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Personal Options And Settings

After signing up to the SQUIZZ.com platform there are a number of options and settings that you can configure to control information about yourself, as well as how you use the platform.


  1. Prerequisites
  2. Change Your Password
  3. Change Your Security Questions
  4. Change Your Personal Settings And Data
  5. Link An Email Address To You
  6. Change Your Primary Email Address
  7. Remove A Linked Email Address
  8. Forgot Your Password
  9. Delete Your Personal Account


Before reading on please ensure that you have understood the following topics:

Change Your Password

To change the password that you use to login to the SQUIZZ.com platform follow these steps below:

  1. Login to the SQUIZZ.com platform from the Home page or mobile app.
  2. Click on your profile image or name within the top header bar to open the Personal Options menu.
  3. Click on the Change Password menu item.
  4. Within the Change Password and Security Questions dialog in the Current Password textbox type in your current password.
  5. In the New Password textbox type in your new password.
  6. In the Confirm Password textbox type in your new password again.
  7. In the Update Security Questions drop down select the No option.
  8. Click on the Save button.

You password will be changed and the next time you login to the platform you will be able to type in your new password within the login form.

Change Your Security Questions

If you forget your password to login into the SQUIZZ.com platform, the only other way to login is to answer 2 security questions that you have set. To change these questions follow the steps below, note that you will have to also change your password at the same time.

  1. Login to the SQUIZZ.com platform from the Home page or mobile app.
  2. Click on your profile image or name within the top header bar to open the Personal Options menu.
  3. Click on the Change Password menu item.
  4. Within the Change Password and Security Questions dialog in the Current Password textbox type in your current password.
  5. In the New Password textbox type in your new password.
  6. In the Confirm Password textbox type in your new password again.
  7. In the Update Security Questions drop down select the Yes option.
  8. In the Security Question 1 textbox type a new question that only you know the answer to.
  9. In the Answer 1 textbox type in the answer to the question you set in step 8.
  10. In the Confirm Answer 1 textbox type in the same answer set in step 9.
  11. In the Security Question 2 textbox type in a second different question that only you know the answer to.
  12. In the Answer 2 textbox type in the answer to the second question you set in step 11.
  13. In the Confirm Answer 2 textbox type in the same answer set in step 12.
  14. Click on the Save button.

Your password and security questions will be updated. The next time you login into the platform you can type in the password, or answers to the security questions to login.

Change Your Personal Settings And Data

To change your personal data and settings on how you use the platform follow the steps below:

  1. Login to the SQUIZZ.com platform from the Home page or mobile app.
  2. Click on your profile image or name within the top header bar to open the Personal Options menu.
  3. Click on the Settings menu item.
  4. Within the Personal Settings dialog in the Title textbox type in your title or honorific that you are known by, for example Mrs., Mr., Dr., Pr.
  5. In the First Name textbox type in your new first name.
  6. In the Middle Name(s) textbox type in your names if you have any.
  7. In the Last Name textbox type in your last name, also known as your surname.
  8. In the Phone Number drop down choose the country that your personal phone number belongs to.
  9. In the Phone Number textbox type the number of your personal phone. Exclude the country code.
  10. In the Gender drop down choose your gender.
  11. In the Receive Notifications drop down choose Email Address if you allow the platform to send any non-essential emails to your primary email address. Set to No if you do not wish for any non-essential emails to be sent to you.
  12. In the Receive Notification Summary Email drop down choose how often you want to receive emails containing a summary of notification counts you have not read yet. The Receive Notifications must be set to Email Address for the summary to be emailed out, as well as the Receive Notification Summary Email drop down is set to any value except Never.
  13. In the Birth Year drop down select the year when you were born.
  14. Click on the Birth Date link, in the date picker find and click on your birthdate.
  15. In the State/Region/Province drop down choose the state, region, or province of the country that you reside in.
  16. In the Country drop down choose the country that you reside in.
  17. In the Time Zone drop down choose the time zone that you wish that dates and times within the platform show in. Choose Operating System Default to have the timezone set as the same as the operating system/device that you are accessing the platform. The operating system default is the recommended option since it will factor in time zone changes.
  18. In the Language drop down choose the language that the platform's text will display in.
  19. In the Personal Website textbox type in the URL of the website that relates to you personally. The website URL could be a URL of a profile in another social platform, or a website that you create for yourself.
  20. In the Play Sound For New Notifications set choose Yes if you wish for a sound to play each time a new notification is raised for you when logged into the platform. This sound can alert you when new notifications occur.
  21. In the Play Sound For New Conversation Messages set choose Yes if you wish for a sound to play each time a new message is posted within an open conversation when logged into the platform. This sound can alert you when new messages occur.
  22. Click on the Save button.

The personal data and settings will be updated, and the updated information may be shown to contacts and other people you have allowed to see the data based on linked Data Sharing Policies.

Link An Email Address To You

After signing up to the SQUIZZ.com platform you can link multiple Email addresses to yourself. These linked email addresses allow people to find and connect with you with the Email address that have previously communicated with you by. You may have many email addresses such as work Email addresses, educational email addresses, email addresses with several cloud providers, as well as old email addresses no longer used. By setting up linked Email addresses in the platform you increase the changes of another person being able to find and connect with you. To add a linked Email address follow these steps:

  1. Login to the SQUIZZ.com platform from the Home page or mobile app.
  2. Click on your profile image or name within the top header bar to open the Personal Options menu.
  3. Click on the Linked Email Addresses menu item.
  4. Within the Linked Email Addresses dialog, in the Email Address textbox type in the Email address that you wish to add.
  5. Click on the Verify button. An Email will be sent to the address that you just entered containing a verification code. This Email is used to verify that you are in control of the linked Email address.
  6. Within the Verify dialog type in the verification set within the Email you receive from step 5.
  7. Click on the OK button.

The Email address will be added to your linked Email addresses. If another person types in your linked email address into the Add Contact dialog, then the contact request will be sent to you.

Change Your Primary Email Address

To change the primary Email address that you use to login to the SQUIZZ.com platform the Email address must first have been added as a linked Email address. Once the Email address has been linked then follow these steps below to change your primary Email address:

  1. Login to the SQUIZZ.com platform from the Home page or mobile app.
  2. Click on your profile image or name within the top header bar to open the Personal Options menu.
  3. Click on the Linked Email Addresses menu item.
  4. Within the Linked Email Addresses dialog click on the Set As Primary Email link for the Email address that you wish to set as the primary address.

The linked Email address will now become the primary Email address that you use to login to the SQUIZZ.com platform. The previous primary Email address will be added as a linked Email address.

Remove A Linked Email Address

To remove an Email address you previously linked to yourself follow the steps below:

  1. Login to the SQUIZZ.com platform from the Home page or mobile app.
  2. Click on your profile image or name within the top header bar to open the Personal Options menu.
  3. Click on the Linked Email Addresses menu item.
  4. Within the Linked Email Addresses dialog click on the Remove link under the Email address you wish to remove.
  5. Within the Confirmation dialog click the OK button.

The linked Email address will be removed and people will no longer be able to connect with you by typing the removed Email address in the Add Contact dialog.

Forgot Your Password

After signing up to the SQUIZZ.com platform and trying to login the platform you forgot your password, then you will only be able to login if you can answer both your security questions correctly. To login to the platform using the Forgot Password feature follow these steps below:

  1. Open a web browser and go to https://www.squizz.com.
  2. Click on the Login button.
  3. Click on the Forgot Password button.
  4. In the Personal Email Address textbox type in your primary Email address that you login to the platform with.
  5. Click on the Check button.
  6. In the Answer 1 textbox type in the answer to your first security question.
  7. In the Answer 2 2 textbox type in the answer to your second security question.
  8. Click the Verify button. If your answers are correct then an Email will be sent to you containing a temporary password.
  9. Copy the temporary password sent to you.
  10. Go back to the home page and click on the Login button.
  11. In the Login Email textbox type in your primary Email address.
  12. In the password textbox type or copy the temporary password sent to you in the Forget Password textbox.
  13. Click on the Login button.

You will now be logged into the SQUIZZ.com platform again. We recommend that you then change your password so to ensure that you can remember for the next you try to login.

Delete Your Personal Account

If you no longer wish to have a personal account on SQUIZZ.com, then follow the steps below to permanently delete your account, sever all relationships with all people and organisations you had previously connected with. Note that this a permanent action and cannot be reversed once done.

Before doing so we highly recommend that you first do the following:

  • For any organisations that you are an administrator of first assign another person with the Administrator role of the organisation, otherwise the organisation may become unmanageable. If no other person is connected to the organisation then either have a person connect personally to the organisation, if there is no other person who can manage the organisation (such as if your organisation is a sole trader) then delete the organisation entirely. This avoids the organisation be found and cannot be interacted with by other people and organisations.
  • For any conversations you are assigned to, assign any other people relevant to those conversations. This allows those conversations to be accessed and carried on without you, ensuring they are still accessible if need be.

Note that when you delete your personal account from SQUIZZ.com all your personally identifiable information against your account will be deleted. However any personally identifiable information you previously shared with an organisation (such as within purchase and sales order transactions, feed posts) will still be stored and retained by the organisation, both within SQUIZZ.com platform's servers, as well as in that organisation's own business systems that holds that data. This historic data will be stored as per legal requirements with local government laws and regularions that your account was assigned against.

To permanently delete your personal SQUIZZ.com follow these steps:

  1. Login to the SQUIZZ.com platform from the Home page or mobile app.
  2. Click on your profile image or name within the top header bar to open the Personal Options menu.
  3. Click on the Delete From Squizz menu item.
  4. In the Are You Sure You Want To Be Deleted? dialog click on the OK button. An email address will be sent to your primary email address.
  5. Login/open your email inbox, within the email received copy the verification code.
  6. Back in the Are You Sure You Want To Be Deleted? dialog type the verification code and click on the Submit button.

Your personal account within SQUIZZ.com will be marked as deleted, all personal identifiable information will be deleted (except information previously shared with other organisations). All connections to other people and organisations on SQUIZZ.com will be removed. For any existing conversations, issues, feeds, and other shared aspects you were involved in your name will be replaced with the text "Person No Longer Exists".

We'll be sorry to see you go, but any time in the future you can sign up to SQUIZZ.com again and start again from scratch in utilising the platform.