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Data Export Types

Each of the adaptors within the Connector software export out data from the accounting/Enterprise Resource Planning(ERP)/business systems/data using a standard set of "Data Export Types". Each Data Export Type contains records that are specific to the export type. Below is a list of the different data exports types, and the data that is obtained in the data export.

Each of the data export types are based on the Ecommerce Standards Documents (ESD) specification, written by Squizz Pty Ltd, which allows data to be transferred between systems in a consistent, interoperable way.


  1. Prerequisites
  2. Data Export Types


Please make sure you have read through the Get Started/Overview and Connector Adaptors docments before continuing down this document.

Data Export Types

Data Export Type Description
Price Levels Contains a list of price level records. These are used to determine how many prices can be set for a product.
Taxcodes Contains a list of tax code records. These are used to determine the percentage of tax to apply on a product's price.
Payment Types Contains a list of payment type records. These are used to control the ways in which customers can pay to receive goods and services.
Products Contains a list of product records. Each product record describes the details of a product, such as code and description.
Product Pricing Contains a list of product pricing records. Each record contains a price of a product for a single price level.
Product Quantity Pricing Contains a list of product pricing records. Each record contains a price of a product for a single price level for a single quantity. This is used for quantity break, or volume discount based product pricing.
Product Attachments Contains a list of product attachment records. Each record contains information about a file that is associated with a product, including where the file is located. Using the records, the connector will upload the record as well as the file to the external Ecommerce system.
Product Images Contains a list of product image records. Each record contains information about an image file that is associated with a product, including where the file is located. Using the records, the connector will upload the record as well as resize, and upload the image file to the external Ecommerce system.
Product Attributes Contains a list of product attribute value records, and product attribute profile records. Each product attribute value record contains a single piece of data to describe a product. Each profile record contains a list of product attributes which allow attributes to be grouped together.
Categories Contains a list of category records. Each category record contains details of a category, as well as a list of products assigned to the category.
Product Combinations Contains a list of product combination profile records, and product combination records. Each product combination profile record contains a set of fields and values associated with the profile. Each product combination record associates a product with a set of profile field and values, and associates the products and combination mappings to a parent product.
Item Groups Contains a list of group records, with each group representing a number of products, labour, or download items asssociated to it.
Item Relations Contains a list of records that map one product, labour, or download record to another.
Location and Product Stock Contains a list of location records, and a list of product stock quantity records associated with locations. Each location record describes details of the location of a building, site, warehouse, or place. Each product stock quantity record associates a product to a stock quantity, that's available at a given location.
Makers Contains a list of maker records. Each record represents a maker or manufacturer who creates goods or services, including models that contain a collection of products that are assembled together to form a single object.
Maker Models Contains a list of maker model records. Each model record represents a collection of products are are assembled together to form a complete object. Each model record may have multiple attributes set against it, allowing any kind of additional information to be stored against the model.
Maker Model Mappings Contains a list of maker model mapping records. Each mapping allows a product, download or labour item to be assigned to a maker's model for a given category. These mappings allow multiple products to be assigned categories for each model, as well specifying the quantity of a product that is required for a model to be built. Each mapping can contain multiple attributes set against it, allowing any kind of additional information to be stored against mapping.
Product Flags Contains a list of flag records, and a list of product flag records. Each flag record contains details of a flag. Each product flag record associates a product to a flag.
Product Alternate Codes Contains a list of product alternate code records. Each record contains a code that is associated to a single product.
Product Stock Contains a list of product stock quantity records. Each record assigns a stock quantity that is available for a signle product.
Purchasers Contains a list of purchaser records. Each record contains details of a person or entity who buys, or manages supplier accounts.
Sales Representatives Contains a list of sales representatiive records. Each record contains details of a person or entity who sells, or manages customer accounts.
Sell Units Contains a list of sell unit records. Each record contains details on the way a product, labour, or download record are sold as. For example it defines that products can be sold in single units, in packs, containers, boxes, or other unique packages.
Surcharges Contains a list of surcharge records. Each record contains details on additional charges that may be applied when a customer is buying any goods and services.
Supplier Accounts Contains a list of supplier accounts records. Each records contains details of an account which identifies an organisation or entity where goods and services are purchased from. A customer account can be assigned to a purchaser.
Customer Accounts Contains a list of customer account records. Each record contains details of an account which people use to buy things with.An account is assigned to a price level to dicate the price for a product. A customer account can also be assigned to a sales representative, as well as to a number of payment types.
Product Account Pricing Contains a list of product pricing records. Each record contains a price of a product for a single price level, for a single quantity, for a single customer account. This is used for quantity break, or volume discount based product pricing that is specific to customer accounts (such as contract, promotional, or special pricing).
Customer Account Product Contracts Contains a list of customer account contract records. Each contact record describes the details and date period that the contract is valid for, as well as a list of customer accounts assigned to the contract, and a list of products assigned to the contract.
Customer Account Addresses Contains a list of customer account address records. Each address record describes the location of a single customer account that goods can be delivered to, or billed to.
Supplier Account Addresses Contains a list of supplier acount address records. Each address record describes the location of a single supplier account that goods can be delivered from, or billed from.
General Ledger Accounts Contains a list of general ledger account records. Each general ledger (GL) account record is used to record money earned or spent within an aspect of a business entity. For example one GL account may record all expenditure made during the operations of a business, another GL account may record the sales a business makes through day-to-day trading.
Currency Exchange Rates Contains a list of currency exchange rate records. Each currency exchange rate record contains the rate that determines how much it would cost to buy one currency with another. Each record contains one buying currency, and one selling currency. Either currency may be a fiat based currency or a digital currency, such as a crypto currency like Bitcoin.
Sales Orders Contains a list of sales order records. Each sales order record contains details of a sale being made by a customer to buy goods/services from a business.

Each of the data export types may include data that is linked to another data export, for example the Customer Accounts data export can contain salesrep IDs assigned to each account, of which the salesrep IDs are obtained from the Sales Representatives data export. These relationships are important when an adaptor has its data exports scheduled, to ensure external systems correctly obtain one data export before obtaining another export with dependent data. So in the example above an Ecommerce system would want to obtain the Sales Representatives data export, before trying to obtain the Customer Account data export, so it can validate the Salesrep IDs assigned against each customer account before importing the accounts into its system.

To see the dependencies of these relationships please click on the link below.