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Addon Connector Netsuite

The Netsuite ERP Addon Connector runs as a separate web service that connects to the Netsuite ERP system, to obtain and translate organisational data into standardised Ecommerce documents, allowing the data to be exported by the SQUIZZ.com Connector software.


The SQUIZZ.com Netsuite ERP Addon Connector is a separate application from the SQUIZZ.com Connector software, that allows several different types of data to be obtained from the Oracle Netsuite ERP cloud system and exported out from an organisation that has its data stored in the system. This addon connector exists because the Netsuite ERP contains several data structures that cannot be easily be exported, without highly customised logic being written to translate and standardise the data.

The SQUIZZ.com Netsuite ERP Addon Connector runs as a web service on Microsoft Windows operating systems (version 7/2012 and higher), that can be periodically called by the SQUIZZ.com Connector software to export and store data from Netsuite ERP.

Within the SQUIZZ.com Connector software a Generic adaptor can be configured using the SQUIZZ.com Netsuite ERP Addon Connector preset, that is configured to export data directly from the Netsuite ERP system itself, or call the Netsuite ERP Addon Connector to obtain, translate and export the data in standardised Ecommerce Standards Documents JSON data format.

The Netsuite ERP Addon Connector provides a web interface that allows its web service to be configured, based on a number of different settings that control how it communicates with the Netsuite API (Application Programming Interface), and how it reads data from its API. The web interface also allows credentials to be set up to limit how other software can talk to the addon connector.

SQUIZZ.com Netsuite ERP Addon Connector Web Service

The SQUIZZ.com Netsuite ERP Addon Connector gets installed as a Windows service that always runs within the background of Windows, regardless of any users who are currently logged into Windows at the time. This allows the addon connector software to be called by the SQUIZZ.com Connector software at any time to export Netsuite ERP data. Within the SQUIZZ.com Connector software It's recommended to set up scheduled data exports, that call the addon connector to export data at off peak times, to reduce the load on the Netsuite ERP system, as well as the computer running the addon connector software.

Data Export Endpoints

The SQUIZZ.com Netsuite ERP Addon Connector provides the following data export web service endpoints:

  • Sell Units
    Gets a unique list of sell units from the Netsuite ERP system, that represents the different ways quantities of products can be sold together as. The endpoint translate Netsuite ERP's unit of measures (UOM) records into sell unit records, and returns a Sell Unit Ecommerce Standards Document in the JSON data format. 
  • Product Sell Units
    Gets a list of active products from the Netsuite ERP system, and a list of sell units assigned to each product. It also indicates the sell unit that is the default for each product. This provides the data that outlines how different quantities of a product can be sold as distinct units, such as in "each", "pack", "box". The endpoint returns a Product Ecommerce Standards Document in the JSON data format. Note that the endpoint only returns the minimum amount of data for each product record, 
  • Product Price Level Unit Pricing
    Gets a list pricing records that outline the unit price for each active product, for each price level set up in Netsuite ERP system. This allows the base prices for products to be obtained, based on translating Netsuite ERP's price groups into price-levels. The endpoint returns a Price Ecommerce Standards Document in the JSON data format.
  • Product Price Level Quantity Break Pricing
    Gets a list pricing records that outline the quantity break (a.k.a volume discount) price for each active product, for each price level set up in Netsuite ERP system. This allows the quantity break prices for products to be obtained, based on translating Netsuite ERP's price groups into price-levels. The endpoint returns a Price Ecommerce Standards Document in the JSON data format.
  • Product Customer Account Pricing
    Gets a list pricing records that outline the tailored price for each active product, for specific customer accounts, set up in the Netsuite ERP system. This allows the specific pricing of products for individual customer accounts to be obtained, such as for contracts, promotions, and other deals put in place. This endpoint gets each of the item prices and pricing groups assigned to each customer account, checks to see if the item and group prices are greater than 0 and less than the account's assigned price-level price, and if so then export a pricing record that contains the price and quantity unique to the account. The endpoint returns a Price Ecommerce Standards Document in the JSON data format.
  • Product Combinations
    Gets both a list of product combination profiles (including fields, and field values), and product combinations. Product combinations allow a collection of products to be grouped together, and be represented by an overall parent product. From the parent product customers can then find a child product to select from by choosing from a combination of field option values, to determine a final product to purchase. One such example is where a customer could choose from colour and size to determine a clothing product to purchase. The endpoint uses Netsuite ERP's Custom Lists feature to determine the fields and field value options that can be chosen from. The assigning of these custom fields to "Matrix" type products in the Netsuite's ERP system determines the parent products. The child products are determined by being assigned to the parent matrix product and custom field values. The combination profiles are determined by finding matrix products that have the same custom fields assigned, and generating profiles from these same fields used, Each field name is concatenated together to make up the combination proflie name. The endpoint returns a Product Combination Ecommerce Standards Document in the JSON data format.
    Note that product could be assigned to multiple parent products in Netsuite's ERP system.
  • Price Levels
    Gets a unique list of price levels from the Netsuite ERP system, where price levels are used to store multiple prices against each product. The endpoint returns a Price Level Ecommerce Standards Document in the JSON data format. 
  • Categories
    Gets a list of categories from the Netsuite ERP system, and the products assigned to each category. Each category allows many active products to be assigned to it, and customers can navigate through tree of categories to find products that they are looking for. The endpoint translates Netsuite ERP system's Classifications feature into categories, and uses products assigned to each classification to determine the categories products should be assigend to. The endpoint determines how categories relate to each other by looking at the Classification name, and if the name has a colon delimiter " : " then it will split up the classification in separate categories, with the earlier delimited categories acting as the parent categories, and the furtherest delimited categories acting as a child categories. The endpoint returns a Category Ecommerce Standards Document in the JSON data format.
    Note that the endpoint only supports exporting out a single category tree.

Installation And Setup Steps

To install the SQUIZZ.com Netsuite ERP Addon Connector software and configure it with the SQUIZZ.com Connector software, check that the computer that the addon connector is being installed on meets the following prerequisites. If it does then follow the steps below:


  • Microsoft Windows Operating system. Version 7 or higher, or WIndows Server 2012 or higher.
  • Windows user with privileges to install Windows services
  • Microsoft.NET library version 4.6.1 or higher is installed.
  • Computer operating system drive contains at least 2 Gigabytes of available space.
  • Computer contains at least 1GB of RAM memory.
  • SQUIZZ.com Connector Host Service is installed.
  • SQUIZZ.com Connector application is installed.
  • Computer has network access to the internet.

SQUIZZ.com Netsuite ERP Addon Connector Installation and Setup Steps:

  1. On a computer running the Microsoft Windows operating system (version 7 or higher , or version 2012 or higher) open a web browser and download the installer file by clicking on this download link.
  2. Click on and run the installer file to install it on the computer. The Windows user you are logged in as must have permissions to install programs.
  3. Once the installer has successfully completed, open up the web browser from step 1 and enter the URL http://localhost:8083/ui/login to access the addon connector's login page.
  4. Type the default user name: user and password: changeit into the login form fields and press the enter key.
  5. Within the Settings page modify the values of the settings under the Connector Addon Web Service Settings section, as described within the Application Settings section displayed below. It's highly recommended to change the User Name, Password and Data Requests Require Authentication settings so that no other people can easily login to the addon connector and modify its settings.
  6. Click on the Save button to update the changes. If you change the Listen On Port Number or Host URL settings that the addon connector's web service runs on then you will need to change the URL from step 3 with the changed port number and website domain. If you change the User Name and Password settings then you wil need to repeat step 3 to login again with the updated credentials.
  7. In the Settings page under the PARts DB Settings section change the BrandID, Brand User and Brand Password settings based on the API credentials PARtsDB has provided to you. If you are unsure on these then contact PARtsDB to determine how to obtain these settings for its system.
  8. For the Get Maker Models Request URL setting, in the URL's CountryCodes set a delimited list of country codes of vehicles that you wish to retrieve from the PARtsDB system. Only vehicles within the countries list will be returned. Ask PARtsDB of the possible country values available.
  9. Click on the Save button to immediately have the the changes occur when the next time the addon connector's caching routines are run.

SQUIZZ.com Connector Configuration Steps

  1. Open up the SQUIZZ.com Connector application.
  2. WIthin the Adaptors and Messages tab, either create or use an existing Generic adaptor to handle running data exports that allow the SQUIZZ.com Netsuite ERp Addon Connector software to export data from the Netsuite system.
  3. Create a new or using an existing Generic adaptor that will be used to retrieve Netsuite data.
  4. Within the Load Adaptor Preset drop down choose the preset SQUIZZ.com Netsuite ERP Addon Connector and click on the Load button.
  5. Within the preset settings window, enter values into each of the preset;s settings. Ensure that the Netsuite API settings contain the same settings as defined in step 7 above in the previous section.
  6. The preset will configure the all of the data exports and data imports required to read and write data to Netsuite's system.
  7. Further customise the loaded data exports and data imports in the generic data as required. It will require you to have knowledge on how SOAP based web services work, how Netsuite's ERP system's SOAP based web service works, and how Netsuite's data structures and permissions work. Reference Netsuite ERP's SOAP web service documentation to find each of the data types and search structures that its system supports.

With the SQUIZZ.com Netsuite ERP Addon Connector installed and configured, and a SQUIZZ.com Connector software configured to talk to the Netsuite ERP Addon Connector, the configured Generic adaptor within the SQUIZZ.com Connector software can now run the data exports for the addon connector to communicate with the Netsuite ERP system's API, to retrieve the different data and have it exported. The Connector's Generic adaptor can then be used to export the data to either a Data Set, SQUIZZ.com or TOTECS platforms.

Application Settings

The following settings can be configured for the SQUIZZ.com Netsuite ERP Addon Connector web service, controlling different aspects on how it runs, and how it communicates and retrieves data from the Netsuite ERP API.

Setting Data Type Description
Connector Addon Web Service Settings
Host URL URL Sets the URL that the addon connector runs from and is accessible from. It's reocmmended to leave it as http://localhost unless there is a need to run it from a specific IP address or domain (typically only for remote access).
Listen On Port Number NUMBER (0 to 65535) Set the port number that the addon connector listens to incoming requests on. By default it is set to 8093. It is recommended to only change this number if a another piece of software is already running on the port number, or is a reserved port number, or there is more desirable port number to the software from. Changing this will require changes made to any saved bookmarks or other software that store URLs to the addon connector (such as the SQUIZZ.com Connector software).
User Name ANY CHARACTERS Set the name of the user used to login to the user interface of the addon connector, as well as for software to talk to the addon connector via its web service.
Password ANY CHARACTERS Set the name of the password used to login to the user interface of the addon connector, as well as for software to talk to the addon connector via its web service.
Data Requests Require Authentication YES,NO If set to Yes then both users and software calling the addon connector will need to authenticate first before being able to access and use the addon connector. It's recommended to set this to Yes to restrict access to the addon connector.
Log Date Format DATETIME STRING Set a .NET formatted date time string that specifies how dates shown in logs appear within the addon connector's console.
Netsuite ERP Settings
Netsuite Account Code ANY CHARACTERS Code of the Netsuite Account that contains the data that needs to be accessed and retrieved.
Netsuite Currency Code LETTERS 3 character code of the currency that pricing data is stored as against the Netsuite acocunt
Netsuite API URL URL Set the protocol and domain used by the addon-connector to connect to and communicate with the Netsuite ERP system's API. Contact Netsuite to determine the API URL.
Netsuite API Version NUMBERS, UNDERSCORES Version of the Netsuite API that should be used to communicate with it.
API Consumer Key ANY CHARACTERS Set the Consumer Key which is used to pass authentication checks with the Netsuite ERP's API. This requires that API credentials have been set up in the Netsuite ERP against the account used.
API Consumer Secret ANY CHARACTERS Set the Consumer Secret which is used to pass authentication checks with the Netsuite ERP's API. This requires that API credentials have been set up in the Netsuite ERP against the account used.
API Token ID ANY CHARACTERS Set the Token ID which is used to pass authentication checks with the Netsuite ERP's API. This requires that API credentials have been set up in the Netsuite ERP against the account used.
API Token Secret ANY CHARACTERS Set the Token Secret which is used to pass authentication checks with the Netsuite ERP's API. This requires that API credentials have been set up in the Netsuite ERP against the account used.