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ESDRecordCustomerAccountEnquiryQuote Class

Ecommerce Standards record that contains the data of a single quote that can be queried for a customer account. A quote record contains information about items that need to be confirmed and priced for a customer account. The account enquiry aspect denotes that the record may be queried in real time and contain additional information associated with the record.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  EcommerceStandardsDocuments
Assembly:  EcommerceStandardsDocuments.Library (in EcommerceStandardsDocuments.Library.dll) Version: (

The ESDRecordCustomerAccountEnquiryQuote type exposes the following members.

Public methodESDRecordCustomerAccountEnquiryQuote
Initializes a new instance of the ESDRecordCustomerAccountEnquiryQuote class
Public propertybalance
Total monetary amount still to be paid for the quote
Public propertybillingAddress1
First address field of the billing address set for the quote.
Public propertybillingAddress2
Second address field of the billing address set for the quote.
Public propertybillingAddress3
Third address field of the billing address set for the quote.
Public propertybillingContact
Name of the contact person at the address associated with the billing of the quote.
Public propertybillingCountry
Name of the country that the quote is being billed to.
Public propertybillingCountryCodeISO2
Code of the country at the billing address as a 2 digit code set by ISO standards.
Public propertybillingCountryCodeISO3
Code of the country at the billing address as a 3 digit code set by ISO standards.
Public propertybillingOrgName
Name of the organisation that the quoted goods are to be billed to
Public propertybillingPostcode
Post code at the billing address
Public propertybillingStateProvince
Name of the region/state/province that the quote is being billed to.
Public propertycomment
Text that contains additional comments that have been made for the quote
Public propertycreationDate
Date that the quote record was created. Date is in the form of a number in milliseconds since the 01-01-1970 12:00am Epoch in UTC time-zone
Public propertycurrencyCode
ISO currency code that denotes the currency that all monetary amounts stored in the quote with
Public propertycustomerAccountCode
Code of the customer account assigned to the quote.
Public propertycustomerReference
Text, number or code that the customer uses to identify the quote record. This could be the customer's purchase order order, supplier invoice code, or an other identifier.
Public propertydeliveryAddress1
First address field that the quote is being delivered to.
Public propertydeliveryAddress2
Second address field that the quote is being delivered to.
Public propertydeliveryAddress3
Third address field that the quote is being delivered to.
Public propertydeliveryContact
Name of the contact person at the address that the quoted goods are to be delivered to
Public propertydeliveryCountry
Name of the country that the quote is being delivered to.
Public propertydeliveryCountryCodeISO2
Code of the country at the address that the quoted goods are to be delivered to as a 2 digit code set by ISO standards.
Public propertydeliveryCountryCodeISO3
Code of the country at the address that the quoted goods are to be delivered to as a 3 digit code set by ISO standards.
Public propertydeliveryOrgName
Name of the organisation that the quoted goods are to be delivered to
Public propertydeliveryPostcode
Post code of the address that the quoted goods are to be delivered to
Public propertydeliveryStateProvince
Name of the state/province/region that the quote is being delivered to.
Public propertydescription
Text that describes any information associated with the quote
Public propertydrop
Data Record OPeration. Denotes an operation that may need to be performed on the record when it is being processed. Set null, or set it to one of the ESD_RECORD_OPERATION constants in the ESDocumentConstants class to allow the record to be inserted, updated, deleted, or ignored.
Public propertyexpectedDeliveryDate
Date that the quoted goods/services are expected to be delivered. Date is in the form of a number in milliseconds since the 01-01-1970 12:00am Epoch in UTC time-zone
Public propertyexpiryDate
Date that the quote expires is no longer valid. Date is in the form of a number in milliseconds since the 01-01-1970 12:00am Epoch in UTC time-zone
Public propertyfreightCarrierAccountCode
Code of the account in the freight carrier's system
Public propertyfreightCarrierCode
Code of the freight carrier who is quoted to deliver the requested goods
Public propertyfreightCarrierConsignCode
Consignment code issued by the freight carrier who is quoted to deliver the requested goods
Public propertyfreightCarrierName
Name of the freight carrier who is quoted to deliver the requested goods
Public propertyfreightCarrierServiceCode
Code of the service provided by the freight carrier who is quoted to deliver the requested goods
Public propertyfreightCarrierTrackingCode
Code to track the freight carrier who is quoted to deliver the requested goods
Public propertyfreightSystemRefCode
Reference code to the system used to process the freight
Public propertyinternalID
Stores an identifier that is relevant only to the system referencing and storing the record for its own needs.
Public propertykeyCustomerAccountID
Key of the customer account record assigned to the quote.
Public propertykeyLocationID
Key of the location record associated to the quote.
Public propertykeyQuoteID
Key that allows the customer account invoice record to be uniquely identified and linked to.
Public propertylanguage
Language that all text is described in. Set it to one of the LANG constants in the ESDocumentConstants class
Public propertylines
List of lines in the quote
Public propertylocationCode
Code of the location associated to the quote.
Public propertylocationLabel
Label of the location associated to the quote.
Public propertylocationType
The type of location associated to the quote. Set it to one of the LOCATION_TYPE constants in the ESDocumentConstants class
Public propertyquoteDate
Date set to the quote. Date is in the form of a number in milliseconds since the 01-01-1970 12:00am Epoch in UTC time-zone
Public propertyquoteID
ID that allows the quote to be identified with. May or may not be unique.
Public propertyquoteNumber
Number that is associated to the quote. This number can be used for referencing purposes.
Public propertyreferenceKeyID
Key of an entity that is linked to the quote as a reference. A Reference could be an ID of a record such as a quote or invoice
Public propertyreferenceNumber
Number that provides a reference to the quote.
Public propertyreferenceType
Type of entity that is linked to the quote as a reference. A Reference could be a record such as a quote or invoice
Public propertysalesRepCode
Code of the sales representative associated to the quote.
Public propertysalesRepName
Name of the sales representative associated to the quote.
Public propertytaxLabel
Label of the taxes assigned to the quote's total
Public propertytaxNumber
Tax number displayed on the quote
Public propertytaxRate
Percentage amount of tax that the applied to the quote's total
Public propertytotalDiscountsExTax
Total monetary amount of discounts exclusive of tax discounted off the quote's total
Public propertytotalDiscountsIncTax
Total monetary amount of discounts inclusive of tax discounted off the quote's total
Public propertytotalExTax
Total monetary amount of the quote excluding taxes
Public propertytotalExtraChargesExTax
Total monetary amount of extra charges exclusive of tax applied to the quote's total
Public propertytotalExtraChargesIncTax
Total monetary amount of extra charges inclusive of tax applied to the quote's total
Public propertytotalFreightExTax
Total monetary amount of freight excluding tax applied to the quote's total
Public propertytotalFreightIncTax
Total monetary amount of freight inclusive of tax applied to the quote's total
Public propertytotalIncTax
Total monetary amount of the quote including taxes
Public propertytotalLeviesExTax
Total monetary amount of levies exclusive of tax applied to the quote's total
Public propertytotalLeviesIncTax
Total monetary amount of levies inclusive of tax applied to the quote's total
Public propertytotalPaid
Total monetary amount paid for the quote
Public propertytotalQuantity
Total quantity across all the quote lines
Public propertytotalTax
Total monetary amount of tax applied to the quote's total
See Also