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Connecting to the Squizz Platform

Once the connector has been installed onto your machine and you have created an adaptor for your given accounting/Enterprise Resource Planning(ERP) system, you can then configure the adaptor to connect to the Squizz.com platform. With the Squizz.com platform configured and the adaptors accounting/ERP set, it will then allow the connector to access the Squizz.com platform through its Application Programming Interface (API) and push data from the accounting/ERP system as well as request data from the platform.


  1. Prerequisites
  2. Configure the Adaptor


Please make sure you have read through the Get Started/Overview before continuing down this document.
Additionally make sure you have setup an adaptor within the connector software.

Configure the Adaptor

To configure an adaptor to connect to the Squizz.com Platform follow these steps:

  1. Open the Connector application by clicking on its icon in the desktop or within the Windows start menu.
  2. Within the Adaptors and Messages tab, in the Adaptors panel, click the Adaptor button against the relevant adaptor.
  3. In the Adaptor Settings window click on the Squizz.com System Settings tab.
  4. Set the Squizz API URL field to the URL to connect to the Squizz.com API. Refer to Squizz.com's documentation to find out the URL.
  5. Set the Port field to 443, unless otherwise advised by Squizz.com.
  6. Set the Organisation ID field to the ID of the organisation within Squizz.com. Refer to Squizz.com's documentation to find out what your organisation's ID is.
  7. Set the API Key field to the API key that is associated with the organisation in Squizz.com. Refer to the Squizz.com documentation to find out what your key is.
  8. Set the API Password to be the password that has been set for the API key within Squizz.com
  9. Click  the Save Settings button.

The adaptor will now be able to push data to the Squizz.com platform, as well as receive data.