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ESDRecordOrderSale Class

Ecommerce Standards Record that holds data for a single sales order. A sales order indicates an intent of a customer account to make a purchase.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  EcommerceStandardsDocuments
Assembly:  EcommerceStandardsDocuments.Library (in EcommerceStandardsDocuments.Library.dll) Version: (

The ESDRecordOrderSale type exposes the following members.

Public methodESDRecordOrderSale
Public propertyaccountDiscountRate
Percentage rate discounted off the order monetary total based on the discount assigned to the order's customer account.
Public propertyaccountTerritory
Territory associated with the customer account
Public propertybillingAddress1
First address field associated with the billing of the order.
Public propertybillingAddress2
Second address field associated with the billing of the order.
Public propertybillingAddress3
Third address field associated with the billing of the order.
Public propertybillingContact
Name of the contact person at the address associated with the billing of the order.
Public propertybillingCountryCodeISO2
Code of the country of the address associated with the billing of the order as a two digit code set by the ISO standards.
Public propertybillingCountryCodeISO3
Code of the country of the address associated with the billing of the order as a three digit code set by the ISO standards.
Public propertybillingCountryName
Name of the country of the address associated with the billing of the order.
Public propertybillingDescription
Description of the address associated with the billing of the order.
Public propertybillingEmail
Email address at the address associated with the billing of the order.
Public propertybillingFax
Fax number at the address associated with the billing of the order.
Public propertybillingOrgName
Name of the organisation that the orders goods are being billing to
Public propertybillingPhone
Phone number at the address associated with the billing of the order.
Public propertybillingPostcode
Postcode of the address associated with the billing of the order.
Public propertybillingRegionName
Name of the region/state/province of the address associated with the billing of the order.
Public propertycreatedDate
Date that the order was created. Date is in the form of a number in milliseconds since the 01-01-1970 12:00am Epoch in UTC time-zone
Public propertycurrencyISOCode
Currency that all monetary amounts of the order are set with. This currency code must be the 3 digit ISO currency code.
Public propertycustomerAccountCode
Code of the customer account, may or not be a unique identifier of the account.
Public propertycustomerAccountName
Name of the customer account
Public propertycustomerAuthorityNumberLabels
list of Labels set for the customer authority numbers. Ensure that the array length is the same as the authorityNumbers property, or left empty
Public propertycustomerAuthorityNumbers
Authority numbers of the customer of the order.
Public propertycustomerAuthorityNumberTypes
list of authority number types matching the customer authority numbers. If set, must use the ESDocumentConstants that are prefixed with "AUTHORITY_NUM_". Ensure that the array length is the same as the authorityNumbers property, or left empty.
Public propertycustomerEntity
Customer entity buying the order. Set it to one of the constants in the ESDocumentConstants class prefixed with ENTITY_TYPE_
Public propertycustomerOrgName
Name of the organisation who is the customer of the order.
Public propertycustomerPersonName
Name of the person who is the customer of the order.
Public propertydeliveryAddress1
First delivery address field that the ordered goods are being delivered to
Public propertydeliveryAddress2
Second delivery address field that the ordered goods are being delivered to
Public propertydeliveryAddress3
Third delivery address field that the ordered goods are being delivered to
Public propertydeliveryContact
Name of the contact person at the address that the ordered goods are being delivered to
Public propertydeliveryCountryCodeISO2
Code of the country at the address that the ordered goods are being delivered to as a 2 digit code set by ISO standards.
Public propertydeliveryCountryCodeISO3
Code of the country at the address that the ordered goods are being delivered to as a 3 digit code set by ISO standards.
Public propertydeliveryCountryName
Name of the country at the address that the ordered goods are being delivered to
Public propertydeliveryDescription
Description of the address that the ordered goods are being delivered to
Public propertydeliveryEmail
Email of the contact person at the address that the ordered goods are being delivered to
Public propertydeliveryFax
Fax number at the address that the ordered goods are being delivered to
Public propertydeliveryOrgName
Name of the organisation that the orders goods are being delivered to
Public propertydeliveryPhone
Phone number at the address that the ordered goods are being delivered to
Public propertydeliveryPostcode
Post code of the address that the ordered goods are being delivered to
Public propertydeliveryRegionName
Name of the region/state/province at the address that the ordered goods are being delivered to
Public propertydispatchedDate
Date that the order's goods were sent out. Date is in the form of a number in milliseconds since the 01-01-1970 12:00am Epoch in UTC time-zone
Public propertydrop
Data Record OPeration. Denotes an operation that may need to be performed on the record when it is being processed. Set null, or set it to one of the ESD_RECORD_OPERATION constants in the ESDocumentConstants class to allow the record to be inserted, updated, deleted, or ignored.
Public propertyeCommerceSystemID
ID of the associated Ecommerce system where the order was created. Ideally each system sets its own unique identifier, formatted such as ORG_NAME.SYSTEM_NAME
Public propertyeCommerceUserID
ID of the user in the associated Ecommerce system where the order was created.
Public propertyeCommerceUserName
Name of the user in the associated Ecommerce system where the order was created. Ideally this is set to a label of the user, and not the credentials used for a user to login (since that could be a security issue passing around such information).
Public propertyemail
Email address set for the order.
Public propertyexternalKeyLocationID
key of the external location where the products for the order can be found. This external location may be the location where goods are being delivered to or held at.
Public propertyexternalLocationCode
Code of the external location. This external location may be the location where goods are being delivered to or held at.
Public propertyexternalLocationName
Name of the external location. This external location may be the location where goods are being delivered to or held at.
Public propertyfreightCarrierAccountCode
Code of the account in the freight carrier's system
Public propertyfreightCarrierCode
Code of the freight carrier delivering the ordered goods
Public propertyfreightCarrierConsignCode
Consignment code issued by the freight carrier to delivery the ordered goods
Public propertyfreightCarrierName
Name of the freight carrier delivering the orders goods
Public propertyfreightCarrierServiceCode
Code of the service provided by the freight carrier to deliver the ordered goods
Public propertyfreightCarrierTrackingCode
Code to track the freight carrier delivering the ordered goods
Public propertyfreightSystemRefCode
Reference code to the system used to process the freight order
Public propertyinstructions
Text describing instructions on how to handle the order.
Public propertyinternalID
Stores an identifier that is relevant only to the system referencing and storing the record for its own needs.
Public propertyisDropship
Either 'N'-No or 'Y'-Yes If 'Y' then indicates that the order is being supplied by a different entity from supplier assigned to the order.
Public propertyisMultiLocation
Either 'N'-No or 'Y'-Yes If 'Y' then indicates that the ordered goods are to be obtained across multiple locations.
Public propertyisProductsDelivered
Either 'N'-No or 'Y'-Yes If 'Y' then indicates that all products for the order have been delivered.
Public propertykeyCustomerAccountID
Key of the customer account record that is assigned to the order. The customer indicates the purchaser of the order.
Public propertykeyLocationID
key of the location where the products for the order can be found.
Public propertykeyPaymentTypeID
Key of the payment type record that is associated to the payment. The payment type record indicates how the payment was made for the order.
Public propertykeySalesOrderID
Key that allows the sale order record to be uniquely identified and linked to.
Public propertykeySalesRepID
Key of the sales representative record linked to the order.
Public propertylines
List of lines set to the order
Public propertylocationCode
Code of the location that the order's products are to be picked/packed/delivered/managed from by default.
Public propertylocationName
Name of the location that the order's products are to be picked/packed/delivered/managed from by default.
Public propertymodifiedDate
Date that the order was last modified. Date is in the form of a number in milliseconds since the 01-01-1970 12:00am Epoch in UTC time-zone
Public propertypaymentAmount
Monetary amount already paid for the order.
Public propertypaymentMethod
Method on how the order is being paid for. The field must be set to one of the class's constants prefixed by PAYMENT_METHOD_
Public propertypaymentProprietaryCode
Code the proprietary system that is used as the payment method for the order.
Public propertypaymentReceipt
Number that contains a reference to the payment applied against the order
Public propertypayments
List of payments set to the order
Public propertypaymentStatus
Status indicating how the order has been paid for. Set it to one of the constants in the class prefixed with PAYMENT_STATUS_
Public propertyprocessedDate
Date that the order was processed. Date is in the form of a number in milliseconds since the 01-01-1970 12:00am Epoch in UTC time-zone
Public propertypurchaseOrderNumber
Number of the purchase order that may be associated to the sales order. This may be used for referencing purposes.
Public propertypurchaserSystemCode
Code of the system that the purchasing entity stores its data within.
Public propertypurchaserSystemID
ID of the system that the purchasing entity stores its data within.
Public propertypurchaserSystemName
Name of the system that the purchasing entity stores its data within.
Public propertyreceivedDate
Date that the order's goods were received by the purchaser. Date is in the form of a number in milliseconds since the 01-01-1970 12:00am Epoch in UTC time-zone
Public propertysalesOrderCode
Code of the sales order, may or may not be a unqiue indentifier
Public propertysalesOrderNumber
Number of the sales order, may or may not be a unique identifier
Public propertysalesRepCode
Code of the sales representative.
Public propertysalesRepIndividual
Either 'N'-No or 'Y'-Yes If 'Y' then indicates that the sales representative is an individual person.
Public propertysalesRepName
Name of the sales representative.
Public propertysellerSystemCode
Code of the system that the selling entity stores its data within.
Public propertysellerSystemID
ID of the system that the selling entity stores its data within.
Public propertysellerSystemName
Name of the system that the selling entity stores its data within.
Public propertysentDate
Date that the order was sent
Public propertyshippingMethod
Either 'N'-No or 'Y'-Yes If 'Y' then indicates that the ordered goods are to be obtained across multiple locations.
Public propertysurcharges
List of surcharge lines set to the order
Public propertytotalDownloads
Total number of download lines in the order
Public propertytotalLabour
Total number of labour lines in the order
Public propertytotalLines
Total number of lines in the order.
Public propertytotalPriceExTax
Total monetary price of the order exclusive of tax
Public propertytotalPriceIncTax
Total monetary price of the order inclusive of tax
Public propertytotalPriceUndiscountedExTax
Total monetary amount of the order before discounts were applied, exclusive of taxes. This amount may be useful when showing discounts applied to an order.
Public propertytotalPriceUndiscountedIncTax
Total monetary amount of the order before discounts were applied, inclusive of taxes. This amount may be useful when showing discounts applied to an order.
Public propertytotalPriceUndiscountedTax
Total monetary amount of taxes applied to the order before discounts were applied. This amount may be useful when showing discounts applied to an order.
Public propertytotalProducts
Total number of product lines in the order
Public propertytotalSurchargeExTax
Total monetary amount of surcharges applied to the order exclusive of taxes
Public propertytotalSurchargeIncTax
Total monetary amount of surcharges applied to the order inclusive of taxes
Public propertytotalSurchargeItems
Total number of surcharges applied to the order
Public propertytotalSurchargeTax
Total monetary amount of taxes applied to surcharges in the order
Public propertytotalTax
Total monetary amount of taxes applied to the order
Public propertytotalVolume
Total volume of the ordered goods
Public propertytotalVolumeMeasureCode
Code of the unit of measure for the volume. Set it to a constant prefixed with UNIT_MEASURE_VOLUME_ in the ESDocumentConstants class
Public propertytotalWeight
Total weight of the ordered goods
Public propertytotalWeightMeasureCode
Code of the unit of measure for the weight. Set it to a constant prefixed with UNIT_MEASURE_MASS_ in the ESDocumentConstants class
Public methodconvertToCustomerAccountEnquiryOrderSaleRecord
Converts the order sale record into a customer account enquiry order sale record
Public methodsetDefaultValuesForNullMembers
sets default values for members that have no values set
Public fieldinvoiceNumbers
List of the invoice numbers linked to this sales order.
Public fieldStatic memberPAYMENT_METHOD_ACCOUNT
ACCOUNT - A payment will be assigned to a customer account and paid based on the agreed payment terms
COD - Payment will be made with cash when the goods are delivered to the delivery location
Public fieldStatic memberPAYMENT_METHOD_CREDIT
CREDITCARD - A payment was made with a credit card
DIRECTDEPOSIT - Payment has been made with a direct bank transfer
Public fieldStatic memberPAYMENT_METHOD_NONE
NONE - No payment was made or needed
PROPRIETARY - A payment was made using a proprietary payment system. PayPal could be one example of this.
Public fieldStatic memberPAYMENT_METHOD_QUOTE
QUOTE - No payment was made as a quote was only required
Public fieldStatic memberPAYMENT_METHOD_UNPAID
UNPAID - No payment was received as yet
Public fieldStatic memberPAYMENT_STATUS_DECLINED
DECLINED - A payment failed when trying to be paid
NONREQUIRED - No payment is required to pay for the order
Public fieldStatic memberPAYMENT_STATUS_PAID
PAID - The order has been paid
Public fieldStatic memberPAYMENT_STATUS_PENDING
PENDING - A payment is currently in the process of being paid for, or is waiting on a process to complete
Public fieldStatic memberPAYMENT_STATUS_UNPAID
UNPAID - The order has not been paid for
See Also