes [EMPTY STRING]
  Key identifier of the attribute profile that the attribute value is assigned against belongs to.
numberValue DECIMAL No 0
  Contains the model mapping's attribute value when the attribute specifies that its value is stored as a numeric number. The number can only contain the characters 0 to 9, and decimals.
  Contains the model mapping's attribute value when the attribute specifies that its value is stored as a string value. The value may contain any types of characters.

HTTP Request Raw Example:

GET https://api.squizz.com/rest/1/org/retrieve_esd/3042EXAMPLEGSESSIONID342?supplier_org_id=1302EXAMPLEORGID&data_type_id=46 HTTP/1.1
Host: api.squizz.com
Content-Type: application/json

HTTP Response Example:

Below is an example Maker Model Mapping Document returned by the API endpoint.

 "version": 1.3,
 "resultStatus": 1,
 "message":"The maker-model-mapping data has been successfully obtained.",
 "dataTransferMode": "COMPLETE",
 "totalDataRecords": 3,
   "quantity": 4,
     "numberValue": 21
     "stringValue": "All Weather"
   "quantity": 4,
     "numberValue": 20
     "stringValue": "BITUMEN"

Tips and Recommendations:

  • If possible call the endpoint using the SQUIZZ.com API's native programming language libraries to cut down on the amount of development work needed to retrieve the product data. See API Native Programming Libraries.
  • When the maker model mapping document is being returned from the API, in each of the model mapping records any fields that had the default value set may be omitted from being included in the returned JSON. This cuts down on the amount of redundant JSON data that needs to be downloaded, speeding up retrieval times.
  • Within the returned model mapping document's configs property, the dataFields property will provide a list of all the record properties that can be expected to have data set for each model mapping record. Then if a model field was not included in a record returned from the endpoint, then it can be presumed that its value would have been the default indicated in the table above.
  • If you are saving the retrieved model mapping data to a database, use the list of model mapping fields in the dataFields property to indicate which fields of existing model records in your database should be updated. This can be very useful to ensure that not all model mapping fields are being overwritten in your database, allowing some model mapping data to be updated from an external data source, and other model data be left alone.
  • Call the API endpoint to retrieve maker model data from a supplier organisation first, then use the maker model data in conjunction with the subsequent retrieved model mapping data to gain additional information about each model assigned to the each mapping record. Doing it this way avoids duplicate model data being repeatedly downloaded with every mapping record, speeding up data retrieval times.
  • Call the API endpoint to retrieve product data from a supplier organisation first, then use the product data in conjunction with the subsequent retrieved model mapping data to gain additional information about each product assigned to each mapping record. Doing it this way avoids duplicate product data being repeatedly downloaded with every mapping record, speeding up data retrieval times.
  • Call the API endpoint to retrieve category data from a supplier organisation first, then use the category data in conjunction with the subsequent retrieved model mapping data to gain additional information about each category assigned to each mapping record. Doing it this way avoids duplicate category data being repeatedly downloaded with every mapping record, speeding up data retrieval times.
  • Call the API endpoint to retrieve attributes data from a supplier organisation first, then use the attribute data in conjunction with the subsequent retrieved mapping data to gain additional information about each attribute and attribute profile the model mapping attribute values are assigned to. This also avoids retrieving duplicate information about attributes and attribute profiles, speeding up data retrieval times.
  • Note that the maximum record limit to retrieve maker model mapping records per request is increased to allow up to 100,000 records.
  • Note that there are trading token costs to call the endpoint. The supplying organisation may subsidise these costs, based on the data sharing policy assigned to the retrieving organisation. For more details on costs see Trading Tokens and Pricing for more details.

Retrieve Product Data

The Retrieve Organisation Data endpoint can be called by an organisation to retrieve a list of products from another organisation connected to it on the SQUIZZ.com platform. The endpoint will return a list of product records in the Products Ecommerce Standards Document(ESD) JSON data format that the receiving organisation has been given access to download, based on the Data Sharing Policy that the supplying organisation has assigned to the receiving organisation. The Data Sharing Policy will also control the data in specific product record fields that is available to the retrieving organisation. This can be used by the organisation supplying the product data to limit what kinds of data is available to each connected organisation.

Within the retrieved Products JSON document, each product record is conforms to the Products ESD Record format. The following table shows the record fields that this endpoint in the SQUIZZ.com API supports:

Data Type Product
Field Name Data Type Mandatory Default Value
  Unique identifier of the product that the supplier organisation has set, ensuring that only one product has this key identifier across all its products. The keyProductID may be the same as the product code, or may be based on an different internal unique identifier created in a business system's database, such as an auto-incrementing number, UUID, or GUID identifier.
  The unique identifier of the taxcode that the supplier organisation has assigned to the product. The assigned taxcode is used to control how tax is applied to the product's pricing, or indicate how much tax was included in all of the product's prices if the pricing was set tax inclusive.
  The unique identifier of the default sell unit that the supplier organisation has assigned to the product.
  This field stores the unique ID that the SQUIZZ.com platform generated when the product was imported into the platform.
  Barcode that appears on the product or its packaging, allowing the product to be scanned and identified.
  Code within the barcode that appears on the product or its packaging, allowing the product to be scanned and identified.
  Name of the brand associated with the product, indicating how a market knows the product.
depth DECIMAL No 0
  The physical depth measurement of each individual unit of the product, indicating how deep the product is.
description1 STRING No [EMPTY STRING]
  First description of the product. May contain any information about the product, such as how the product can be used, specifications, and any other detail.
description2 STRING No [EMPTY STRING]
  Second description of the product. May contain any information about the product, such as how the product can be used, specifications, and any other detail.
description3 STRING No [EMPTY STRING]
  Third description of the product. May contain any information about the product, such as how the product can be used, specifications, and any other detail.
description4 STRING No [EMPTY STRING]
  Fourth description of the product. May contain any information about the product, such as how the product can be used, specifications, and any other detail.
height Decimal No 0
  The physical height measurement of each individual unit of the product, indicating how high the product stands.
isKitted ENUM(Y,N) No N
  Specifies if the product is made up by a number of component products that are bundled together to form a single kit.
isPriceTaxInclusive ENUM(Y,N) No N
  For any pricing set for the product, specifies if the pricing is exclusive of tax (does not include taxes) or tax has already been applied to the pricing (inclusive of taxes).
kitProductsSetsPrice ENUM(Y,N) No N
  If the product is marked as a product kit, then this denotes if the pricing of the product should be based on pricing directly set for it, or based on summing the pricing of the component products together.
  Name of the product. The name typically contains natural words that allow it easily recognised and understood by people on what the product is, or does.
  Code that allows the product to be identified. Typically this code is unique to each product that the organisation sells. The product code may also be known as a Stock Keeping Unit (SKU), item number, product ID, or item code in other systems.
productSearchCode STRING No [EMPTY STRING]
  Code that may be used by people to search for the product and appears within web page URLs. The search code would have keywords that people would typically use to find the product. The code may be made of several key words each split with a hyphen character. 
stockLowQuantity DECIMAL No 0
  The amount of individual product base sell units that indicates when the product is low in stock. If the stock quantity contains a value that is higher than this field then the product stock level is considered "high", else if it is equal to or less than this field but greater than the stockNoneQuantity then the product's stock level is considered as "low".
stockNoneQuantity DECIMAL No 0
  The amount of individual product base sell units that indicates when the product is out of stock. If the stock quantity contains a value equal to or less than this field then the product stock level is considered "out of stock".
Note that customers may still be allowed to purchase out-of-stock products, depending on if their assigned Data Sharing Policy allows them to do so or not via the "Back Order Purchased Products" permission.
stockQuantity DECIMAL No 0
  The amount of individual base sell units of the product that the supplying organisation has in stock and makes available for purchase.
weight DECIMAL No 0
  The physical weight measurement of each individual unit of the product, indicating how much the product weighs.
width DECIMAL No 0
  The physical width measurement of each individual unit of the product, indicating how wide the product is.

HTTP Request Raw Example:

GET https://api.squizz.com/rest/1/org/retrieve_esd/3042EXAMPLEGSESSIONID342?supplier_org_id=1302EXAMPLEORGID&data_type_id=3 HTTP/1.1
Host: api.squizz.com
Content-Type: application/json

HTTP Response Example:

Below is an example Product Document returned by the API endpoint.

 "message":"The product data has been successfully obtained.",
 "dataTransferMode": "COMPLETE",
 "version": 1.1,
 "totalDataRecords": 2,
   "brand":"Swisho Paper",
   "name":"Swisho Green Paper",
   "description1":"Swisho green coloured paper is the ultimate green paper.",
   "description2":"Paper built strong and tough by Swisho",
   "description3":"Recommended to be used with dark inks.",
   "weight": 20.1,
   "width": 21,
   "height": 29.7,
   "depth": 10,
   "stockQuantity": 200,
   "stockNoneQuantity": 0,
   "stockLowQuantity": 10,
   "isPriceTaxInclusive": "N",
   "keySellUnitID": 2,

Tips and Recommendations:

  • If possible call the endpoint using the SQUIZZ.com API's native programming language libraries to cut down on the amount of development work needed to retrieve the product data. See API Native Programming Libraries.
  • When the product document is being returned from the API, in each of the product records any fields that had the default value set may be omitted from being included in the returned JSON. This cuts down on the amount of redundant JSON data that needs to be downloaded, speeding up retrieval times.
  • Within the returned product document's configs property, the dataFields property will provide a list of all the record properties that can be expected to have data set for each product record. Then if a product field was not included in a record returned from the endpoint, then it can be presumed that its value would have been the default indicated in the table above.
  • If you are saving the retrieved product data to a database, use the list of product fields in the dataFields property to indicate which fields of existing product records in your database should be updated. This can be very useful to ensure that not all product fields are being overwritten in your database, allowing some product data to be updated from an external data source, and other product data be left alone.
  • Call the API endpoint to retrieve product data from a supplier first, then use the product data in conjunction with obtaining product pricing data and product stock quantities to match the supplying organisation's products to pricing and stock availability.
  • Note that there are trading token costs to call the endpoint. The supplying organisation may subsidise these costs, based on the data sharing policy assigned to the retrieving organisation. For more details on costs see Trading Tokens and Pricing for more details.

Retrieve Product Combination Data

The Retrieve Organisation Data endpoint can be called by an organisation to retrieve a list of product combinations from another organisation connected to it on the SQUIZZ.com platform. Product Combinations are used to find products based on finding parent products that contain a selection of fields with values, from where the combination of field values will find a child product that may be viewed or purchased. The fields and values are defined by combination profiles that parent products are assigned to. The endpoint will return both the combination profiles, as well as parent product and combination records in the Product Combination Ecommerce Standards Document (ESD) JSON data format that the receiving organisation has been given access to download, based on the Data Sharing Policy that the supplying organisation has assigned to the receiving organisation.. This can be used by the organisation supplying the product data to limit what kinds of data is available to each connected organisation.

Within the retrieved Product Combinations JSON document, each parent product record  conforms to the Product Combination Parent ESD Record format, the child products assigned to the Product Combination ESD Record format, the combination profiles defined by the Combination Profile ESD Record format and the combination profile fields defined by the Combination Profile Field ESD Record format. The following table shows the record fields that this endpoint in the SQUIZZ.com API supports:

Data Type Combination Profile
Field Name Data Type Mandatory Default Value
  Unique identifier of the combination profile that the supplier organisation has set, ensuring that only one combination profile has this key identifier across all its profiles. The keyComboProfileID may be created by a person, or may be based on a internal unique identifier created in a business system's database, such as an auto-incrementing number, UUID, or GUID identifier.
  This field stores the unique ID that the SQUIZZ.com platform generated when the combination profile was imported into the platform.
  Name of the combination profile. The name typically contains natural words that allow it easily recognised and understood by people. The name may broadly indicate the kinds of fields and values that are assigned against it, or the group of fields it represents.
description STRING No [EMPTY STRING]
  Text that describes in more detail the kinds of fields or details that the profile represents or can be indentified by.
combinationFields Combination Profile Field ARRAY No [Null Value]
  An array of combination profile fields that each define one field that values can be stored against.
Combination Profile Field Record Fields
keyComboProfileFieldID STRING Yes [EMPTY STRING]
  Unique identifier of the combination profile field that the supplier organisation has set, ensuring that only one combination profile field has this key identifier across all its fields.  The keyComboProfileFieldID may be created by a person, or may be based on a internal unique identifier created in a business system's database, such as an auto-incrementing number, UUID, or GUID identifier.
  Name of the combination profile field. The name typically contains natural words that allow it easily recognised and understood by people. The name would typically indicate the kind of values that could be stored against it, or the group of values it represents.
  A string array, with each array element storing key identifiers of each of the field values of the combination profile, known as the keyComboProfileFieldValueID. Each identifier is unique to the supplying organisation. The keyComboProfileFieldValueID may be created by a person, or may be based on a internal unique identifier created in a business system's database, such as an auto-incrementing number, UUID, or GUID identifier. The number of elements in the array matches up to the number of elements in the fieldValues array, and elements positioned in each array make up key value pairs used to define combination profile field values.
  Name of the combination profile field. The name typically contains natural words that allow it easily recognised and understood by people. The name would typically indicate the kind of values that could be stored against it, or the group of values it represents.
  A string array, with each array element storing labels of each of the field values of the combination profile. Each label typically contains natural words that allow it easily recognised and understood by people. The label is what is shown and selected from.
Product Combination Parent Record Fields
  Key identifier of the combination profile record that the parent product is assigned to. This defines the profile fields and values that child products can be assigned against.
  Key identifier of the product, that identifies the product that is the parent of the combination.
defaultCombination INTEGER No 0
  Stores the index position of the element within the productCombinations array that is the default child product combination.
productCombinations Product Combination ARRAY Yes [EMPTY ARRAY]
  Contains the array of Product Combination records, with each record defining a child product that is assigned to the parent product, and combination profile field values that the child product is assigned against for the particular parent product.
Product Combination Record Fields
  Key identifier of the product, that identifies the product that is the child assigned to the combination.
fieldValueCombinations STRING ARRAY Yes [EMPTY ARRAY]
  Contains a 2 dimensional STRING ARRAY, with each inner array storing 2 items. The first item storing the keyComboProfileFieldID, and the second item storing the keyComboProfileFieldValueID. This makes up pairs of fields and values that are assigned to the child product.

HTTP Request Raw Example:

GET https://api.squizz.com/rest/1/org/retrieve_esd/3042EXAMPLEGSESSIONID342?supplier_org_id=1302EXAMPLEORGID&data_type_id=15 HTTP/1.1
Host: api.squizz.com
Content-Type: application/json

HTTP Response Example:

Below is an example Attribute Document returned by the API endpoint.

 "version": 1.4,
 "resultStatus": 1,
 "message":"The product combination data has been successfully obtained.",
 "dataTransferMode": "COMPLETE",
 "totalDataRecords": 2,
  "api_version": "",
  "result_code": "SERVER_SUCCESS",
  "recordsStartIndex": "0",
  "recordsMaxAmount": "500"
   "profileName":"Clothing Size",
   "description":"Sizes of clothing attire",
     "fieldValues": ["Small","Medium","Large"],
     "fieldValueIDs": ["SM","MED","LG"]
   "profileName":"Furniture Styling",
   "description":"Styling of Furniture Products",
     "ordering": 2,
     "fieldValues": ["Small","Medium","Large","Jumbo"],
     "fieldValueIDs": ["PROF-456-2-SM","PROF-456-2-MED","PROF-456-2-LARG","PROF-456-2-JUM"]
     "ordering": 1,
     "fieldValues": ["Classic","Modern","Vintage","Minimalist"],
   "keyProductID": "679",
   "keyComboProfileID": "PROF-456",
   "defaultCombination": 2
   "keyProductID": "TSHIRT-1",
   "keyComboProfileID": "123",

Tips and Recommendations:

  • If possible call the endpoint using the SQUIZZ.com API's native programming language libraries to cut down on the amount of development work needed to retrieve the product data. See API Native Programming Libraries.
  • When the product combination document is being returned from the API, in each of the combination profile, combination profile field. product combination parent or product combination records, in any fields that had the default value set may be omitted from being included in the returned JSON. This cuts down on the amount of redundant JSON data that needs to be downloaded, speeding up retrieval times.
  • Call the API endpoint to retrieve product data from a supplier organisation first, then use the product data in conjunction with the subsequent retrieved product combination data to gain additional information about each product assigned to the each combination record. Doing it this way avoids duplicate product data being repeatedly downloaded with every product combination record, speeding up data retrieval times.
  • The product combination parent product records returned will only include parent products that the calling organisation has permission to view, based on the data sharing policy that the supplying organisation has assigned. Similarly, product combination records that are linked child products will only be included if the calling organisation has permission to view those products.
  • Note that there are trading token costs to call the endpoint. The supplying organisation may subsidise these costs, based on the data sharing policy assigned to the retrieving organisation. For more details on costs see Trading Tokens and Pricing for more details.

Retrieve Product Pricing Data

The Retrieve Organisation Data endpoint can be called by an organisation to retrieve a list of product pricing from another organisation connected to it on the SQUIZZ.com platform. The endpoint will return a list of pricing records in the Price Ecommerce Standards Document(ESD) JSON data format that the receiving organisation has been given access to download, based on the Data Sharing Policy that the supplying organisation has assigned to the receiving organisation and customer account. The Data Sharing Policy will control which products are allowed to be retrieved. The customer account will determine the prices that the retrieving organisation is allowed to buy the supplying organisation's products for.

Within the retrieved Pricing JSON document, each price record is conforms to the Price ESD Record format. The following table shows the record fields that this endpoint in the SQUIZZ.com API supports:

Data Type Price
Field Name Data Type Mandatory Default Value
  Unique identifier of the product that the supplier organisation has set, ensuring that only one product has this key identifier across all of a supplier's products. The keyProductID may be the same as the product code, or may be based on an different internal unique identifier created in a business system's database, such as an auto-incrementing number, UUID, or GUID identifier.
  The unique identifier of the sell unit that the supplier organisation has set for the price of the product.
price DECIMAL Yes 0
  The price set for the product against the assigned sell unit. The price will be set in the currency configured by the supplier organsiation. The price may be inclusive of tax or excluding tax, depending on the if the supplying organisation has set isPriceTaxInclusive against the product (found calling the endpoint to retreive Product data, see above section).
quantity DECIMAL No 0
  The quantity of the product that needs to be purchased at for the price to apply. See below on how quantity break (also known as volume discounts) pricing rules work.
  ID of the entity that the supplier organisation may have assigned against the product. The entity could be a contract, special price rule, promotion, or other object.
referenceType STRING No [EMPTY STRING]

Specifies the type of entity that the supplier organisation may have assigned against the product. Could be set to one of the prefixes:

  • C - Contract
  • CF - Contract Forced. Enforces the price of the product even if other cheaper quantity break prices exist.
  • P - Promotion.
TaxRate Decimal No NULL
  If set then explicitly defines the percentage of tax that the supplier organisation sets against the price. 

HTTP Request Raw Example:

GET https://api.squizz.com/rest/1/org/retrieve_esd/3042EXAMPLEGSESSIONID342?supplier_org_id=1302EXAMPLEORGID&data_type_id=37 HTTP/1.1
Host: api.squizz.com
Content-Type: application/json

HTTP Response Example:

Below is an example Price Document returned by the API endpoint.

 "message":"The product customer account pricing data has been successfully obtained.",
 "dataTransferMode": "COMPLETE",
 "version": 1.0,
 "totalDataRecords": 5,
   "price": 70.00,
   "quantity": 5
   "price": 80.00,
   "quantity": 20,
   "referenceID": "FCONTRACT-1",
   "referenceType": "CF"
   "price": 7.30,
   "quantity": 1,
   "referenceID": "CONTRACT-222",
   "referenceType": "C"
   "price": 3.30,
   "taxRate": 10
   "price": 13.20
   "quantity": 6

The above example would define the following pricing rules from its records:

  1. Buy 5 or more of product PROD-123 for $70.00 each
  2. Buy 20 or more of product PROD-123 for $80.00 each. On forced contract, ID: FCONTRACT-1
  3. Buy 1 or more of product PROD-123 for $75.30 each. On contract, ID: CONTRACT-222
  4. Buy 0 or more of product PROD-456 for $3.30 each
  5. Buy 6 or more of product PROD-456 for $13.20 per pack

Quantity Break/Volume Discount Pricing

When retrieving product pricing data from the endpoint it is possible that multiple prices could be returned for the same product for different quantities and sell units. This allows quantity breaks (also known as volume discount prices) to be made available by the supplier organisation. These quantity break prices may allow purchasing organisations to buy products for cheaper when more quantities are ordered. Each supplying organisation specifies the direction in which their quantity break prices become available, this is indicated in the returned pricing document by the value set in the "quantity_break_direction". This attribute can be set to one of the following values:

    This allows pricing rules to be set up as:
    Buy 5 or more products Each for $10.00
    Buy 10 or more products Each for $8.00
    This allows pricing rules to be set up as:
    Buy 5 or less products Each for $10.00
    Buy 10 or less products Each for $8.00
    This allows pricing rules to be set up as:
    Buy more than 5 products Each for $10.00
    Buy more than 10 products Each for $8.00
    This allows pricing rules to be set up as:
    Buy 5 or less products Each for $10.00
    Buy 10 or less products Each for $8.00

When reading pricing data from the endpoint it is important the your software checks the "quantity_break_direction" attribute to ensure that it is correctly interpreting the quantity break prices.

Price Record Types

Each price record returned from the endpoint may define an entity that the supplier organisation has linked to it, this is set in the referenceID and referenceType fields. The referenceType can be set to one of the following:

  • C - Contract
    Denotes that the price is linked to a contract. The contract may define unique pricing setup up by the supplying organisation, based on pre-agreed terms or deals. Typically the referenceID field would store the ID of the contract.
  • CF - Contract With Forced Pricing
    Denotes that the price is linked to a contract. The contract may define unique pricing setup up by the supplying organisation, based on pre-agreed terms or deals. The contract defines pricing that will be priced for the product, even if it normally could be purchased for a cheaper price by another quantity break price. Typically the referenceID field would store the ID of the contract. This kind of contract typically locks in pricing for a period of time.
  • P - Promotion
    Denotes that the price is linked to a promotion. The promotion could be a sale order some other unique event that warrants a different price for the product. Promotions do not lock in prices.

It is important to check if a quantity break price is associated to a forced contract, or not, since the forced contract price may override other quantity break prices. If you look at the above example pricing records obtained from the endpoint for product: PROD-123

  1. Buy 5 or more of product PROD-123 for $70.00 each
  2. Buy 20 or more of product PROD-123 for $80.00 each. On forced contract, ID: FCONTRACT-1
  3. Buy 1 or more of product PROD-123 for $75.30 each. On contract, ID: CONTRACT-222

If 20 of the product were purchased it would cost $80.00, not $70 since the 2nd price rule is associated to a forced contract. If the 2nd price rule wasn't assigned to a forced contract then the product would cost $70 since the 1st price rule overrides 2nd price rule since it is cheaper.

Customer Accounts

When an one organisation connects to another organisation in the platform, each organisation can assign zero or more customer accounts to each other. The assigned customer account determines the pricing that a retrieving organisation can buy products for off a supplying organisation. It is possible that the supplier organisation may assign multiple customer accounts to a retrieving organisation. This would typically occur if the retrieving organisation had several divisions or contracts in place and wanted clear seperation of purchases. If multiple accounts are assigned then when calling the endpoint the retrieving organisation must explicitly provide the code of the customer account that products should be priced at. If only one customer account is assigned then the customer account code does not need to be specified.

Tips and Recommendations:

  • If possible call the endpoint using the SQUIZZ.com API's native programming language libraries to cut down on the amount of development work needed to retrieve the pricing data. See API Native Programming Libraries.
  • When the price document is being returned from the API, in each of the price records any non-mandatory fields that had the default value set may be omitted from being included in the returned JSON. This cuts down on the amount of redundant JSON data that needs to be downloaded, speeding up retrieval times.
  • Within the returned price document's configs property, the dataFields property will provide a list of all the record properties that can be expected to have data set for each price record. Then if a price field was not included in a record returned from the endpoint, then it can be presumed that its value would have been the default indicated in the table above.
  • If you are saving the retrieved price data to a database, use the list of price fields in the dataFields property to indicate which fields of existing price in your database should be updated. This can be very useful to ensure that not all price fields are being overwritten in your database, allowing some price data to be updated from an external data source, and other price data be left alone.
  • Call the API endpoint to retrieve product data from a supplier first, then use the product data in conjunction with obtaining product pricing data and product stock quantities to match the supplying organisation's products to pricing and stock availability.
  • Note that there are trading token costs to call the endpoint. The supplying organisation may subsidise these costs, based on the data sharing policy assigned to the retrieving organisation. For more details on costs see Trading Tokens and Pricing for more details.
  • The endpoint can return either product pricing that the requesting organisating would receive if purchasing products from the supplying organisation, or return Recommended Retail Pricing (RRP) that contains product prices that consumers would pay at retail market rates. To obtrain RRP pricing data set the get_recommended_retail_pricing parameter to Y in the request.
  • The requesting organisation may wish to separate request obtaining product pricing they recieve for purchasing products based on the trading relationship set up with the supplying organisation, as well as the RRP pricing. If the requesting organisation is on-selling then they can determine how much to markup the product prices, by using the RRP pricing as an upper limit. Note that organisations supplying product pricing data would need to have already imported a price level containing RRP product pricing, and assigned the RRP price-level to a selling region that matches the requesting organisation's assigned country/region. If this setup work hasn't occurred then a Permission Denied result_code may get returned instead.
  • All pricing data returned by the endpoint may be stored excluding or inclusive of tax amounts, baesd on how the organisation supplying pricing data stores its pricing when imported. It can be found if a product has its pricing exclusive or including tax by calling the data retrieve API endpoint to obtain product data, and looking at the isTaxInclusive field.

Retrieve Product Stock Quantity Data

The Retrieve Organisation Data endpoint can be called by an organisation to retrieve a list of product available stock quantities from another organisation connected to it on the SQUIZZ.com platform. The endpoint will return a list of stock quantity records in the Stock Quantity Ecommerce Standards Document(ESD) JSON data format that the receiving organisation has been given access to download, based on the Data Sharing Policy that the supplying organisation has assigned to the receiving organisation. The Data Sharing Policy will control which product stock quantities are allowed to be retrieved.

Within the retrieved Stock Quantity JSON document, each stock quantity record is conforms to the Stock Quantity ESD Record format. The following table shows the record fields that this endpoint in the SQUIZZ.com API supports:

Data Type Stock Quantity
Field Name Data Type Mandatory Default Value
  Unique identifier of the product that the supplier organisation has set, ensuring that only one product has this key identifier across all of a supplier's products. The keyProductID may be the same as the product code, or may be based on an different internal unique identifier created in a business system's database, such as an auto-incrementing number, UUID, or GUID identifier.
  The unique identifier of the product that the SQUIZZ.com organisation assigned to the supplier's product.
qtyAvailable DECIMAL No 0
  The amount of stock available for each product. The quantity available is based on the base sell unit assigned to the product.
qtyOrderable DECIMAL No 0
  The amount of stock that is allowed to be ordered for each product. The quantity orderable is based on the base sell unit assigned to the product. If the supplier organisation has given permission for the product to be back ordered then this amount will be set to 1 billion (displayed as 1e9 in scientific notification), otherwise the quantity set will be based on the available quantity, or 0 if the available quantity is less than 0.

HTTP Request Raw Example:

GET https://api.squizz.com/rest/1/org/retrieve_esd/3042EXAMPLEGSESSIONID342?supplier_org_id=1302EXAMPLEORGID&data_type_id=10 HTTP/1.1
Host: api.squizz.com
Content-Type: application/json

HTTP Response Example:

Below is an example Stock Quantity Document returned by the API endpoint.

 "message":"The product stock quantity data has been successfully obtained.",
 "dataTransferMode": "COMPLETE",
 "version": 1.1,
 "totalDataRecords": 3,
   "qtyAvailable": 22,
   "qtyOrderable": 22
   "qtyAvailable": 16,
   "qtyOrderable": 1e9
   "qtyAvailable": -23,
   "qtyOrderable": 0

Tips and Recommendations:

  • If possible call the endpoint using the SQUIZZ.com API's native programming language libraries to cut down on the amount of development work needed to retrieve the pricing data. See API Native Programming Libraries.
  • When the stock quantity document is being returned from the API, in each of the stock quantity records any non-mandatory fields that had the default value set may be omitted from being included in the returned JSON. This cuts down on the amount of redundant JSON data that needs to be downloaded, speeding up retrieval times.
  • Within the returned stock quantity document's configs property, the dataFields property will provide a list of all the record properties that can be expected to have data set for each stock quantity record. Then if a stock quantity field was not included in a record returned from the endpoint, then it can be presumed that its value would have been the default indicated in the table above.
  • If you are saving the retrieved stock quantity data to a database, use the list of stock quantity fields in the dataFields property to indicate which fields of existing stock quantity in your database should be updated. This can be very useful to ensure that not all stock quantity fields are being overwritten in your database, allowing some stock quantity data to be updated from an external data source, and other stock quantity data be left alone.
  • Call the API endpoint to retrieve product data from a supplier first, then use the product data in conjunction with obtaining product pricing data and product stock quantities to match the supplying organisation's products to pricing and stock availability.
  • You may want to call the endpoint to receive product stock quantity data on regular intervals eg. once an hour to have near realtime stock quantity data.
  • Note that there are trading token costs to call the endpoint. The supplying organisation may subsidise these costs, based on the data sharing policy assigned to the retrieving organisation. For more details on costs see Trading Tokens and Pricing for more details.

Retrieve Product Image Data

The Retrieve Organisation Data endpoint can be called by an organisation to retrieve a list of product image records from another organisation connected to it on the SQUIZZ.com platform. The endpoint will return a list of image records in the Image Ecommerce Standards Document (ESD) JSON data format that the receiving organisation has been given access to download, based on the Data Sharing Policy that the supplying organisation has assigned to the receiving organisation. The Data Sharing Policy will control which product images are allowed to be retrieved based on the products that are allowed to be viewed. Note that the endpoint returns product image records, not the image data itself. That can be obtained from requesting the URL that is included in the image record data returned from this endpoint.

Within the retrieved Image JSON document, each image record conforms to the Image ESD Record format. The following table shows the record fields that this endpoint in the SQUIZZ.com API supports:

Data Type Image
Field Name Data Type Mandatory Default Value
  Unique identifier of the product that the supplier organisation has set, ensuring that only one product has this key identifier across all of a supplier's products. The keyProductID may be the same as the product code, or may be based on an different internal unique identifier created in a business system's database, such as an auto-incrementing number, UUID, or GUID identifier.
keyImageID Unique identifier of the image that the supplier organisation has set, ensuring that only one image has this key identifier across all its product images. The keyImageID may be based on a internal unique identifier created in a business system's database, such as an auto-incrementing number, UUID, or GUID identifier.
  The unique identifier of the product image that the SQUIZZ.com organisation assigned to the supplier's product image.
imageFileName STRING No 0
  Specify the name of the image's file when originally uploaded. Note that this is not the same as the file name that the platform saves the file as. The file name is set by the uploading organisation.
imageFileExtension STRING No 0
  Specifies the type of file that the image is. Currently only JPEG, GIF and PNG files are supported. Images stored in the JPEG file type will have a RBG colour profile set. For PNG and GIF images that will not contain any transparent backgrounds. Animated GIF image files are not supported.
imageFullFilePath STRING No 0
  Contains the full path to download the product image. This is provided when calling the API's Organisation Retrieve Data endpoint. This can be used to download the image file at a large resolution.
  Provides an overall label of the image, that may describe what it represents, shows, it contains or indicates. The title may help visually impaired people understand more details of the image.
description STRING No [EMPTY STRING]
  Provides a more detailed description of the image, that may provide more information associated to the image. This description may help visually impaired people understand more details of the image, or it may contain key information to aid when viewing the image.
ordering INTEGER No 0
  Set a numeric value that controls how each image is ordered when viewed within an ordered list for the same product. If an image is a primary image then it always will appear before other images assigned to the same product, regardless of its ordering value.
isPrimary STRING No N
  Either set to Y (Yes) or N (No), indicates if the image is the primary image of its associated product. If Yes then the image may appear as the first image to display for product. 

HTTP Request Raw Example:

GET https://api.squizz.com/rest/1/org/retrieve_esd/3042EXAMPLEGSESSIONID342?supplier_org_id=1302EXAMPLEORGID&data_type_id=10 HTTP/1.1
Host: api.squizz.com
Content-Type: application/json

HTTP Response Example:

Below is an example Stock Quantity Document returned by the API endpoint.

 "message":"The product stock quantity data has been successfully obtained.",
 "dataTransferMode": "COMPLETE",
 "version": 1.1,
 "totalDataRecords": 3,
   "qtyAvailable": 22,
   "qtyOrderable": 22
   "qtyAvailable": 16,
   "qtyOrderable": 1e9
   "qtyAvailable": -23,
   "qtyOrderable": 0

Tips and Recommendations:

  • If possible call the endpoint using the SQUIZZ.com API's native programming language libraries to cut down on the amount of development work needed to retrieve the pricing data. See API Native Programming Libraries.
  • When the image document is being returned from the API, in each of the image records any non-mandatory fields that had the default value set may be omitted from being included in the returned JSON. This cuts down on the amount of redundant JSON data that needs to be downloaded, speeding up retrieval times.
  • Within the returned image document's configs property, the dataFields property will provide a list of all the record properties that can be expected to have data set for each image record. Then if a image field was not included in a record returned from the endpoint, then it can be presumed that its value would have been the default indicated in the table above.
  • If you are saving the retrieved image data to a database, use the list of image fields in the dataFields property to indicate which fields of existing image in your database should be updated. This can be very useful to ensure that not all image fields are being overwritten in your database, allowing some image data to be updated from an external data source, and other image data be left alone.
  • Call the API endpoint to retrieve product data from a supplier first, then use the product data in conjunction with obtaining product image data to match the supplying organisation's products to images.
  • Note that there are trading token costs to call the endpoint. The supplying organisation may subsidise these costs, based on the data sharing policy assigned to the retrieving organisation. For more details on costs see Trading Tokens and Pricing for more details.

Frequently Asked Questions

What needs to happen to allow our software to be able to retrieve data from one organisation, to either our own organisation, or an organisation we support?

The following would need to occur to support your software being able to retrieve data using this endpoint:

  1. The organisation who's selling or supplying the data would need to be registered on SQUIZZ.com, and have uploaded/imported their data onto SQUIZZ.com. One person from that organisation must have signed up personally to SQUIZZ.com first, then registered the organisation.
  2. The organisation who's retrieving the data needs to be registered on SQUIZZ.com, similar to step 1.
  3. The organisation who's retrieving the data needs to have a person connected to it, assigned to the Administrator role, then they have set up the organisation's API credentials.
  4. Both organisations have established a connection to each other, then the supplying organisation has granted permission for retrieving organisation to access the data, through Data Sharing Policy.
  5. Your software has been given the API credentials set up in step 3, allowing your software to call the API to retrieve the supplying organisation's data that they have allowed access to with the retrieving oragnisation. Ensure that the API credentials are stored in a secure place, and not given out or accessible to any untrusted 3rd parties.

Can our software retrieve a single record when calling the endpoint, such as a single product?

No. This endpoint is not designed to retrieve a single record of data. It's designed to retrieve a list of records efficiently. This way your software receives a full page of records, and reduce the amount of round trips to obtain product data. The endpoint is designed so that your software obtains the full data set, that your software can then store or use as required. The endpoint is not designed for real time lookup of individual records.

Can the endpoint retrieve all associated data of a product in a single request?

No. The endpoint is designed to be very effecient at retrieve a list of records for only a certain data type. For products, if you wish to obtain associated pricing, categories, or other data, then you need to make separate requests to obtain the lists of associated data. This allows the servers to do less work by not having to lookup and combine associated data. Additionally your software spends less time having to wait to receive data. However it does mean that your software may need to pull the data sets of the individual types of data, then merge them together as required. You can see coding examples on how to do this within our API libraries hosted on our Github.