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ESDRecordOrderProductDelivery Properties

The ESDRecordOrderProductDelivery type exposes the following members.

Public propertydeliveryCode
Code of the delivery. May or may not be a unique identifier
Public propertydeliveryDate
Date that the products were delivered. Date is in the form of a number in milliseconds since the 01-01-1970 12:00am Epoch in UTC time-zone
Public propertydeliveryLineCode
Code of the line in the delivery. May or may not be a unique identifier
Public propertydrop
Data Record OPeration. Denotes an operation that may need to be performed on the record when it is being processed. Set null, or set it to one of the ESD_RECORD_OPERATION constants in the ESDocumentConstants class to allow the record to be inserted, updated, deleted, or ignored.
Public propertyinternalID
Stores an identifier that is relevant only to the system referencing and storing the record for its own needs.
Public propertyinvoiceCode
Code of the invoice that the product delivery is associated with.
Public propertyinvoiceLineCode
Code of the line in the invoice that the product delivery is associated with.
Public propertyquantity
Quantity of product units delivered
See Also