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Platform API Endpoint: Search Organisation Customer Account Records

This API endpoint allows systems of one organisation to search and find different types of transactional customer accounting record data in real time, from another connected organisation's business system, who has connected their business system to the SQUIZZ.com platform. This includes lists of invoices, sales orders, back orders, payments, credit, and transaction history record types.

Within the SQUIZZ.com Application Programming Interface (API) it contains an endpoint that allows one organisation using 3rd party software to search for transactional customer account record data from another connected organisation's business system in real time. This is typically used by customer/purchasing organisations to search through lists of invoices, sales orders, transactions, payments or credit records directly linked to a customer account of a supplying organisation, based on trading activity that has occurred against a customer account. This end point allows record searches to be made, filtering by date range, record type, search word, and outstanding records. 

To use the API endpoint you will need to have knowledge in building software applications, and how to make requests over the internet to call RESTful web services, that the platform's API endpoint is based on. It also helps having basic business knowledge in commerce and trading.


  1. Prerequisites
  2. Overview
  3. Search Invoice Customer Account Records
  4. Search Transaction Customer Account Records
  5. Search Sales Order Customer Account Records
  6. Search Back Order Customer Account Records
  7. Search Credit Customer Account Records
  8. Search Payment Customer Account Records


The SQUIZZ.com platform's API has an endpoint that allows an organisation to search for records within another connected organisation's business system, based on records associated to an assigned customer account. This may also be known as "Customer Account Enquiry". This endpoint allows an organisation to search for invoice, sales order, back order, transactions. credit and payment records, retrieved in realtime from a supplier organisation's connected business system. The records returned from endpoint are formatted as JSON data conforming to the "Ecommerce Standards Document" standards, with each document containing an array of zero or more records. The list of records found and returned is controlled by the supplying organisation's business system performing the search. This endpoint will return a list of records containing the overall details of each record. To retrieve the full details and any associated lines for each record call the Organisation Retrieve Customer Account Record API endpoint.


  • A session must first be created in the API before calling the endpoint.
  • The organisation calling the endpoint must be connected to the "supplying" organisation that is facilitating the record searching.
  • The organisation calling the endpoint must be assigned to a customer account by the supplying organisation.
  • A maximum of 100 search requests can be made against a supplying organisation within the last 15 minutes. This ensures the supplying organisation is not flooded with too many requests.
  • It's recommended that the supplying organisation's returning the records may be sorting the records by the "most recent date created" by default. However some organisation systems may not be able to sort this way, with records appearing with no specific sorting.
  • The supplying organisation being called to perform the record search must have enough trading tokens to allow the searches to occur, as outlined in the Trading Tokens and Pricing document.
  • The supplying organisation being called to the perform the record search must have set up an integration with their own business system(s) to SQUIZZ.com, containing the customer account record data. This system must support receiving requests made by the SQUIZZ.com platform, as outlined in the Outgoing Request: Get Customer Account Enquiry Records endpoint. The SQUIZZ.com Connector software can be used by the supplying organisation to facilitate searching in their own business system. if the system does not provide its own web service or support the Ecommece Standards Documents standard.


HTTP URL https://api.squizz.com/rest/1/org/search_customer_account_records_esd/session_id  
Headers Data Type Mandatory
Content-Type STRING Yes
Parameters Data Type Mandatory
session_id STRING Yes
  ID of the API session. Place the session ID within the URL
supplier_org_id STRING Yes
  ID of the organisation on the SQUIZZ.com platform to obtain records from.
customer_account_code STRING Yes
  Code of the supplying organisation's customer account that records are associated to. The organisation calling this API endpoint must be assigned to this customer account by the supplying organisation.
record_type STRING Yes
  Type of records to obtain. Set to one of the following:
    List of invoice records that contain the amounts and overall detail of a confirmed purchase made by a customer.
    List of transaction records that contain records that have either debited or credited an amount against the customer account's balance.
    List of sales order records that contain the amounts and overall detail of a purchase being made by a customer.
    List of back order records that indicate orders that has been made to supplying organisations further up the supply chain to obtain  goods or services that were not immiately available when an associated sales order was raised against a customer.
    List of credit records that contain details and overall details of a credit that has been applied against a customer account. Each credit may reduce the balance of the customer account, such for returned goods, refunds, or credit adjustments.
    List of payment records that contain details and overall details of a payment that has been applied against a customer account. Each payment may reduce the balance of the customer account when money has been paid back to the supplying organisation to cover one or more invoices or sales orders.
begin_date_time LONG No
  Datetime to obtain records from. Datetime is set as milliseconds since the 01-01-1970 UTC epoch. If not set then it will default to 90 days before the current date and time. Ensure this date time occurs before the end_date_time parameter's value.
end_date_time LONG No
  Datetime to obtain records to. Datetime is set as milliseconds since the 01-01-1970 UTC epoch. If not set then it will default to to the current date and time.
pageNumber INTEGER No
  The page number to display records on. By default it is set to page 1.
records_max_amount INTEGER No
  Number of records to display per page. By default it is set to 100
outstanding_records ENUM(true,false) No
  If true then only obtain records that are outstanding or unpaid. Ignore if not given or empty. Typically only set to true when retrieving invoice records and wish to obtain invoices that are outstanding, not fully paid, or overdue.
key_record_ids STRING No
  Comma delimited list of records to find based on each record's keyRecordID. Ignore if not given or empty.
search_string STRING No
  Text used to search and match record data on. The field to search on is based on the search type given. If no value has been given against the search_type parameter then the records may be searched against the default field that the supplying business system wishes to use. Typically this would be the record's number or code, such as invoiceNumber, salesOrderNumber, paymentNumber etc... But this may vary between systems.
search_type STRING No
  The field within the records to search and match the search string on. Ignored if not given or empty. Note that not all record fields are supported by the supplying organisation systems to search on. This may vary per business system. The common search fields are:

HTTP Response

Response Data Type JSON
Response Body Returns serialized JSON of a ESDocumentCustomerAccountEnquiry document containing a list of customer account records for the given record type.
Parameters Data Type
resultStatus INTEGER
  If 1 then denotes a successful response has been returned. 0 or more records may have been found. If not 1 then indicates an error has occurred when trying to perform the search.
configs.result_code ENUM (SUCCESS or FAILURE)
  Either "SUCCESS" or "FAILURE". If successful then the data was imported into the platform against the organsiation.
configs.api_version DECIMAL
  Version of the SQUIZZ.com platform's API used to handle the request
configs.result_code STRING

Status code of trying to search for the customer account record data. The following codes could be returned:

    The record search successfully occurred, with 0 or more records being returned in the response.
    The supplier organisation with the given organisation ID could not be found or is not active within the platform. Check with the supplier organisation that their organisation ID issued by the platform is correct. 
    The organisation calling this endpoint is not connected to the supplying organisation, or the supplying organisation is not active.
    The session used to call the endpoint has expired, or never existed. Look at calling the Create Session endpoint to get another session ID.
    The record type specified in the record_type URL parameter is not valid or not given. Ensure the parameter contains one of the values, INVOICE, TRANSACTION, ORDER_SALE, CREDIT, PAYMENT or BACKORDER
    The supplier organisation has not assigned any customer account to the customer organisation. The supplier organiation needs to import and assign the customer organisation to a customer account to allow this endpoint to perform record searches.
    The supplier organisation has not assigned any customer account to the customer organisation. The supplier organiation needs to import and assign the customer organisation to a customer account.
    The amount of times that a request has been made to search for records against the supplying organisation has been reached, In the response's config object look at the search_wait_period to see how many minutes you need to wait before being able to make another search request again. This search limit exists to ensure that the supplying organisation's systems are not flooded with record search requests.

    The supplier organisation does not have enough trading tokens within the platform to allow the record searches to occur. The supplier organisation needs to purchase more trading tokens to allow further searches to take place. You may want to get in touch with the supplying organisation to advise them to top up their trading tokens balance.
    The content type set in the HTTP Request Header is missing or not correctly set to "application/json". Ensure that the body of the HTTP request also has the purchase order data set in the JSON dat format.
configs.search_wait_period STRING
  Amount of minutes that the organisation calling this endpoint needs to wait before being able to perform a search again. This is only relevant if the result is a failure.
invoiceRecords JSON ARRAY
  List of Customer Account Enquiry Invoice Records Each record contains limited overall details about each invoice record found. It will be set to null unless the record_type request parameter is set to INVOICE.
transactionRecords JSON ARRAY
  List of Customer Account Enquiry Transaction Records Each record contains limited overall details about each transaction record found. It will be set to null unless the record_type request parameter is set to TRANSACTION.
orderSaleRecords JSON ARRAY
  List of Customer Account Enquiry Sales Order Records Each record contains limited overall details about each sales order record found. It will be set to null unless the record_type request parameter is set to ORDER_SALE.
backOrderRecords JSON ARRAY
  List of Customer Account Enquiry Back Order Records Each record contains limited overall details about each back order record found. It will be set to null unless the record_type request parameter is set to BACKORDER.
creditRecords JSON ARRAY
  List of Customer Account Enquiry Credit Records Each record contains limited overall details about each credit record found. It will be set to null unless the record_type request parameter is set to CREDIT.
paymentRecords JSON ARRAY
  List of Customer Account Enquiry Payment Records Each record contains limited overall details about each payment record found.It will be set to null unless the record_type request parameter is set to PAYMENT.

Native Coding Library Examples:

PHP | .NET | Java

HTTP Response Example:

    "resultStatus": 1,
    "message": "",
        "result_status": "SUCCESS",

Search Invoice Customer Account Records

The Search Organisation Customer Account Records API endpoint can be called by one organisation to search for a list of invoice records from within another connected organisation's business system, where the invoice records are associated with a specified customer account of the supplying organisation.

The endpoint will return a list of Customer Account Enquiry Invoice records in the Customer Account Enquiry Ecommerce Standards Document (ESD) JSON data format that the retrieving organisation has been given access to, based on the customer account that the supplying organisation has assigned to the retreiving organisation.

Within the retrieved Customer Account Enquiry JSON document, each invoice record is conforms to the Customer Account Enquiry Invoice ESD Record format.

Native Coding Library Examples:

PHP | .NET | Java

HTTP Request Raw Example:

GET https://api.squizz.com/rest/1/org/search_customer_account_records_esd/3042EXAMPLEGSESSIONID342?supplier_org_id=1302EXAMPLEORGID&customer_account_code=ACCEG002&record_type=INVOICE&begin_date_time=1702818000000&end_date_time=1705511759983 HTTP/1.1
Host: api.squizz.com
Content-Type: application/json

HTTP Response Example:

Below is an example Customer Account Enquiry Invoice Document returned by the API endpoint.

 "version": 1.4,
 "resultStatus": 1,
 "message":"The customer account enquiry invoice data has been successfully obtained.",
 "dataTransferMode": "COMPLETE",
 "totalDataRecords": 2,
  "api_version": "",
  "result_code": "SERVER_SUCCESS",
  "search_wait_period": 15
   "totalExTax": 100.00,
   "totalIncTax": 110.00,
   "totalTax": 10.00,
   "totalPaid": 110.00,
   "balance": 0
   "invoiceNumber": "1234123",
   "creationDate": 1449132083084,
   "invoiceDate": 1449932083084,
   "dueDate": 1449932083084,
   "expectedDeliveryDate": 1449982083084,
   "deliveredDate": 1449982083084,
   "keyLocationID": "456",
   "locationCode": "LCT-456",
   "locationLabel": "Warehouse",
   "locationType": "WAREHOUSE",
   "referenceKeyID": "ORDER-123",
   "referenceType": "ORDER",
   "referenceNumber": "123-1234123",
   "customerReference": "PO-12345",
   "salesRepCode": "JD",
   "salesRepName": "John Doe",
   "deliveryContact": "Lee",
   "deliveryOrgName": "Lee's Business Pty Ltd",
   "billingContact": "Tom",
   "billingOrgName": "Lee's Business Pty Ltd",
   "taxNumber": "123 12332 123",
   "taxLabel": "GST",
   "taxRate": 10,
   "totalExTax": 100.00,
   "totalIncTax": 110.00,
   "totalTax": 10.00,
   "totalFreightIncTax": 11.00,
   "totalFreightExTax": 10.00,
   "totalExtraChargesIncTax": 1.10,
   "totalExtraChargesExTax": 1.00,
   "totalDiscountsIncTax": 220.00,
   "totalDiscountsExTax": 22.00,
   "totalLeviesIncTax": 22.00,
   "totalLeviesExTax": 20.00,
   "totalPaid": 50.00,
   "balance": 60.00,
   "currencyCode": "AUD",
   "totalQuantity": 3,
   "description": "",
   "language": "EN_AU"

Search Transaction Customer Account Records

The Search Organisation Customer Account Records API endpoint can be called by one organisation to search for a list of transaction records from within another connected organisation's business system, where the transaction records are associated with a specified customer account of the supplying organisation. Each transaction record defines the change in the customer account's balance, based on the type of transaction that has occurred. It may also indicate the type of record that is optionally linked to each transaction. The is the equivalance of looking at a bank statement to see the debits and credits made to a customer.

The endpoint will return a list of Customer Account Enquiry Transaction records in the Customer Account Enquiry Ecommerce Standards Document (ESD) JSON data format that the retrieving organisation has been given access to, based on the customer account that the supplying organisation has assigned to the retreiving organisation.

Within the retrieved Customer Account Enquiry JSON document, each transaction record conforms to the Customer Account Enquiry Transaction ESD Record format.

Native Coding Library Examples:

PHP | .NET | Java

Search Sales Order Customer Account Records

The Search Organisation Customer Account Records API endpoint can be called by one organisation to search for a list of sales order records from within another connected organisation's business system, where the sales order records are associated with a specified customer account of the supplying organisation. Each sales order record defines a sale made against the customer account, for one or more quantities of goods and services. The sale may, or may not have yet be converted into an invoice, with the sales order representing an intention by a customer to make a transaction.

The endpoint will return a list of Customer Account Enquiry Sales Order records in the Customer Account Enquiry Ecommerce Standards Document (ESD) JSON data format that the retrieving organisation has been given access to, based on the customer account that the supplying organisation has assigned to the retreiving organisation.

Within the retrieved Customer Account Enquiry JSON document, each sales order record conforms to the Customer Account Enquiry Order Sale ESD Record format.

Native Coding Library Examples:

PHP | .NET | Java

Search Back Order Customer Account Records

The Search Organisation Customer Account Records API endpoint can be called by one organisation to search for a list of back order records from within another connected organisation's business system, where the back order records are associated with a specified customer account of the supplying organisation. Each back order record outlines where the supplying organisation has not had the goods or services available that a customer had purchased, and the supplier has had to order the goods or services from their own supplier. Typically back orders are associated to a sales order or invoice record. Once a supplying organisation has received the goods and services it typically allows the back order to be closed, allowing corresponding sales orders or invoices to be completed.

The endpoint will return a list of Customer Account Enquiry Back Order records in the Customer Account Enquiry Ecommerce Standards Document (ESD) JSON data format that the retrieving organisation has been given access to, based on the customer account that the supplying organisation has assigned to the retreiving organisation.

Within the retrieved Customer Account Enquiry JSON document, each back order record conforms to the Customer Account Enquiry Back Order ESD Record format

Native Coding Library Examples:

PHP | .NET | Java

Search Credit Customer Account Records

The Search Organisation Customer Account Records API endpoint can be called by one organisation to search for a list of credit records from within another connected organisation's business system, where the credit records are associated with a specified customer account of the supplying organisation. Each credit record defines a monetary amount that has been credited back to a customer, that may occur if a customer has been over charged, returned goods or services, or cancelled a sales order or invoice that wsa previously paid for.

The endpoint will return a list of Customer Account Enquiry Credit records in the Customer Account Enquiry Ecommerce Standards Document (ESD) JSON data format that the retrieving organisation has been given access to, based on the customer account that the supplying organisation has assigned to the retreiving organisation.

Within the retrieved Customer Account Enquiry JSON document, each credit record conforms to the Customer Account Enquiry Credit ESD Record format.

Native Coding Library Examples:

PHP | .NET | Java

Search Payment Customer Account Records

The Search Organisation Customer Account Records API endpoint can be called by one organisation to search for a list of payment records from within another connected organisation's business system, where the payment records are associated with a specified customer account of the supplying organisation. Each payment record defines a monetary amount that has been paid by a customer against the customer account. A payment record may have been applied against one or more invoices, or sales orders, and provides a credit against the customer account balance.

The endpoint will return a list of Customer Account Enquiry Payment records in the Customer Account Enquiry Ecommerce Standards Document (ESD) JSON data format that the retrieving organisation has been given access to, based on the customer account that the supplying organisation has assigned to the retreiving organisation.

Within the retrieved Customer Account Enquiry JSON document, each payment record conforms to the Customer Account Enquiry Payment ESD Record format.

Native Coding Library Examples:

PHP | .NET | Java